05-21-13 Minutes-Approved

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Town of Simsbury

Aging and Disability Commission

Tuesday, 21 May 2013 – 7:00 P.M.

Eno Memorial Hall, Simsbury, CT


Meeting Minutes - Draft

Chairperson Edward LaMontagne called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. in the Youth Room, Eno Memorial Hall, Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury.

Present: Edward LaMontagne, Kathie Fallon, Mike Jennings, Marvin Koff, Mona Martinik, Mark Orenstein, Charlotte Steptoe, Lynn Veith, Diana Yeisley, Arlene Zappile, Shannon Knall (Board of Selectmen Liaison)

Excused: Vic Bible, Grace Comeau, Mona Herman, Mary Ellen Long, Ron Zappile, Peggy Shanks, Arpit Dave (Student Liaison), Kathleen Marschall, (Senior Center Coordinator)

INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER: Mr. LaMontagne introduced Ms. Diana Yeisley as the newest alternate member of the commission. She replaces Mr. Orenstein who moved up to a regular member.

PUBLIC AUDIENCE: There were no members from the public in attendance.


The meeting minutes of April 16, 2013 were approved.


Souper Tuesday:

Mr. LaMontagne reported that about 80 people attended the Souper Tuesday event on May 14th. Members of the Civitan Club assisted with serving. There is another Souper Tuesday scheduled for June 11th, which will be the last one until September. Ms. Martinik made a request for commission members to assist at Souper Tuesday events when available. It was recommended that a sign-up sheet be developed.

Citizen Service Award:

Ms Fallon reported that Ms. Lucille Bowman has been selected to receive the Senior Service Award. Ms. Fallon read the nominating letter. The award will be presented at the June 24th BOS meeting. Ms. Fallon will coordinate the publicity for the event with Mr. Bible. A motion was made by Ms Fallon to move the Citizen Service Award to the fall so that it does not conflict with the Simsbury Hometown Awards. Dr. Koff seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Public Relations:

Mr. Bible was unable to attend the meeting, therefore no report was available.

Picnic In The Park:

Ms. Steptoe updated the committee on the status of the event, which will be held on Aug 24th (11:30-2:30) at St. Catherine of Siena Church in West Simsbury. She contacted the church, Kane’s Market and the band. Invitations will be mailed out on or about July 1st. A food sign up sheet was sent around for members to sign up.


Mr. LaMontagne reported that a pizza luncheon was held for the students who help with the senior lunch program.  Another event was also held for individuals who volunteer at the Senior Center. The annual contribution for Dial a Ride has been increased to $25.00. A Healthy Mouth Care event was presented by students at the UCONN Dental School and was well attended.


Mr. Dave was excused from the meeting, therefore no report was given.


Senior /Community Center Study:

Mr. LaMontagne reported that a proposal to allocate funding for the design of the Senior/ Community Center was passed by the Board of Finance by a vote of three to two. It was subsequently approved at referendum. There has been no update on Mr. Sawitzke’s request  for a final presentation to be made to the Board of Selectman and a public hearing regarding  the senior/community center.

Affordable Housing:

Mr. LaMontagne distributed an affordable housing study, conducted in Darien, for review by the Affordable Housing sub-committee, which is comprised of Ms. Martinik, Ms. Herman, Ms. Fallon and Mr. Orenstein. On May 22nd, Mr. LaMontagne, Ms. Knall and Ms. Yeisley will be meeting with Mr. Ken Regan to discuss options for filling apartments at the new housing development to be constructed at Dorsett Crossing. Representatives from FAVARH will also be in attendance.


Mr. LaMontagne distributed a copy of bills that have been reported out of Aging Committee, which were provided by State Representative John Hampton. It was requested that we attempt to secure a copy of bills relative to persons with disabilities.


There was no other business presented.


Accessibility Issues:

Mr. LaMontagne reported that a portable ramp has been added to the dais in the main meeting room at town hall so that individuals on boards and commissions who utilize wheelchairs can have equal access. He also sent a letter requesting that the Board of Selectman recognize the month of June as handicapped parking awareness month. The selectmen will take this up at their May 29th meeting.  Ms. Martinik reported on the challenges of accessing in the new woman’s accessible bathroom in the lower level of Eno Memorial Hall.  She also mentioned the difficulties seniors have with accessing the front entrance at Eno. Ms. Martinik also reported that the dishwasher in the kitchen does not always work.

NCRMHB Update:

Mr. LaMontagne discussed mental health provisions which were included in the recently passed gun bill. The North Central Regional Mental Health Board will hold its annual meeting on June 18th. State Representative John Hampton is creating a mental health task force and Dr. Koff will be a member of the committee.

Financial Update:

Mr. LaMontagne distributed the Souper Tuesday reconciliation. A donation was made from the Simsbury Civitan Club in the amount of $300.00. There is currently a balance $210.00. Mr.  LaMontagne will be making a request that the remaining funds in the general fund be transferred to the Souper Tuesday account. The Simsbury Granby Rotary Club will be donating funds raised during the month of May to the Souper Tuesday program.


Mr. LaMontagne distributed an updated contact list of commission members. It was requested that it also be sent out electronically. Mr. LaMontagne stated that he is investigating a program whereby local businesses can sponsor a monthly Souper Tuesday event. The business would be recognized through press releases, recognition at the Souper Tuesday event and have the ability to have their employees serve on the day of the event. Ms. Yeisley stated that she would like to assist with developing this program.


There was no correspondence.


There being no further business a motion was made by Dr. Koff to adjourn the meeting and Arlene seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:53 pm.


The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 18th at 7:00 p.m. in the Youth Room at Eno Memorial Hall.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lynn Veith

Lynn R. Veith
