Economic Development Commission Minutes 06/12/2014 ADOPTED

Meeting date: 
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Economic Development Commission                                                                                                ADOPTED

Minutes 6/12/2014

Regular Meeting

Simsbury Town Offices – 7:30 a.m. – Main Meeting Room

1.  Call to Order

Mark Deming, Chair, called the regular meeting of the Economic Development Commission to order on Thursday, June 11, 2014 at 7:34 AM in the Main Meeting Room at the Town Offices.  The following members were also present:   David Balboni, Kristen Barnett, Carolyn Bligh, James Devivo and Allan Raphael.  Also in attendance were:   Hiram Peck, Director of Community Planning; Lisa Heavner, Board of Selectmen Liaison, Nancy Haase, Board of Selectmen and other interested parties.


2.  Approval of the minutes for May 8, 2014

Commissioner Raphael made a motion for approval of the May 8, 2014 minutes.  Commissioner Devivo seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.


3.  Reports:   SMSP; FVVA

Nancy Anstey, FVVA, stated that their Gala on May 31st was a huge success.  She noted that the FVVA is now promoting their summer events, membership and working to complete their guide for early Fall.  Ms. Anstey distributed information on “The Dream Ride Experience 2014” event to be held the weekend of August 22th to the 24th.

Ms. Anstey noted that the Trails Council is currently updating their trail guide and believes it should be ready by 2015.  She also stated that the State Tourism unveiled a new marketing plan that will soon be shown on television as well as Billboards on the highways and in Grand Central Station. 

Ms. Melissa Brett, SMSP, stated that the SMSP now has two new Board members.  She discussed the Step-Up Conference to be held next Thursday at Simsbury High School.  This is being presented to small businesses by the Department of Labor to help them better understand all the programs the state has to offer. 

Ms. Brett spoke about the Farmers Market that will start up next Thursday and will continue for the next sixteen weeks at Simsmore Square in Simsbury.  Ms. Brett also noted the article in the Boston Globe on the Town of Simsbury as a destination location.  She spoke of an article in the Valley Press by the Deputy Commissioner of the DECD for the Connecticut Main Street.  Ms. Brett stated that they would like to meet with SMSP to discuss how they can help each other out. 


4.  EDC Website:  progress update

Commissioner Barnett stated that she did a presentation to the EDC Task Force with Commissioner Bligh a few weeks ago regarding the Website.  They asked the Task Force for their input on the presentation for their June 17th meeting.

Commissioner Deming noted that funding will be available to the Economic Development Commission on July 1, 2014.  He noted that they will have a meeting with Rick Bazzano, as well as the vendor, to decide what direction to go.


5.  Griffin Land:  informal discussion regarding land holdings in town

Mr. Thomas Lescalleet updated the Commission on the current activities of Griffin Land.  He reviewed the status of the Meadow Wood project to the members, which included the soil relocation in the 296 unit development. 

Mr. Lescalleet discussed a map showing the Griffin Land property in the north end of Simsbury.  He reviewed one piece of property located near the Simsbury airport and stated that the current lease will expire at the end of August.  He stated that Griffin Land will be putting this property up as available and is willing to work with anyone who has an interest in purchasing or developing the nine acres.

Mr. Lescalleet also discussed the other parcels in the north end of Town that could be developed.  He stated that Griffin Land would like to have some dialogue with the Economic Development Commission and/or the Task Force to discuss what development might be appropriate for some of these parcels.


6.  The Hartford Land Use Study effort update and public hearing June 16th

Mr. Hiram Peck noted that the Zoning Commission will be holding a Public Hearing at the Simsbury Library in the large program room at 7:00 p.m. on June 16, 2014 regarding the Hartford Land use study and would like to see all Commissions attend.  He stated that the new code for the property has been posted on-line. 

Mr. Peck noted that the Commission would have 65 days, after the hearing and depending on the comments received, to act on the code.  He discussed some of the considered in the code.  Mr. Peck noted that there are two parts to this code.  One part is on the northern piece with a small commercial center and residential units around it and the other is on the southern piece with a significant commercial part on the property. 

Mr. Peck stated that The Hartford will be on their property until the end of 2015 with a significant number of people.  He discussed some of the informal proposals for this property with the Commission.


7.  Economic Development Task Force; update by Nancy Haase

Ms. Haase updated the Commission on the Task Force and that their next meeting will be held on June 17th.  She stated that they have asked for feedback from the Task Force members from three sub-groups within the Task Force and to have the working groups take the lead to work through the process with the Commission members.  Ms. Haase stated that once this is completed, it will transition over to the marketing group to get into some of the design work. 

Ms. Haase noted that after the presentation from Commissioner Barnett, the Task Force went into their first break-out.  She stated that Mr. Peck, Ms. Nielson and herself will be floaters within the groups for support and provide source materials as well as information the groups may need to complete their tasks. 

Ms. Haase shared some marketing materials from the Economic Development Commission in Marlborough, Massachusetts that was attended by Mr. Correia.  She stated that it was a very impressive piece of material in regards to the information on the slip sheets.


8.  Planning Director:  updates

Mr. Peck updated the Commission on the Webster Bank building on Hopmeadow Street.  He stated that there was an informal proposal looking at some residential use of the rear of the property and maintaining the current front lawn of the building.  There are no plans, at this time, to remove the current building. 

Mr. Peck also stated that the Simscroft property has had some work done in determining where the flood plain is actually located on the property.  He also noted that the ribbon cutting for the specialty housing at Dorset Crossing is taking place today.  There are 48 units at this site, with 8 units set aside for local people with special needs and 40 units for people with MS.

Mr. Peck reminded the Commission that the third parcel, that is currently under development, is the apartment parcel with seven buildings consisting of 168 units.

Commissioner Raphael questioned the status of the parcel just north of Bidwells.  Mr. Peck stated that there has been an application that has gone through the Conservation Commission and has been approved for retail, four residential units as well as a convenience store.  A gas station has also been proposed for this property, however, it still has to be decided whether a gas station should be allowed.  Mr. Peck stated that there will be a public hearing sometime in the near future.

Commissioner Barnett questioned the housing study done by the Town and asked if the current vacancy rates in the apartments in Town were considered.  Mr. Peck said this would be considered in the study but also wanted to remind the Commission that younger people are looking for something new and state of the art versus an older building. 


9.  Other Business

Commissioner Deming asked Mr. Peck if there are any other Grant making proposals that the Economic Development Commission should be aware of over the next six to twelve months.  Mr. Peck stated that if they come across Grants on a daily basis, they are going to find out whether they would be appropriate to apply for and would go through the process. 


10.  Adjournment

Commissioner Balboni made a motion for approval for adjournment at 8:40 AM.  Commissioner Raphael seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.