10-15-13 Minutes-Approved

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Town of Simsbury

Aging and Disability Commission

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 – 7:00 P.M.

Eno Memorial Hall, Simsbury, CT

Meeting Minutes

Ed LaMontagne, Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Youth Room, Eno Memorial Hall, Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury.

Present:, Victor Bible, Kathie Fallon, Mona Herman, Mike Jennings, Marvin Koff, Mary Ellen Long, Mona Martinik, Mark Orenstein, Charlotte Steptoe, Lynn Veith, Arlene Zappile, Ron Zappile, Kathleen Marschall, (Senior Center Coordinator), Shannon Knall (Board of Selectmen Liaison)

Excused: Grace Comeau, Mary Ellen Long, Peggy Shanks, Diane Yeisley

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.




The meeting minutes of September 17, 2013 were approved.


Souper Tuesday

- Oct. 15th event/Fashion Show

Ms. Martinik presented a follow up on the event held today. The number of no shows has significantly declined. A total of 115 people attended. Many seniors  then attended the fashion show.

- Budget Update

Mr. LaMontagne distributed Souper Tuesday Luncheon Program Revenue and expenses. Due to sponsorships we have positive revenue for the rest of this year.

- Sponsorships

The sponsor this month was the Simsbury/Granby Rotary Club. November sponsor is Simsbury First Church of Christ. Sponsorships are being sought, by Mr. LaMontagne and Ms. Yeisley, for March, April, May and June.


- The next Senior Citizen night is the Oct 24th Girls’ volleyball game. A pizza, salad and dessert will precede the game. Those wishing to attend should sign up on line.

- There is a new notary service available at the library. Those who wish to utilize this service should call ahead.

- Westminster School came to the Senior Center and prepared lunch and performed a program from their performing arts class.

- St. Mary’s annual luncheon for Senior is Wednesday, November 20th at the St.Mary’s Parish Center. Those wishing to attend are encouraged to sign up on line.


Senior/Community Center Update

Mr. LaMontagne reported that there are no updates on the Senior/Community Center.  The current BOF has set forth a limit for the funding of the Senior/Community Center.

Dorsett Crossing Update

Ken Ragan is waiting for final approval from DEDC and is hoping to break ground between November and the end of the year. Construction will take approximately 18 months.

Seniors Job Bank

The Senior Job Bank is on the Agenda for the next BOS meeting. Mary Margaret Girgentti will be the town coordinator. Mr. LaMontagne distributed information on the program.

Veteran’s Liaison

The appointment of a liaison to the commission is on the next BOS meeting agenda.  The town has already appointed a staff person to be the town liaison for veterans’ affairs.

Project Lifesaver

A proposal was submitted to Autism speaks and the Alzheimer’s Association, by Captain Bolter of the Simsbury Police Department, for a $5,000 grant to initiate this program.


- Mr. Jennings stated that the Handicapped parking bill (Senate Bill 1040) took effect on October 1st

- Mr. Jennings shared an article with disability-friendly tips for every business. The commission members approved the sharing of these tips to the Main Street Partnership and Simsbury Chamber of Commerce.


Student Liaison

Mr. LaMontagne received an e-mail from the Student Council stating that Nate Picarelli-Combert has volunteered to be the liaison to the Commission. He will be attending the November Commission meeting.

Affordable Housing Plan

Mr. LaMontagne shared a summary of the affordable housing sub committee. The committee recommends that within the next year we encourage the development of an affordable housing plan. This proposal will be presented to the commission members for review.

Age-Friendly Town Proposal

Mr. LaMontagne shared a proposal regarding an effort for Simsbury to become an age friendly town. The World Health Organization has published a guide called Global Age Friendly Cities.


Mr. LaMontagne provided an update on the activities of the board. He will be sharing information on regional transportation resources when they are completed.


No other new business was brought forth.


State Representative John Hampton is sponsoring a senior’s legislative update on October 23rd from 1:30 to 3:00 pm at Eno Memorial Hall.


SCTV filming of Commission meetings


A motion was made by Mona Martinik to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Ron Zappile at 8:25 PM

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 7:00 p.m., Youth Room, ENO Memorial


Respectfully Submitted,

Lynn Veith

Lynn R. Veith
