Aging and Disability Commission - Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 19, 2019


FEBRUARY 19, 2019



The regular meeting of the Aging and Disability Commission was held at 7:00 p.m. on February 19, 2019, in the Youth Room of Eno Memorial Hall, Simsbury.



Jan Beatty, Victor Bible, Anne Erickson, Sandee Fleet, Joy Himmelfarb, Mike Jennings, Edward LaMontagne, Kate Robbins, Arlene Zappile, Kathleen Marschall (Senior Center Coordinator), and Cheryl Cook (Board of Selectman Liaison)



Lorraine Doonan, Marvin Koff, Susan Krinsky, Cheryl Lauben, Mary Ellen Long, Mark Orenstein, Diana Yeisley, and Susan Ray (Library)



The meeting was called to order by Edward J. LaMontagne, Chairman, at 7:05 p.m.



The Pledge was recited.






Mary-Margaret Girgenti, Seniors Job Bank

Jean Miles


ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting of January 15, 2019

The minutes were approved with a correction from Mr. Bible noting that the planned spring seminar will be at 7:00 pm, not 7:30 pm, on May 16.



Selectwoman Cook noted that the Flower Bridge will be closed for the season this year due to construction of the new park; access to the bridge will be closing June 3 and reopening in November. The plans for the nearby park are moving forward with the goal of completion by the 350th anniversary celebration. Volunteers for the 350th event are welcome, and she pointed out a link on the town website. Ms. Cook said that the Board of Selectmen had voted to participate in Sustainable CT, a statewide initiative to build more sustainable, efficient, healthy, safe, resilient, and thriving municipalities. She also mentioned that the Social Services Department is collaborating with the Alzheimer’s Association on several programs: “Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s,” March 26, 5:30-7:30 pm at the library and a 3-week program (April 11,18, 25) for caregivers 10-11:30 am at Eno. Finally, she noted that the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Listening Tour will be held March 14; they are soliciting input from town residents on how the $100,000 they have allocated to the town might be used.



Senior Center Director Ms. Marschall noted that the February 28 lecture “Big Band Sounds” will be held at the library from 1-2 pm.On March 7, Chief of Police Nick Boulter will be at the Senior Center at 10 am to talk with residents.She also noted that free tax aid is being offered by AARP volunteers at the library on Thursdays through April 11; interested parties should call the Senior Center to make an appointment.She is also looking forward to the St. Patrick’s Day celebration at the Senior Center in March.



Spring Seminar: Mr. Bible noted that the seminar will be held May 16 at 7 pm in the Program Room #2 at the library, which should promote good discussion. The committee will meet with speaker Claudia Englisby from Disability Planning Partners on February 26 to discuss the focus of the seminar.

“Souper Tuesday” Spring Event: Ms. Marschall noted that the event will be May 14 with entertainment by a musician.

Picnic in the Park Date Change: Mr. LaMontagne noted that Ms. Yeisley is looking at the 3rd week in July.



Age Friendly Community Update: Mr. LaMontagne noted that the application had been submitted to the CT AARP as well as the national AARP.  Both the national AARP and the World Health Organization advised him that the submission was complete and that they are now processing it. A national AARP representative is meeting with other CT applicants for the age-friendly status in Greenwich on March 14 and asked if someone from the commission might be willing to attend. Both Mr. Bible and Ms. Beatty said they would be interested. Greenwich, Newtown, Glastonbury, and Simsbury are the four towns in CT applying for the status.  Mr. LaMontagne will provide further information.

Medical Equipment Loan Closet: Mr. Needham and Mr. LaMontagne visited the Granby loan closet location at Holcomb Farm, toured their facility, and got many good ideas to further the Simsbury project.  Mr. Needham and Mr. LaMontagne will provide a presentation to the Board of Selectmen.  They are also working on preparing an integrated database to coordinate equipment with the other towns.



Officer Election – Report of Nominating Committee: Ms. Robbins reported that Mr. LaMontagne was nominated as Chair, Ms. Yeisley as Vice-Chair, and Ms. Beatty as Secretary.  Ms. Himmelfarb moved to accept the nominating committee’s suggestions.  Ms. Erickson seconded. There was no discussion and all reappointments were approved.

Sidewalk Construction and Replacement Program: Mr. LaMontagne provided the memo from the Town Manager that reported the Beta Group’s summary of inspection of the town’s sidewalks. School sidewalks are a priority. The memo notes that there are 232 non-compliant sidewalk ramps in town.  Mr. LaMontagne proposed that he would write to Mr. Roy to note how many ramps are non-ADA compliant and ask if those could also be a priority.

Rides in Sight Program: Ms. Miles provided information on an informational website that provides senior transportation options in the communities.

Welcome Center Accessibility:  Mr. LaMontagne sent an email to Mr. Buda, Chairman of the Tourism Commission, regarding the Visitors Center. He indicated that the current Visitor Center location is not accessible. A suggestion was made that the Performing Arts Center ticket booth might be an accessible option for the Visitors Center, which is being discussed by the Tourism Commission.

Facebook Page: Mr. LaMontagne noted that Ms. Yeisley is looking into creating one for the commission.

Seniors Job Bank: Ms. Girgenti came to the meeting to update the commission on the Seniors Job Bank.  It is a free service based in West Hartford town hall that serves the greater Hartford region.  Seniors 50+ can apply to the Job Bank; applicants are interviewed and asked for $30 for the background check.  In 2018, 1300 requests came in to the Job Bank for jobs to be filled.  There are approximately 600 seniors in the database.

Other Business: Mr. LaMontagne noted an article that specified that CT is getting older in 80% of its towns and cities. He also asked that commissioners return as soon as possible the survey he had sent last week about the direction the commission should take in 2019.



There being no further business a request to adjourn the meeting was made. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.


NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, March 19, 2019, 7:00 p.m., at McLean’s Hartford Room at The Village


Submitted by,

Jan Beatty
