06/02/2020 Conservation Commission/ IWWA Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

June 3, 2020 Subject to Approval

Call to order: 7:30

Roll call: Chair M. Winters, Vice Chair J. Morrison, J. Campolieta, J. Levy, K. McCusker, and C. Haldeman were present. Also present was Wetlands Agent T. Hazel.
D. Eaton, and G. Gritzmacher, were absent.

Application 20-03- Robert and Stephanie Carrol, 62 West Mountain Road, Installation of an above ground pool in the upland review. The applicant and the commission discussed the proximity of the pool in relation to the wetlands and the topography of the site. They also discussed the elevation of the pool in relation to any watercourses present. It was also stated that back wash and seasonal draw downs should be done across turf and not into any drains with lowest possible levels of chlorine present.
Motion was made that this was a regulated activity by K. McCusker and seconded by J. Levy. All voted in favor (6-0-0)
Motion was made that the activity did not represent a significant activity by K. McCusker and seconded by J. Levy. All voted in favor (6-0-0)
Motion to approve with standard conditions the application was made by K. McCusker and seconded by J. Campolieta. All voted in favor of approval (6-0-0).

Application 20-04 – Ronald and Mary Ellan Pollack, 26 Res Stone Drive, Installation of an above ground pool in the upland review. The applicant and the commission discussed the proximity of the pool in relation to the wetlands and the topography of the site. They also discussed the elevation of the pool in relation to any watercourses present. It was also stated that back wash and seasonal draw downs should be done across turf and not into any drains with lowest possible levels of chlorine present.

Motion was made that this was a regulated activity by J. Levy and seconded by C. Haldeman. All voted in favor (6-0-0)

Motion was made that the activity did not represent a significant activity by J. Levy and seconded by C. Haldeman. All voted in favor (6-0-0)

Motion to approve the application with standard conditions was made by J. Levy and seconded by C. Haldeman. All voted in favor of approval (6-0-0).

Application 20-05 - Tim Carlson, 70 Simsbury Manor Drive, Installation of an inground pool in the upland review. The commission was concerned about excavated materials and the possible need to de water the materials. Also, if stored on sight for a period of time that proper erosion and sediment controls be put in place. The applicant described the post installation grading around the pool and informed the commission that the pool would be salt water not chlorine. The commission informed the applicant about any back washing or draw downs should be done over turf with the lowest salinity levels possible.

Motion was made that this was a regulated activity by K. McCusker and seconded by J. Campolieta. All voted in favor (6-0-0)

Motion was made that the activity did not represent a significant activity by K. McCusker and seconded by J. Campolieta. All voted in favor (6-0-0)

Motion was made to approve the application was made by K. McCusker and seconded by J. Levy. All voted in favor of approval (6-0-0).

Approval of Minutes: March 18, 2020 minutes
Motion was made to approve them as corrected by J. Campolieta and was seconded by J. Levy. All voted in favor (6-0-0).

General Business: Discussion to allow the Wetlands Agent take approval action on minor activities as allowed under State Statute. All were in agreement to allow such actions.

Conservation Commission Duty Work: A discussion in regards to the Meadow Woods Open Space acquisition was discussed and the request for a recommendation from the commission to the Board of Selectman be drafted, reviewed and submitted in the coming weeks.
Also, updates were given in regards to the Parks and Recreation plan for open space maintenance. A draft plan has been going around for reviews and changes and appeared to be getting close to finalization.

Adjournment: At 8:21PM
Motion was made a to adjourn the meeting by J. Campolieta and seconded by K. McCusker all voted in favor (6-0-0).