Culture, Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes - 6/23/2016

Meeting date: 
Thursday, June 23, 2016



Subject to Vote of Approval – Regular Meeting Minutes – Thursday, June 23, 2016 – 1.5 pages


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by David Bush, chairman, in the main meeting room of town hall. Commission members who were present included Kelly Kearney, Gerry Wetjen, Dennis Fallon, Sarah Cramer, and Bill Mullen. Gerry Toner, the C. P. & R. Director, was also present.


Approval of Minutes

There were no changes made to the April 28, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes. Mr. Bush declared the minutes approved, and requested that they be put on record.


USGA/ASGCA Site Advisory Report

The pro-bono site visit to the Simsbury Farms Golf Course took place on June 2, 2016. Mr. John Harvey from the ASGCA, as well as Mr. Hunki Yun and Mr. David Oatis from the USGA, joined Mr. Toner, Mr. Wallace, and Mr. Verrengia for a thorough assessment of the course. They evaluated each hole from the tee, the fairway, and the green. They shared a very positive overall impression of Simsbury Farms. Two recommendation reports were sent. Mr. Toner will email them to commission members for discussion at the next meeting. Mr. Wetjen praised Mr. Wallace and his small staff for creating a wonderful course while working with a budget that is 40% less than similar local courses. Mr. Wetjen and Mr. Toner agreed that some of the suggested improvements can be done in the short term. Others will be prioritized by: 1. What will be manageable with the staff and the budget, 2. What will improve the health of the course, and 3. What will increase play and revenue. Long-term improvements will be written into a 6-year Capital Improvement Plan.


Friends of Simsbury Farms – Report

Mr. Wetjen reported that plans are progressing for the “Friends of Simsbury Farms” kick-off weekend on July 15 to 17. Ms. Cramer is organizing a youth floor hockey tournament at the rink. Many auction, raffle, and prize items are being donated for the golf tournament. Evites have been sent to member lists. A beautiful 4-fold brochure, created by Mr. Kearney, is being distributed throughout town. Mr. Wetjen will make a presentation about the “Friends” during the Board of Selectman meeting next Monday.


Golf Course / Summer Programs - Report

Mr. Toner distributed a 1-page spreadsheet comparing 16 years of greens fees and rounds from March to December of 2000 through 2016. The numbers were collected through the end of May 2016. March and April greens fees and rounds revenue were significantly higher than last year. Season pass sales were also up, with more junior and non-resident passes being purchased this year. Groupon sales have been steady. Mr. Wetjen was happy to report that golf parking is often full on weekdays.


Mr. Toner also distributed a 2-page report. The first page compared 2016 summer camp revenues to 2015 revenues. The majority of camps have higher enrollment and revenues than last year. “Junior Explorers,” the camp for 5 to 6 year olds, had the largest increase. “Awesome Explorers,” the camp for 12 to 15 year olds, had the largest decrease. 

The second page compared figures from the SF Special Revenue Fund in FY2014/15 to FY2015/16. Golf revenues were collected through May 31, while all other revenues listed were collected through June 22. Revenues from swimming, skating, golf, restaurant vending, and snack bar concessions were all much higher in the current fiscal year.




Capital Projects – Update


Tennis Courts. The SF Tennis Courts continue to be under construction. Compaction tests revealed that there is still too much movement and moisture. Mr. Toner distributed a 3-page proposal from “Vermont Recreational Surfacing & Fencing, Inc.” to a do a subsurface remediation. Blueprints were attached. The left and right sides will be excavated and refilled, and a perforated drainage pipe will be installed along the left perimeter. The change will cost almost $70,000. Mr. Toner acknowledged that everyone involved in the project felt that it should be done right the first time. Funds will be diverted from other capital improvement projects. In the meantime, he and his staff have made arrangements to use the Ethel Walker School tennis courts. Children will transported by bus to EWS this summer.


SF Ice Rink. Work on the new rink warming room will begin on Monday. About 14 parking spaces on the west side will be used as a lay down area for materials.  


Old Business. Mr. Wetjen mentioned that he has researched the town code for the proper process and procedures to be followed by the “Friends of Simsbury Farms.” He has created a flow chart of all the steps that need to be taken, and will send copies to Mr. Toner and Mr. Bush.


New Business. Mr. Kearney inquired whether the town’s sports teams have spoken to Mr. Toner about needing more fields. Mr. Toner replied that they have not.  He recommended that any discussions on the addition of more fields should also include the efficiency of scheduling.



Mr. Wetjen made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Mullen seconded the motion. All were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.


Next Meeting
The next Regular Meeting of the C., P. & R. Commission will take place on Thursday, July 28, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. in the main meeting room of town hall.

Respectfully submitted,


Lorrie McElligott

Commission Clerk