Culture, Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes - 9/24/2015

Meeting date: 
Thursday, September 24, 2015


Subject to Vote of Approval – Regular Meeting Minutes – September 24, 2015


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m. by Chairman David Bush in the Town Hall Main Meeting Room. Commission members who were present included Kelly Kearney, Gerry Wetjen, Dennis Fallon, and Frank Salls. Gerry Toner, the C. P. & R. Director, was also there.


Approval of Minutes

Mr. Fallon made a motion to approve the July 23, 2015 Regular Meeting minutes. Mr. Wetjen seconded the motion. Except for Mr. Sall’s abstention, all were in favor. A quorum was not satisfied. Approval will be sought at the next meeting.


Summer Aquatic/Camp Reports

Mr. Toner distributed a 2-page “2015 Aquatic Revenue” report written by John Thibeault, recreation supervisor. Overall, it was a very good year for the pools. Season passes, snack bar profits, and public swimming attendance numbers were up from last year. Swim lessons and swim team revenues were down, however. End-of-season survey results showed that: 1. An overwhelming majority felt that the $125 resident season pass rate was reasonable, and 2. Pool users would like to see the season extend until Labor Day weekend and have public swim hours begin at noon rather that 1 p.m. on weekdays. Mr. Thibeault is recommending that the season pass rate be kept the same next year. He is looking into dropping the noontime weekday swim lessons so that Public Swim could be scheduled earlier. The extra week of swimming that was added at the end of the season was well received. Extending the season until Labor Day weekend, however, is not possible. High school and college-age life guards are already back in school. A major policy change was made mid-season to increase the amount of life guard staff at all times. Because of this, staff expenses were higher this season, and will be higher next year. In addition, a salary survey for local life guards will be conducted to make sure that Simsbury offers competitive pay. Attracting and retaining mature, highly qualified lifeguards has been problematic. Mr. Thibeault and Mr. Toner feel that safety is too important to be subject to cost cutting. The pools will not be open if optimal staffing cannot be met next year. Economies will be sought elsewhere.


Mr. Toner also passed out a 2-page “Summer Camp 2015 Survey Results & 2016 Suggestions” report. Overall, it was a very good year. This season, full-day camps were more popular than half-day. The new 1-week sessions were well received. The majority of survey respondents rated the camps as ‘excellent’ or ‘good.’ Next year the popular “Awesome Explorers” camp will have an additional staff member. Hopefully, this will decrease the wait list and increase the overall number of participants. Marketing efforts through traditional methods and social media outlets was very successful.


Golf Course Report

Mr. Toner distributed a 1-page spreadsheet comparing 15 years of greens fees and rounds–March to December, 2000 through 2015. The numbers from 2015 were collected through the end of August. The spreadsheet does not include about $30,000 that was taken out for equipment surcharges for the season.


Mr. Toner and Mr. Wetjen reported that conditions have been great, the course is attracting more out-of-town players, and junior season and regular passes sold well. While a few outings were lost this year, a few smaller outings were picked up, even for the weekends. May and August were profitable, and he predicts that September will be another good month. The food cart has been available on the course more often this season, and has been well liked. Work on the second green of the golf course is currently being done. A new tri-fold scorecard is being designed to include space for paid advertisements.


Capital Projects Report

Although consultants have been selected for each project, actual construction will be delayed. The reconstruction of the tennis courts and the addition of an ice rink warming room will be done in spring 2016. Pool renovations will be done in fall 2016. The Public Building Committee is taking a thorough approach, making sure budget numbers are in line, and preliminary research is being conducted. Commission members noted that tennis camps tend to be profitable for the C. P. & R. Department. Mr. Toner agreed, and acknowledged that these camps could be temporarily moved to the high school or another area during construction.


Creation of a Special Gift / Donation Fund – Update and Discussion

Since the last meeting, Mr. Wetjen met with Art Emmons and Mark Deming to write draft copies of the bylaws, mission, policy and purpose statement, and fund raising policies. These essential documents will provide the framework for establishing a ‘Friends of Simsbury Farms’ 501(c) 3 organization. The drafts were distributed to commission members prior to the meeting via email. Commission members discussed the documents and made changes and additions.


Mr. Fallon made a motion to approve the September 2, 2015 draft edition of the Friends of Simsbury Farms Bylaws, as amended, and contingent upon review by the town attorney. The amendments include: Changing the number of board members in ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP, Section 1, from “seven to nine members” to “seven members.” Altering ARTICLE III: OFFICERS, Section 1 to read, “The Board of Directors shall consist of a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman [as well as a member from the C., P. & R. Commission, and four (4) other members] as yet to be determined. [Recommendation for membership to this board should come from the C., P. & R. Commission].” Changing ARTICLE VIII: Quorum, from requiring “at least five (5) members” to “at least four (4) members.” Mr. Kearney seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion passed.


Mr. Fallon also made a motion to approve the draft edition of the Friends of Simsbury Farms Mission Statement, Policy and Purpose Statement, and Fund Raising as amended, and contingent upon review by the town attorney. The only amendment made was to the second sentence of number 1 in the “Policy and Purpose Statement” section. Instead of stating that the number of board members will be determined, it will state, “The Board shall consist of seven (7) members who shall elect its officers.” Mr. Wetjen seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion passed.


The amended document will be forwarded to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Salls suggested that the main criteria for board member selection should be a genuine interest in Simsbury Farms. Commission members agreed that it is not necessary for board members be Simsbury residents.


Mr. Wetjen announced that he will ask the SF Men’s Club to turn over $4,000 to $5,000 from its tee sign advertising profits to offer seed money for the Friends of Simsbury Farms.


New Business.


Simsbury Celebrates 2015. This year marks the 15th anniversary of this free community event. It will take place on Saturday, November 28, 2015 from 4:30 – 8 p.m. Mr. Toner reported that the Simsbury Celebrates planning committee is running behind on fund raising and volunteers. Mr. Bush recommended doing a blitz of advertising for volunteers through the local papers, the town website, posters and social media outlets. Without enough volunteers, this will probably be the last year Simsbury Celebrates will be done in a large scale format. Future versions will focus mainly on the firetruck parade and the fireworks. Mr. Bush credited Ms. Rea, recreation supervisor, for her invaluable help coordinating the event in the past few years.


Old Business.


Update on Advertising Sponsorship Program. Mr. Toner noted that the Advertising Sponsorship program had a good start for its first year. A major sponsor is Huntington Learning Center. Renbrook School, Westminster School, Seasons Magazine, Paine’s, Inc., Fitzgerald’s Foods and Simsbury Bank are advertising on rink boards. Mr. Kearney suggested that Mr. Toner promote the program at a Chamber of Commerce meeting.


Update on Forestry Program. Mr. Toner noted that the project has been approved by the Board of Selectman.  The timber harvest program will begin in the spring.



Mr. Wetjen made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Salls seconded the motion. All were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


Next Meeting

The next regular meeting of the C. P. & R. Commission will take place on Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Main Meeting Room.

Respectfully submitted,


Lorrie McElligott,

Commission Clerk