Non-Residential Customers

Retail stores, industrial users, apartments and condominiums are classified as non residential users. Their actual water consumption and sewer use may vary greatly during different times of this year. This would be the case with seasonal business, industry production, or vacancies in apartments. Therefore, non-residential accounts are billed for sewer usage based on the actual amount of water used as read off the water meter.

The “charge units” appearing on the bill are CCF (hundred cubic feet). One CCF equals 748 gallons. The charge is $4.25/CCF with a minimum service charge of $335 per year.

The bill is based on the annualized water use for three quarters. The summer quarter is not used, in order to minimize any impact that irrigation (and like activities where water is not discharged into the sewer collection system) may have on the amount of water usage.

Click here for Sewer Use Billing Policy.

If you have any questions concerning this bill, please do not hesitate to contact us.

If a non-residential building used 82 CCF of water during the three month billing period, the bill for that year would be:

Actual water usage 82 ccf for the three quarters divided by 3

x    4 (to average out for 4 quarters)
x    Present rate (currently $4.25/ccf)

     82 / 3 * 4 * 4.25 = $470.33 
     $470.33 total bill for year