Register for Community and Emergency Alerts

 Get alerts about emergencies or important community alerts by signing up for the Town of Simsbury's Community Alerts. This notification system enables the Town of Simsbury to provide you with critical information quickly.

You will receive time-sensitive messages wherever you specify, such as your home, cell, or business phone, email, text messages, hearing impaired receiving devices, and more. You pick where, you pick how.

How Simsbury's Community Alerts and CT Alert Work

The process begins when the Town of Simsbury or State of Connecticut issues a message about a potential safety hazard or concern. Messages will be sent to all standard voice and text communication devices, including land line phones, mobile phones, e-mail and more. If you don't confirm receipt of the message, the system will try to reach your next contact number or device you entered into the system.

It is very important to sign up for both the CT ALERT and Simsbury Community Alerts separately as there can be different information and alerts provided from each agency.

CT Alert - Connecticut’s Emergency Alert System

By signing up with CT Alert, you will receive important emergency information on weather or natural disasters, major crimes or other important information.

To register, go to and enter your contact information.

For help registering, contact Social Services (860) 658-3283; Simsbury Public Library (860) 658-7663; Simsbury Town Manager's Office (860) 658-3230

Simsbury’s Community Alerts

By signing up for Simsbury Community Alerts, you will receive time-critical notifications such as road closures, emergency shelter openings and community updates. 

To register, go to Simsbury Community Alerts Sign up and enter your contact information.
Registering for CT Alert and Simsbury Community Alerts will give you important information you need!

Simsbury Programs and Events

Visit Simsbury Programs and Events and you can choose from a menu to receive information about the programs and events you want, including Performing Arts Center events, Library programs, Culture, Parks and Recreation information and Board and Commission agendas.

To register, go to and select the information you want to receive!

Be sure to "like" Get Ready Capitol Region on Facebook, or follow them on Twitter for quick, easy access to important citizen preparedness information for emergencies!

Click here to visit the Get Ready Capitol Region Facebook page!

Click here to visit the Get Ready Capitol Region Twitter page!