Culture, Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes - 7/23/2015

Meeting date: 
Thursday, July 23, 2015


Subject to Vote of Approval – Regular Meeting Minutes – JULY 23, 2015


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman David Bush in the Simsbury Farms Main Building. Commission members who were present included Kelly Kearney, Gerry Wetjen, Steve Spalla, Sarah Cramer, Dennis Fallon and Bill Mullen. Gerry Toner, the C. P. & R. Director, was also there.


Approval of Minutes

Mr. Wetjen made a motion to approve the March 26, 2015 regular meeting minutes. Mr. Fallon seconded the motion. Except for Ms. Cramer’s abstention, all were in favor. The motion passed. Mr. Kearney made a motion to approve the May 28, 2015 regular meeting minutes. Ms. Cramer seconded the motion. Except for Mr. Fallon’s abstention, all were in favor. The motion passed.


Golf Course Report

Mr. Toner distributed a 1-page spreadsheet comparing 15 years of greens fees and rounds–March to December, 2000 through 2015. The numbers from 2015 were collected through the end of June. While the season started late, and 2 Sundays in June were lost to rain, Mr. Toner and Mr. Wetjen reported that numbers are close in line with expectations. Rounds play is running a little behind, but revenues are up. Any Groupon vouchers that were bought last year and not redeemed can be used this year for the difference between the amount paid and the current rate. $20,000 has been collected through Groupon vouchers this year. Mr. Kearney recently played on the course. He noted that having a food cart on the course helped speed up play, and that the exterior of the  storage barn looked inconsistent with the rest of the course buildings.  Mr. Toner will see that the barn is painted. Ms. Cramer was pleased to see so many children golfing. Mr. Toner reported that junior pass sales were up and junior clinics were busy this year.


Capital Projects Report

Mr. Toner mentioned that an architect-consultant for the new rink warming room has been retained. The Public Building Committee will be meeting next Wednesday to estimate the scope of services and fees for this project. He is not sure whether the warming room can be completed this year. The rink opens on November 1. Commission members agreed that they wouldn’t want construction to be happening during hockey season, but noted that a short delay of a week or two would be acceptable. Mr. Toner expects tennis court reconstruction projects to be done this fall, and pool renovations to be completed for a June 2016 opening.


Senior / Community Center Architect Selection

Mr. Mullen attended the Senior/Community Center architect selection meeting a month ago. As a construction project manager, Mr. Mullins admitted that he asked difficult questions. Four firms made presentations. All were good, but one stood out and was unanimously selected. The process is ongoing. On behalf of the commission, Mr. Bush expressed his sincere appreciation to Mr. Mullen for his expertise, time, and effort.


Creation of a Special Gift / Donation Fund

Art Emmons and Mark Deming presented a 3-page draft titled, “501(c) 3 Proposal for Simsbury Farms Golf Course.” They created this document is to provide guidelines for: 1. How this “Special Gift / Donation Fund” will be named, funded, organized, managed and promoted, and 2. How donations will be accepted, used, and acknowledged. The goal is to create a transparent, legal tool for transforming gifts into projects or items that are not routinely covered by town funds (i.e. – those not already budgeted as ‘routine maintenance’ or ‘capital project’ expenses). After discussion, the commission agreed that: 1. The new 501(c) 3 should benefit the entire Simsbury Farms Complex; 2. Monies could be collected from individuals or from fund raising events; 3. A Wish List Catalog will be created from staff recommendations. It will be updated frequently, and will include a variety of needed items in a wide range of price points; and 4. Donors will only be allowed to choose items from this list. They will not be allowed ‘naming rights,’ but they will be recognized publicly. Mr. Wetjen encouraged commission members to email him any further ideas. The document will be edited and discussed at the September commission meeting, then revised before being presented to the Board of Selectmen.


Farmington Valley Greenway / Open Space Maintenance

Mr. Toner stated that the C. P. & R. Dept. is not responsible for repairing the pavement, but is responsible for maintaining the landscape along the FV Greenway’s linear park. In other towns, both jobs are traditionally handled by the Public Works Dept. He admitted that his department struggles with maintaining the trails at the desirable level due to limited staffing and equipment. The commission would like to investigate a possible public/private partnership—other than the Adopt-A-Mile program—to get the work done. They also discussed having signs at greenway entrances/exits to give users a way to report trail impediments to the C. P. & R. Dept.


Mr. Toner, Mr. Wetjen and Mr. Bush attended the public meeting which discussed alternative uses for the Hudson property. They reported that it was a thoughtful and productive meeting. They requested that the C. P. & R. Dept. be given enough resources to maintain this newly adopted town parcel. Damaged trees from the 2011 October storm will need to be addressed.


Mr. Toner emailed commission members a copy of a July 17, 2015 letter written by Robert DeCrescenzo, town counsel, to First Selectman, Lisa Heavner. It clearly outlined the town’s maintenance responsibilities for the Ethel Walker Woods property. In short, the town is responsible for maintaining existing trails, adding new trails, and helping with forest management. The school wants these trails optimally groomed so they can be used for cross-country equestrian events.  He noted that all other ordinances dedicated to the town’s open space areas should also apply to this property. In addition to using his own maintenance staff, he expects to also use contracted workers.


A college intern has been working with the Department this summer to inventory and record the GPS coordinates of Simsbury’s open space areas. The Town’s consulting forester will be leading a walk-through of the Onion Mountain Park parcel for the timber harvesting work that will be taking place later this year



2015/16 Ice Rink & Paddle Tennis Court Fees

Mr. Toner distributed a 2-page report. The first page listed and categorized the annual recreation fees for skating and paddle tennis from 2009 through 2014. The second page compared revenue for long term and daily use of the Simsbury Farms Paddle Courts (November through March of FY 2010/11 to FY 2014/15). The rink had a very good year, and over the past 10 years, revenues have increased for long-term use of the paddle tennis courts. Mr. Toner recommended keeping the rates the same for the next fiscal year. Rates had been increased heavily in the last two years. Mr. Bush made a motion to maintain the current rates for both the ice rink and the paddle tennis courts for FY 2016/17. Mr. Mullen seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion passed unanimously. Commission members briefly discussed the possibility of installing solar panels on the rink roof to help with increasing electrical costs.


FY2014/15 Financial Report

Mr. Toner distributed a 1-page report titled, “Special Revenue Fund – Fiscal Year Comparison.” Overall, the totals and the deficit for FY 2014/15 were much better than a year ago. The largest jump in expenses for FY 2015/16 will be in administration. This is due to the higher cost of property/casualty and worker’s compensation insurances, as well as a salary increase for a position and a half. The proposed revenues for FY 2015/16 include 2 new categories: 1. A General Fund transfer of $90,000, and 2. Sponsorship /Advertising income of $10,000. Also new for FY 2015/16, food service revenues at the Simsbury Farms complex will no longer be combined. They will be split into categories titled, “Golf Course Restaurant” and “Vending for the Pool & Rink.”


New Business. None.


Old Business. Update on Advertising Sponsorship Program. Mr. Toner reported that the C. P. & R. Department’s first major sponsor is Huntington Learning Center. As a result of mailing the “Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities” flyer to Chamber of Commerce businesses, Fitzgerald’s Foods agreed to advertise on a rink board. Mr. Bush encouraged commission members to distribute flyers and talk about the program to acquaintances in the local business community.



Mr. Mullen made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Cramer seconded the motion. All were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.


Next Meeting

There will be no August meeting. The next regular meeting of the C. P. & R. Commission will take place on Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Main Meeting Room.

Respectfully submitted,


Lorrie McElligott,

Commission Clerk