Economic Development Commission Minutes 05/08/2014 ADOPTED

Meeting date: 
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Economic Development Commission                                                                                                ADOPTED

Minutes 5/8/2014

Regular Meeting

Simsbury Town Offices – 7:30 a.m. – Main Meeting Room


1.  Call to Order

Mark Deming, Chair, called the regular meeting of the Economic Development Commission to order on Thursday, May 8, 2014 at 7:32 AM in the Main Meeting Room at the Town Offices.  The following members were also present:   David Balboni, Kristen Barnett, Carolyn Bligh, Gary Dornbush, Lou George, Chuck Minor and Allan Raphael.  Also in attendance were:   Hiram Peck, Director of Community Planning; Lisa Heavner, Board of Selectmen Liaison, Jerome Shea, Town Engineer, Richard Sawitzke, Engineering Transition Manager, Nancy Haase, Board of Selectmen and other interested parties.


2.  Approval of the minutes for April 10, 2014

Commissioner Raphael made a motion for approval of the April 10, 2014 minutes.  Commissioner Balboni seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.


3.  Reports:   SMSP; FVVA

Nancy Anstey, FVVA, spoke of the success of the One Room Schoolhouse bus tour, which included a trip to Tulmeadow to enjoy ice cream and learn how it was made.  She also spoke of the Tri-Simsbury event and the final preparations being completed.  Ms. Anstey reminded everyone of the 20th Anniversary Gala event coming up as well as the membership drive and completing the new FVVA guide.

Ms. Sarah Nielson, SMSP, noted that she did a presentation to the Board of Selectmen on Economic Development regarding the Power of Place in Connecticut.  Ms. Nielson also shared with Commission members that the Town of Simsbury was written up recently in the Boston Globe as a destination for people to come and spend time in our Town.

Ms. Nielson reviewed other items that will be going on in Town such as the Employer Step-up Conference, Try-athlon, Summer Concert series as well as Strut your Mutt event.   She also noted that they are working with the Veterans groups to discuss the Veterans Memorial that will be on Hopmeadow Street.   

Ms. Nielson noted that the Main Street Investment Fund Grant has been approved by the Board of Selectmen at their last meeting and she will be working on writing this with Mr. Peck.  Ms. Nielson stated that they will be applying for this grant at the end of May, which is through the Department of Housing.  She noted that the five objectives for this grant are:

East/west connections and crossings for Hopmeadow Street to Ironhorse Boulevard

Wilcox and Station Street for pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles through streetscape improvements

Improve small business performance for existing businesses by correcting parking issues and adding more parking spaces directly adjacent to the core business community

Changing Station Street from a one-way to a two-way street

Highlight Wilcox Street as the major retail corridor and create an atmosphere to a diverse selection of housing choices on upper levels.

Several Commission members discussed their concern to Ms. Nielson and Mr. Peck that the Economic Development Commission did not have any input in applying for this grant.  Ms. Nielson stated that Commissioner Deming was in attendance at the meeting with the Board of Selectmen when the grant was approved.    Commission members agreed to discuss this grant at a future meeting with the following topics:

What was looked at

How we derived at this particular grant

The projects within this grant

Are any other grants the Commission or Town feels strongly about that should be looked at.


4.  Simsbury Meadows master plan; update

Commissioner Deming noted that there is a video overview of the Simsbury Meadows area and he has interviewed four individuals representing biking, trail running, boating and birding.   Commissioner Deming stated that a dialogue and history of the Simsbury Meadows area will be added in.  This will be used for some informal discussions with other Boards and Commissions as to what they might want to see in the area above and beyond the limited things that can be currently done.


5.  EDC website:  work update

Commissioner Deming noted that an outline was passed out of what the Economic Development Commission would like to have for their new website.  Commissioner Barnett discussed how the list was created and requested input from the Commission members on their thoughts of where things are located and if there are additional links that should be included. 

Commissioner Barnett noted that the budget has passed and the Economic Development Commission should be getting the funding soon to purchase the URL for the website.  Commission members discussed the various items that still need to be worked on going forward. 

Ms. Heavner noted that there is a new Director of Communications who can assist with the technical aspects of the Economic Development Commission’s website.    Commissioner Deming stated that they will work with the new Director of Communications over the next few months. 


6.  Graphical Information Systems (GIS); cost and benefits to the Town

Mr. Sawitzke discussed the Graphical Information System with Commission members.   He noted that the Town’s current system requires a large staff to keep the items up to date.  He referenced numerous maps that were displayed on the wall and stated that it requires many hours of work to complete these maps on the current system, whereas the GIS which has some automatic updates.  Mr. Sawitzke reviewed the cost for a host site and staff time needed for the system and additional benefits of a Graphical Information System.


7.  Economic Development Task Force; update by Nancy Haase

Ms. Haase updated the Commission on what the Economic Development Task Force is currently working on.  She noted that the Task Force has reviewed the information from the marketing study and the group came to a consensus that the quality of life is a lead asset for the Town of Simsbury.  The group discussed where to take their marketing and how to build their message.  Ms. Haase also stated that the group discussed who they are trying to attract.  Three target industries they discussed in the marketing study were:  advanced manufacturing and technology, retail and specialty and tourism and recreation.  The Task Force also added housing and mixed use. 

Mr. Wooda McViven and Ms. Dominique Avery addressed the Commission on SCTV’s free services and how to get this information out to the public and especially business owners.  Mr. McViven noted that they will be sending out a direct mailing to businesses in Simsbury in a marketing campaign.  Businesses can get a membership for a full year and get their information onto the screen as well as on SCTV’s website. 

Ms. Avery stated that SCTV has done a tremendous amount of programing.  She noted that, even with all the volunteers working for SCTV, they still need more funding.  Ms. Avery stated that, in the last two months, they have produced 65 local programs. 


8.  Planning Director:  updates

Mr. Peck reviewed the following items:

The Code for The Hartford property is completed

The Big Y project is still going forward and the easement will be signed by the Skating Center and agreed by the Town and other parties

Powder Forest PAD project has three components:commercial, senior living and residential

Carson Way single family units is moving forward

Development of vacant property on the cornerof Bushy Hill Road and Route 44

Northeast Utilities property for an informal presentation to the Zoning Commission

Pool Barn property and their application has gone through the Conservation Commission.

Sign for Walk-in-Center in North end of Town

Weatogue study of Route 10 and Nod Road flood plain

Several Commission members stated their concern on the safety in crossing Hopmeadow Street and the speed at which cars are traveling.  It was questioned if the police could have more presence on Hopmeadow Street in enforcing the speed limit. 


9.  Adjournment

Commissioner Dornbush made a motion for approval for adjournment at 9:40 AM.  Commissioner George seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.