04-16-13 Minutes-Approved

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Town of Simsbury

Aging and Disability Commission


Tuesday, 16 April 2013 – 7:00 P.M.

                   30 Dorset Crossing, Simsbury


Meeting Minutes - Draft


Chairperson Edward LaMontagne called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. in the Dorset Crossing Community Room, Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury.


Present: Edward LaMontagne, Victor Bible, Grace Comeau, Kathie Fallon, Mona Herman, Mike Jennings, Marvin Koff, Mary Ellen Long, Mona Martinik, Mark Orenstein, Charlotte Steptoe, Lynn Veith, Arpit Dave (Student Liaison), Kathleen Marschall, (Senior Center Coordinator)


Excused: Arlene Zappile, Ron Zappile, Peggy Shanks, Shannon Knall (Board of Selectmen Liaison)


PUBLIC AUDIENCE: There were no members from the public in attendance.



Mr. Ken Regan, Regan Development Corporation.  Mr. Regan presented his plan for a new high quality development to meet affordable housing needs for people living with disabilities. Mr. Regan’s plan is to build 48 units at Dorset Crossing including 8 affordable apartments for MS clients who will transition from nursing homes, 32 affordable apartments for MS clients needing fully accessible living spaces and 8 additional supportive apartments for people with disabilities. He distributed a pamphlet outlining the project development. A similar project was built in New Jersey (Kershaw Commons) and has been open for approximately 1 ½ years.  Funding for the rental complex has been secured.  State rental assistance has been secure for the 40 units to allow people in the MS designated apartments to pay 30% of their income for rent. The remaining 8 units will be below local market level. Construction will begin in late summer of 2013. 


State Representative John Hampton distributed a packet of information, which included the following:  White House bulletin on the March 1st Sequester Impact in CT, Summary of the Governor’s Budget Proposal and Simsbury-Specific changes to the proposed budget.  Discussion followed.



The meeting minutes of February 19, 2013 were approved.



Ø Souper Tuesday

The most recent event was held on April 9th. Students from Tariffville School enjoyed lunch with the seniors.  Members of the Simsbury Granby Rotary Club assisted in serving. The next Souper Tuesday event is scheduled for May 14th, with one to follow in June.  Mr. LaMontagne attended the annual Simsbury Women’s’ Club Gifts to the Community luncheon where he was presented with a check for $200.00.


Ø Citizen Service Award

To date, we have received two nominations.  The deadline has been extended to May 1st.  This year’s award will be presented at the Board of Selectman meeting on May 29th.  Ms Fallon suggests that we move away from this time of the year as we are competing with hometown hero nominations. Having the event in the fall was suggested.

Public Relations

     Mr. Bible will submit an article to the Simsbury Patch, as well as to the Town of Simsbury website, indicating an extension to the deadline for the Citizen Service Award nominations.


  • Picnic In The Park

The event will take place on Saturday, August 24th at St. Catherine’s of Siena Church in West Simsbury.  The band Down Under (formally the Sponge Pummels) has also committed to performing. 



The Simsbury Social Services Department and the Simsbury Police Department will be holding a Shredding Day on Saturday, April 13th in the Town Hall Parking Lot from 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. The Simsbury Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring an electronics recycling day in the parking lot of the former Andy’s Supermarket on the same day. 



Mr. Arpit Dave will be attending the University of Chicago in the fall. A new student liaison will need to be selected by Mr. Neil Sullivan Principal of Simsbury High School.




Senior /Community Center Study:

Mr. LaMontagne distributed the commission’s Senior Center Position Statement along with a Senior Center Site Selection Evaluation, which was authored by Mr. Orenstein.  Also distributed was a copy of a letter from the Chairman of the Public Building Committee to the Board of Selectmen. The letter was regarding the Senior/Community Center Study Recommendations.  A letter from Rich Sawitzke, Town Engineer, to the Board of Selectmen suggested that a final presentation be made to the Board of Selectmen in early May followed by a public hearing in either late May or early June.   


2013 Action Plan:

Mr. LaMontagne spoke at the Zoning Commission public hearing with regard to the need for affordable housing in the Town of Simsbury. At that same meeting the Zoning Commission voted to approve a Workforce Housing Overlay Zone, which mandates, in part, at least 20% of all dwelling units constructed in a development shall be deed restricted to be affordable to and occupied by households earning 80% or less of the area median income for Simsbury.

Mr. LaMontagne suggested the commission develop a Housing Affordability Plan as part of the commission’s action plan for affordable housing. Ms. Herman, Mr. Orenstein, Ms. Martinik and Ms. Fallon have agreed to serve on the committee to draft a plan. 



Discussed by State Representative John Hampton earlier in the meeting.




Board of Selectman Appointments:

  • At the Board of Selectman meeting on May 8th, Mr. Mark Orenstein was appointed as a regular member of the commission.
  • At the Board of Selectman meeting on May 8th, Diana Yeisley was appointed as an alternate member of the commission.


NCRMHB Update:

A Legislative Breakfast was conducted on Tuesday, March 12th at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford. Approximately 50 family members, consumers and private/public providers as well as 22 legislators attended the event.


Financial Update:

Mr. LaMontagne distributed the budget fund reconciliation for both accounts. The Souper Tuesday account is at $0.00, while the second account has a balance of $176.86. 

Mr. LaMontagne also distributed a budget for the commissions programs and activities. Expenses for the seven Souper Tuesday’s, the Picnic in the Park event and the plaque for the Citizen Service award equal $3,720.00. Income includes $1,500.00 from the town leaving $2,220.00 to be secured through fundraising.



The only correspondence received were the two letters from the Town Clerk regarding the appointments to the commission.



There being no further business a motion was made by Dr. Koff to adjourn the meeting and seconded by Ms. Long. The meeting was adjourned at 8:53 pm.



The next meeting will be on Tuesday 19 May 2013 in the Youth Room at Eno Memorial Hall.


Respectfully Submitted,


Lynn Veith


Lynn R. Veith
