Technology Task Force Special Meeting August 11, 2014-Approved

Meeting date: 
Monday, August 11, 2014

Simsbury Technology Task Force
August 11, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Rick Bazzano, Harold Bender, Tom Cooke, Mike Doyle, Lisa Heavner, Lauren Hennebury, Pam Lacko, Mark Orenstein, Ray Rosati. Absent: Mahen Shukla, Eric Zematis

The meeting commenced at 5:00pm.

Pam Lacko, chairman, asked for a motion to be made to accept the meeting minutes dated May 5, 2014 and June 2, 2014. The motion was made by Pam Lacko, seconded by Mike Doyle and approved by the committee. All non-committee members were asked to leave the meeting temporarily so the committee to discuss those 6 residents that have asked to be considered for the Simsbury Technology Task Force. Discuss ensued and 5 committee members were recommended and the recommendation on one was put on hold until we could obtain a resume/background on the candidate. Those recommended to be added to the committee include: Harold Bender, John Jayne, Bill Rucci, Jeremy Wallman, Larry DiSciacca. We would like more information about background on Orlando Guitian for consideration at our next meeting. Pam Lacko verbally tendered her resignation from the committee and will follow up in writing to Tom Cooke. For business and time reasons, Pam explained that she can no longer provide time to this committee and feels the committee and town is well positioned for success in the technology area. Pam recommended to the committee that Laurel Hennebury be considered for chairman of the committee. All in attendance concurred. A motion was made by Pam Lacko, seconded by Ray Rosati and approved.

Rick Bazzano gave an update the fiber project along with the two quotes he received from CCAT, an organization of CROG; 1 regarding a system assessment and strategic plan and, 2 help in deploying virtualization as we have limited resources that know virtualization. After reviewing the System Assessment proposal from CCAT a motion was made by Lauren Hennebury, seconded by Mike Doyle and approved to move forward on having CCAT start the proposal before embarking on the virtualization project.

Mike Doyle offered to connect Rick Bazzano with resources from the town of Granby who recently implemented fiber in the town.

The meeting adjourned at 6:00pm.