Historic District Commission Minutes 06/07/2018

Meeting date: 
Thursday, June 7, 2018


JUNE 7, 2018





I.             CALL TO ORDER


The Regular Meeting of the Historic District Commission was called to order at 7:35 P.M. in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices, 933 Hopmeadow Street.  Also in attendance was Karen Haberlin, Commission Clerk.



II.            ROLL CALL


Commission members present were Julie Carmelich, Marguerite Carnell, Heather Goetz, Patricia Hyyppa and Dianne Mead.


                1.            Appointment of Alternates

Ms. Carnell appointed Julie Carmelich to serve as a voting member.





                1.            None




                1. Update handbook

Ms. Carnell began the discussion by referring Commission members to Mr. Glidden’s outline of areas needing specifics.  Beginning with Technology or Alternative Energy, there was discussion about solar panels, their placement and how to regulate them.  Whether there are any federal mandates about that was questioned.  Ms. Carnell noted the following language used in the West Hartford Handbook: “It’s understood that no application for COA for an exterior architectural feature, such as a solar energy system, designed for the utilization of renewable resources, shall be denied unless the HDC finds that the feature cannot be installed without substantially impairing the historic character and appearance of the District.”  There was agreement that similar language should be used.  It was noted this language leaves room for interpretation and flexibility.  Ms. Carnell added they should find out what statutes or regulations exist that apply to this area.  There was also agreement with the language used in the South Windsor Handbook regarding solar panels, mechanical units and other utilities.  It was noted that language gives more guidance.  It was further noted that clarification on whether the Commission can deny solar panels is needed from Mr. Glidden.  Under Screening, there was discussion on vegetation versus fencing and what can be enforced.  It was agreed that this is an area to be further discussed with Mr. Glidden.  For Alternative or Substitute Materials, examples of wording used in other handbooks were discussed.  It was agreed that use of the phrase, “generally not permitted” should be used.  The topic of hardship was discussed.  Also discussed was replacing like materials with like materials, or damaged material in kind.  There was agreement that the period of significance should be kept more vague by not spelling out when that period ends with a specific date, as in,  1940.  Under Site Development Features, it was agreed clarification is needed from Mr. Glidden regarding landscaping.  There was brief discussion regarding mailboxes, walkways, driveways, utility lines and signs, with agreement each element will be discussed one at a time.





                May 3, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes

On Line 46, add the word “colored” after “Light”.


MOTION: Ms. Carnell moved to approve the Minutes from the May 3, 2018 Regular Meeting as amended.   Ms. Mead seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.




Ms. Carnell moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 P.M.  Ms. Carmelich seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.



Respectfully Submitted,


Karen Haberlin

Commission Clerk