Culture, Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes - 02/28/2013

Meeting date: 
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Culture, Parks, and Recreation Commission


Regular Meeting


Thursday, February 28, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Main Meeting Room




I. Call to Order


The meeting was called to order at 7:39 p.m. by vice-chairman, Kelly Kearney. Other present C., P. & R. Commission members included Harry Ryan, Gerry Wetjen, Bill Mullen, Frank Salls, Marc Lubetkin, and Gerry Post. C., P. & R. director, Gerry Toner, was also present.


Mr. Wetjen made a motion to wish chairman, David Bush, well after his recent hip surgery. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion passed.


II. Minutes from Last Meeting


Mr. Wetjen made a motion to approve both the January 2013 C, P, & R Draft Minutes and the February 6, 2013 Joint C, P, & R and SFCC Meeting Draft Minutes. Mr. Post seconded the motion. Mr. Lubetkin made a request to amend the February 6, 2013 Joint C, P, & R and SFCC Meeting Draft Minutes by adding his name. The minutes, as amended, were unanimously approved. The motion passed.


III. Old Business


Golf Course Improvements – Revised Proposal. Mr. Toner presented a 3-page report jointly drafted by Stephen Kay / Doug Smith Golf Course Design, LLC and Golf Profit Builders titled, “Revised Proposal: Simsbury Farms Golf Analysis Plan, February 2013.” Because of limited funds, Mr. Toner requested that this report address only critical issues uncovered during the RFP process. The report was divided into a golf architecture portion (for $8,500) and a business analysis portion (for $5,000), for a total cost of $13,500. The commission decided against doing a business analysis, since John Verrengia, the SF head golf professional, felt that much of that work is being done, or could be done, by the staff along with the SFCC and the C., P. & R. Commission. After a long discussion, Mr. Post made a motion that the C., P. & R. Commission spends $8,500 on the golf architecture portion of the Kay / Smith Golf Course Design, LLC proposal, pending approval from the Simsbury Farms Complex Committee. Mr. Salls seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was passed unanimously. Commission members talked about how this revised proposal will only cover immediate issues. Mr. Lubetkin noted that a comprehensive golf course master plan, as well as a long-term umbrella vision for the entire C., P. & R. Department, must still be done. He made an official request for the following information: An organizational chart, as well as lists of all the assets managed, and programs supported, by the C., P. & R. Department. Mr. Wetjen noted that the Simsbury Farms Men’s Club has made generous contributions, as needed, for golf course enhancements since 2004.


Town Field Use Policy. The BoS approved the Revised Field Use Policy. It will be implemented in the spring. All town sports organizations will be notified.


Youth Sports Sub-Committee. Mr. Kearney will compile and summarize the feedback received from town youth organizations. He will send this report to Mr. Toner and commission members in advance, so that it may be discussed at the next commission meeting.


Mr. Wetjen added that the bylaws of the C., P. & R. Commission—which have not been amended in about 10 years—state that it has several non-voting, standing subcommittees. One of them is a Youth Advisory Subcommittee. It is currently not active. After a brief discussion, Mr. Wetjen made a motion that Chairman Bush and Mr. Toner research the bylaws, policies and mission to formulate ideas to present before the C., P. & R. Commission for discussion. Mr. Mullen seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was passed unanimously.


FY 2013/14 Proposed Budget. Two spreadsheets were presented. The first was titled, “Culture, Parks and Recreation: General Fund Budget: Fiscal Year Comparison.” It examined the actual budgets from FY 2008/9 to FY 2012/13 against the proposed FY 2013/14 budget. Proposed improvements or equipment upgrades were listed at the bottom. The second spreadsheet was titled, “Special Revenue Fund: Fiscal Year Comparison.” It examined the actual Special Revenue Fund budgets from FY 2008/9 to FY 2012/13 against the proposed FY 2013/14 budget, between July 1 and June 30 of every year. Mr. Toner noted that the fees collected under the new Field Use Policy will help reduce irrigation and agricultural supply expenses. However, the overall park maintenance budget will remain high, since tree work in the town’s open spaces continues to be necessary. Mr. Toner confirmed Mr. Kearney’s assertion that the golf course supports itself, but noted that overhead costs are shared across the Simsbury Farms Complex. Mr. Wetjen added that revenues generated from the three major activities offered at the SF Complex—golfing, skating, and swimming—are weather-dependent and hard to predict from year to year. Commission members agreed to attend the Tuesday, March 12th BoS Budget Workshop to support Mr. Toner and the FY 2013-2014 Proposed C., P. & R. Budget.


IV. New Business


Election of Officers. Mr. Wetjen made a motion that David Bush be elected chairman of the C., P. & R. Commission for calendar year 2013. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was passed unanimously. Mr. Wetjen also made a motion that Kelly Kearney be elected vice-chairman of the C., P. & R. Commission for calendar year 2013. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was passed unanimously.


Golf Course Marketing Plan Draft. A 2-page draft report was presented. The first page was titled, “2013 Marketing Plan – Simsbury Farms Golf Course.” The second page was titled, “Simsbury Farms Loyalty Program.” It outlined all the different ways: 1. The golf course will be promoted, and 2. Frequent golfers will be rewarded. Mr. Wetjen mentioned having signs posted on the course, which would make golfers aware of specials at the on-site restaurant. 


Simsbury Farms Ice Rink Revenue Report. A 2-page report was presented. The first page was a comprehensive analysis of revenue, broken down by category and month, for FY 2012/2013. Inserted below were the historical monthly revenue totals from fiscal years 2001/02 through 2011/12, plus other figures for related income and expenses. The second page broke down the numbers of resident skaters, non-resident skaters, and skate rentals on Saturdays and Sundays during the Public Skate sessions of the 2012-2013 Season. Mr. Toner mentioned that skate rentals and skating lessons increased, while youth hockey team numbers have decreased. Staff costs and benefits, as well as electricity, continue to be the largest expenses. Fees will have to go up next year.


V. Adjournment


Mr. Kearney made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Lubetkin seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.


VI. Next Meeting


The C., P. & R. Commission’s next meeting will take place on Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Main Meeting Room.


Respectfully submitted,


Lorrie McElligott, Commission Clerk