Economic Development Commission Minutes 08/13/2015

Meeting date: 
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Economic Development Commission

Regular Meeting Minutes

August 13, 2015

“Subject to Approval”



1. Call to Order

Mark Deming, Chair, called the regular meeting of the Economic Development Commission to order at 7:32 a.m. on Thursday, August 13, 2015 in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices located at 933 Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury, CT.  The following members were also present:  David Balboni, Kristen Barnett, Co-Chair, Carolyn Bligh, Chuck Minor and Allan Raphael.   Also in attendance were Richard Bazzano, Computer Manager, Thomas Cooke, Director of Administrative Services, Nancy Haase, Lisa Heavner, First Selectman, Christopher Kelly, Board of Selectmen, Sean Kimball, Deputy Director of Administrative Services, Hiram Peck, Director of Community Planning and other interested parties.


2. Approval of the July I, 2015 minutes


Commissioner Barnett made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting of July 1, 2015 minutes. Commissioner Raphael seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.



3. Planning Director Update:downtown density

Mr. Peck referred to a graphic representation for potential new buildings, which represents the density that could be built in downtown Simsbury.  He discussed some of the requests from the 2009 e-mail from the EDC to Code Studio, Charrette Consultants regarding the Summary of EDC information for Charrette. 


Mr. Peck also discussed the following items in the center of Town:

  • Former Webster Bank Building to residential housing
  • Simscroft Property development
  • Old Andy’s Market building
  • Contamination on the old Getty gas station property
  • The Hartford Property
  • Big Y property


4. EDTF: website progress update:Rick Bazzano, Nancy Haase


Ms. Haase updated Commission members on the progress of the website and noted that the Process Group has completed their draft on recommendations.  Some of the recommendations included:

  • Merging the Planning and Zoning Commissions
  • Hire for the Planning and Building Department
  • Task of Economic Development residing with the CEO
  • Orientation for Board and Commission members
  • Providing information to Town committees that elect the Board and Commission members


Ms. Haase discussed some items from the Programs group.


Ms. Haase discussed the Marketing Committee and also reminded Commission members on the importance of branding on what the website needs to look like.  Mr. Bazzano distributed an example of what the website home page would look like and Ms. Haase asked Commission members to provide their feedback. 


Mr. Cooke discussed some of the items on the website home page to Commission members.   Mr. Bazzano explained how to navigate on the website and menus that will pop up.  Ms. Haase noted that this is still a work in progress and are looking to mid-October to try and get a development site with a URL.  Ms. Heavner noted that one of the top priorities of the Town is making the website accessible for those with ability challenges.


Commissioner Barnett discussed holding a photo contest to promote Simsbury where professional, student and amateur submissions of local photography in the area can be used to enhance the Town website. 


Commission members discussed some of the issues that could arise from this contest.  Commissioner Barnett and Ms. Haase noted that there will be rules and directions to follow for submission of photographs to the contest and they will be working with the Town attorney.  Mr. Bazzano explained that these photos can be stored in the Cloud. 


Commissioner Barnett made a motion to have a photo contest in conjunction with the Town and EDC to solicit photos for the website from the public and publish clear guidelines that are vetted through the Town attorney and to appoint a review committee to choose a certain number of award winners and to build, without cost, a viable photographic library for the website and the Town to use.  Commissioner Bligh seconded the motion.  Four were in favor and Commission Raphael and Balboni abstained.


5. Reports: FVVA; SMSP


Sarah Nielson, SMSP, distributed a copy of Discover Simsbury to Commission members and briefly discussed articles written in this edition, which is coming out tomorrow.  She also noted that the Taste of Simsbury tickets are still on sale.  Ms. Nielson stated that the construction on the pond trail behind Simsbury Library has begun.


Nancy Anstey, FVVA, stated that there is still time to vote on the Farmington Valley awards on their website and the awards will be held at their annual meeting on September 16.   There is also a member and non-member survey going out next week.  Ms. Anstey also reminded everyone of the Haunted Miniature Golf event being held on October 20th


6. Old/New Business


Nothing was discussed.



7. Adjournment


Commissioner Minor made a motion for approval for adjournment at 8:50 a.m.  Commissioner    Barnett seconded the motion.   All were in favor and the motion passed.