Aging & Disability Commission - Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 18, 2022


Via Zoom to Facebook Live

Regular Meeting January 18, 2022 – 7:00 pm


JANUARY 18, 2022


Robin Batchelder, Jan Beatty, Vic Bible, Joanne Cohen, Anne Erickson, Sandee Fleet, Deborah Glass, Terry Henault, Shannon Leary Knall, Kate Robbins, Diana Yeisley, Kathleen Marschall (Senior Center Coordinator), Susan Ray (library), and Amber Abbuhl (new BOS liaison)


Cheryl Cook, Mike Jennings, Erin Leavitt-Smith

CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Yeisley, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.



An email was sent on Friday, September 17, 2021 to the Town Clerk, which, because of personnel changes at Town Hall, was only received by Diana Yeisley on December 10, 2021. Because this commission did not hold a meeting in December, the email from Mary Beth Schreindorfer, 9 Westwood Drive, Simsbury, was not heard in Public Audience until this meeting.Her main questions: Why do Aging and Disability Commission meetings start at 7 pm, a time too late for many seniors? When will the town become more accessible to seniors? For example, a recent crafts fair was held on ground not very accessible. Why can’t Dial-a-Ride or some other shuttle be available for seniors so that they could enjoy evening events at the Performing Arts Center?

Ms. Knall noted that she was pleased on behalf of the commission to receive comments/questions and that the commission is concerned with many of these same issues; she thanked Ms. Schreindorfer for bringing these points up.

Ms. Yeisley noted that the crafts fair will in the future be going back to a paved area.She also plans to investigate needs for high school graduation accessibility as well.

Presentation by Missy DiNunno, Executive Director, Simsbury Meadows PAC

Ms. DiNunno noted that she previously worked at the Bushnell in Hartford and she often brings disability issues to the town based on that experience. She noted that the town received a grant that allows for paving of parking lot/pathways at the Performing Arts Center, which will improve accessibility. The area will be closed from March to May for that work. Ms. Yeisley noted the need for platforms making wheelchair accessibility in different areas. Ms. DiNunno noted that some grants may be available this year to make capital improvements including a matching grant for $2-4 million. Ms. Batchelder suggested that some areas should be designated for families if they don’t have a Handicapped permit; perhaps a disability pass for a particular performance or perhaps a shuttle if feasible. Ms. Beatty asked about effects of paving close to wetlands area and whether permeable materials would be used; Ms. DiNunno suggested that Jeff Shea, Town Engineer, would know the answer.She also noted a new board president would be installed at PAC next week and that he is concerned with accessibility issues as well. Finally, she provided her contact information if anyone had further questions.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES – Regular Meeting of November 16, 2021

Ms. Erickson moved to accept the minutes and Ms. Fleet seconded to approve the meeting minutes. Minutes were unanimously accepted with no changes.


Ms. Yeasley welcomed new liaison Amber Abbuhl, noting her attendance at several commission-sponsored events over the past year. Ms. Abbuhl is also BOS liaison with the Zoning Commission.  Ms. Abbuhl noted that the Zoning Commission has recommended to the BOS that the town opt out of the state statute on ADUs. The town has until January 2023 to take action, and the Zoning Commission is considering ways to address ADUs. She reported that the BOS has applied for a grant for sidewalk construction for a path from the middle school to the high school, and also approved a grant for free Tai Chi classes to start at the Senior Center in March.  $7.5 million funding through American Rescue Plan has been received by the town and there will be a public hearing about how best to use the funds.  The town’s Covid test kit distribution is 1/19 at 6:30 at Public Works. Ms. Yeisley noted that the federal government is also making test kits available beginning today via


Ms. Marschall noted that if anyone needs help getting Covid tests they can call the Senior Center. Center is open with many in-person programs, though masks are still required.  Senior Center has N95 masks available also.  Fitness classes are mostly virtual. The mid-March class on Tai Chi mentioned above is a 24-week class and will be free to all.  Grab n Go is still drive through.  Dial-a-Ride is currently only 3 per ride for safety.  Free tax aid again this year is being offered through the library and appointments run February through 2nd week in March.  Library also has tech help available any Wednesday, no appointment needed.


Sensory Santa:  Ms. Yeisley noted it was great to be back in person this year and it was very successful. 25 time slots filled, caps/scarves given as gifts, many gift bags provided to all.

Fashion Show – Fall 2022: Ms. Yeisley asked for a commissioner to chair and coordinate with Favarh.

Souper Tuesday – Funding: Ms. Yeisley asked Ms. Abbuhl if she could get on the calendar at BOS to officially ask for donations from BOS members.  She will also ask Rotary, Lions Club, and Junior Women. Ms. Marschall noted that each Souper Tuesday cost between $200-$300 4-6 times a year. Ms. Marschall also noted that numbers may need to be limited because of pandemic; she will research current costs of soup/sandwich offering.

Sensory Spring Fling: Ms. Knall thought an in-person event might be possible. Ms. Yeisley suggested Thursday, April 21, 4:30-6:30, with an Earth Day tie-in. Ms. Ray suggested a portable green screen could provide different spring scenes. Ms. Batchelder offered to make goodie bags.


Age Friendly Community Update: Ms. Beatty reiterated what Ms. Knall said about this commission being concerned about all the issues Ms. Schreindorfer mentioned, which is one reason we are pursuing becoming an AARP Age-Friendly Community. She recapped the process and Ms. Abbuhl agreed to meet with commission representatives and Ms. Marschall about next steps.

Affordable Housing Update – ADU Legislation: See Ms. Abbuhl’s report above re Zoning Commission’s decision to opt out of state statute. 

Multi-Town Commission on Aging: Ms. Henault had no news to report. Ms. Cohen and Mr. Bible suggested that we table it for now and the commission agreed.


AARP Presentation on Smart Living –Spring 2022: Mr. Bible noted that he will contact AARP about their willingness to present a PowerPoint.

Disability Employment Resource List: Ms. Cook and Ms. Knall are continuing to work on it.

DDS 5-year plan: Ms. Yeisley noted that a draft of the plan exists and will keep the commission apprised of developments.


There being no further business, a request to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Bible and seconded by Ms. Erickson. The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 pm.

Next meeting:  February 15, 2022 at 7 pm via Zoom.

Submitted by,

Jan Beatty
