Culture, Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes - 2/1/2018

Meeting date: 
Thursday, February 1, 2018


Subject to Vote of Approval – Special Meeting Minutes – Thursday, February 1, 2018 – 2 pages


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Simsbury Farms Main Building lobby by David Bush, Chairman. Other commission members who were present included Bill Mullen, Sarah Cramer, Dennis Fallon, and Lori Coppinger. The C. P. & R. Director, Gerry Toner, was also in attendance. Andy Waggoner, president of the Simsbury Farms Men’s Club was in the audience. Mr. Bush introduced and welcomed Lori Coppinger to the commission as its newest member.


Minutes of Previous Meeting

No changes were made to the December 7, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes. Mr. Bush declared the minutes approved, and requested that they be put on record.


Election of Officers

Mr. Bush made a motion to nominate Kelly Kearney as vice-chairman of the C, P. & R. Commission for 2018.

Mr. Fallon seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion passed.


Mr. Fallon made a motion to nominate David Bush as chairman of the C. P. & R. Commission for 2018. Mr. Mullen seconded the motion. Mr. Bush abstained from voting. Otherwise, all were in favor. The motion passed.


Mr. Bush noted that he, Ms. Coppinger, Ms. Cramer, Mr. Kearney, Mr. Mullen, and Mr. Wetjen must each report to the Town Clerk’s office to sign a form and be officially sworn in as commission members.


2018 Fee Proposals – Golf Course, Swimming Pools, Summer Camps

Mr. Bush read a letter from Mr. Wetjen, a C. P. & R. Commission member who was not present at this meeting. It included an attached chart titled, “2018 Projected Revenue Increases.” The letter expressed Mr. Wetjen’s disapproval of any fee increases at the golf course, the pools, the skating rink, and summer camps while no serious discussions are being held to solve the continual deficits caused by Special Revenue Fund. His chart illustrated the 3-year average increase in sales and income across several categories at the SF golf course.


Golf Course. Mr. Toner distributed two spreadsheets. The first was titled, “Simsbury Farms Golf Course Annual Fee Schedule.” It showed the recommended 2018 fees in comparison to fees from the last four years. The second spreadsheet was titled, “Golf Course Fees and Charges – 2017.” It compared SF rates to those of seven other similar local municipal/public or private courses. After three years of no fee increases because a surcharge was added, incremental fee increases are being proposed. Two new categories are being added: 1. A resident adult limited season pass for weekdays only, and 2. A resident Friday late afternoon/evening 6-hole greens fee. Six-hole play is being explored to get families with young children, as well as new players, on the course. Rising medical insurance and fuel/utility rates will increase expenses in the coming season. Mr. Fallon made a motion to approve the recommended 2018 golf course fee schedule. Mr. Bush proposed changing the resident 9-hole weekend daily greens fee from $22 to $21. Mr. Mullen seconded the amended motion. All were in favor. The amended motion passed.


Swimming Pools & Summer Camps. Mr. Toner distributed three spreadsheets. The first was titled, “Aquatic/Summer Camp Fees - 2018.” It showed the proposed 2018 fees in comparison to fees from the last two years. Small incremental changes are being made to season passes. The second was titled, “Aquatic Survey: Summer 2017 Rates.” It displayed Simbury’s aquatic fees alongside those of seven comparable local towns. The third was titled, “Summer Camp Fee Survey: 2017.” It showed Simsbury camp fees and times in relation to five other towns and to the Farmington Valley YMCA. Aquatic discussion focused on keeping the rates affordable and gathering data on lap swimmer use of the pool in the coming season. Even with season passes, these swimmers must pay each time they swim laps. Mr. Fallon made a motion to adopt the 2018 proposed swim fees. Ms. Cramer seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion passed. Small increases were also made to summer camp fees. Mr. Mullen made a motion to adopt the 2018 proposed camp fees. Mr. Fallon seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion passed.


Facility Report – Ice Rink

Mr. Toner handed out a 1-page spreadsheet titled, “Simsbury Farms Ice Rink Revenue.” It showed monthly revenue collected from September 2017 through the end of January 2018. It also showed total revenue collected in FY17/18 and compared it to FY16/17. Public skate attendance and skate rentals were down. The weather has been a major factor. Resulting snack bar sales have declined, but staff and supplies have been reduced. It was also pointed out that last year was the highest revenue generating year ever, so that this year’s results to date should be taken in that context.


Capital Projects – Report

Mr. Toner distributed a 1-page report titled, “Park Improvement Projects: FY 2017/18.” Several of the listed projects have been completed and all others are on schedule.


FY18/19 Proposed Budget

Two spreadsheets were shared. The first was titled, “Culture, Parks and Recreation General Fund Budget Fiscal Year Comparison.” It compared the FY 2018/19 proposed budget with five previous fiscal years. The proposed budget shows a 3.8% increase. The second spreadsheet was titled, “Culture, Parks and Recreation Revenue Fund Budget Comparison.” It showed the FY 2018/19 proposed budget alongside four previous fiscal year budgets.


Simsbury Farms Basketball Courts Project

Mr. Toner reported that pre-design work has been completed and has received the necessary approvals. There are plans for two courts, and one court with adjustable basketball hoops and handicap accessibility. Conduits for lighting will be installed, if actual lighting is to be considered in a later phase. A sizable donation was received from a local family specifically for this project.  The donation was made through the Friends of Simsbury Farms. Construction is expected to begin in April and end in June. Mr. Bush expressed his sincere gratitude to the donor, to the Friends for providing the vehicle to accept private donations, and to Mr. Kearney who has championed the project.


New Business. None.



Mr. Fallon made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Mullen seconded the motion. All were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


Next Meeting
The next Regular Meeting of the C. P. & R. Commission is scheduled for Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the main meeting room of town hall.

Respectfully submitted,


Lorrie McElligott

Commission Clerk