Planning Commission Minutes 07/24/2018

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, July 24, 2018



TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2018




I.             CALL TO ORDER  - Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

1.            Pledge of Allegiance


II.            ROLL CALL

Present:               Regular Members, William Rice, Alan Needham, Craig MacCormac, David Blume, Holly Beum, Erin Leavitt-Smith Alternate: Richard Cortes and  Elizabeth Burt      

Absent:                Alternate Members: Gary Lungarini 

Staff Present:    Michael Glidden, Interim Director of Planning

1.            Appointment of Alternates

III.      APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the July 10, 2018 regular meeting

Motion:                Ms. Beum made a motion to approve July 10, 2018 with a change line 20. Ms. Leavitt-Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed (4-0-1 with commissioner Needham abstaining). 


                1.            Public Hearings

                                a. None

                2.            Applications

                                a. None

V.            NEW BUSINESS

                1.            Receipt of New Applications

                                a. None

                2.            Referrals

                                a. CGS 8-3a Referral to the Zoning Commission for Zoning Commission Application #18-37 of Ed Quierolo, Agent; KWT Realty, LLC, Owner; for a Zone Change from I-1 to B-3 on the property located at 225 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map F16, Block 116, Lot 001-2). Zone I-1 (public hearing scheduled for 09/17/2018)


Chairman Rice asked if anyone was present to speak to referral. Mr. Glidden provided the commission a brief description of the requested zone change.


Chairman Rice noted portions of the POCD that encouraged economic development.


Mr. Needham expressed concern with long-term impacts to character of Route 10. He felt development was going in the wrong direction.


Chairman Rice suggested that the commission table action on this referall until the applicant is present to better explain the intent of the zone change. Mr. Glidden noted that the next meeting of the Planning Commission is 9/11//2018 which is before the Zoning Commission’s public hearing.


Motion:                Ms. Leavitt-Smith made a motion to table action on the referral to the 9/11/2018 meeting of the Planning Commission. Ms. Beum seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

                                b. CGS 8-3a Referral to the Zoning Commission for Zoning Commission Application #18-38 of Thomas R. Evans and Christopher J. Smith, Esq., Applicants, for a Text Amendment to Article Ten, Section E.3, Off-Street Parking Regulations, regarding the location of parking areas. (public hearing scheduled for 09/17/2018)

Chris Smith Esq. presented the referral from the zoning commission on behalf of applicant Thomas Evans concerning the proposed text amendment. Attorney Smith discussed the intention of the text amendment and presented how the current setbacks affect placement of parking and driveways for commercial development. Attorney Smith referenced pg 4 &5 of the POCD, pg 15, pg 18,and pg 19 as areas which the proposed text amendment could be considered to be consistent with the goals and objectives of the plan of conservation and development.

Mr. Needham questioned the history of the ZBA applications involving the subject property of 132 Hopmeadow Street. He discussed concerns with Cumberland Farms development. Mr. Evans expressed pride of project with the Commission.

Mr. Needham expressed concern with the potential impact of the development of property will have on the abutting condo project. He referenced pg 90 and pg 5 of the POCD as areas which the proposed text amendments are not consistent with the document.

Chairman Rice noted how the improvements would provide safer access to development which he felt is a pro. Ms. Beum agreed. Mr. Blume noted safety aspect is important for traffic.

Ms. Leavitt-Smith noted pg 82 stressed maintaining of existing businesses along with new start-up ones as a goal of the POCD.

Motion: Chairman Rice made a motion that referral of application 18-38 from the Zoning Commission is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Plan of Conservation and Development. Specifically the proposal meets the goals and objectives outlined in Section 9. 1 b as it relates to supporting economic growth. The proposal improves health and safety standards with widening of the driveway to improve access to development. Mr. Blume seconded the motion. The motion passed (5-1) with Mr. Needham opposing.


                1.            Subdivision Regulations

                                a.            Discuss potential revisions to Subdivision Regulations

Mr. Glidden noted staff is not prepared to discuss.

Motion: Chairman Rice made a motion to add to the agenda under general commission business, interview of director of planning. Ms. Leavitt-Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

2.            Interview of Director of Planning

Mr. Glidden left the room.

Mr. Rice discussed with Commission that he was invited to sit on panel for interviewing candidates for director of planning position. He cannot make the potential dates provided by the Town Manager’s office and wanted to know if someone could site in his absence.

Motion: Chairman Rice made a motion to have Alan Needham attend interview panel meeting for hiring of next director of planning. Mr. Blume seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Glidden returned to the room.


Motion was made by Ms. Beum, seconded by Ms. Smith, to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 pm, the motion passed unanimously.

 Submitted by



Michael Glidden CZEO CFM

Interim Director of Planning