Economic Development Commission Minutes 11/12/2015

Meeting date: 
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Economic Development Commission

Regular Meeting Minutes


November 12, 2015

“Subject to Approval”



1.            Call to Order

Kristen Barnett, Co-Chair, called the regular meeting of the Economic Development Commission to order at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, November 12, 2015 in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices located at 933 Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury, CT.  The following members were also present:  David Balboni, Carolyn Bligh, James Devivo, Leo George, Chris Meile and Allan Raphael.   Also in attendance were Thomas Cooke, Director of Administrative Services, Christopher Kelly, Board of Selectmen and other interested parties.



2.            Approval of the October 8, 2015 minutes


Commissioner George made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 8, 2015. Commissioner Raphael seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed. 



3.            Reports:  FVVA, SMSP

Commissioner Barnett read the reports for Nancy Anstey, FVVA and Sarah Nielson, SMSP.


The FVVA had their 8th Annual Haunted Miniature Golf Fundraiser and it was a success.  They will be receiving the final numbers shortly. 


Commissioner Barnett also noted the following events:

•             November Lecture on “A Train Ran Through It” on November 19, at 2:00 at the Simsbury Historical Society Ellsworth Center.

•             Final drafts are being reviewed for the 2016 Guide to Connecticut Farmington Valley.  They expect the guide to be out in early December and distributed shortly thereafter.

•             The FVVA is planning for 2016 and will be strategizing and streamlining their goals, objectives and events and ready to being implementation in January.


The SMSP is focusing on their second annual “Shop Simsbury” event.  Last year SMSP partnered with American Express to become a neighborhood champion.  An event was organized for Black Friday and Small Business Saturday where participating business offered $50 gift cards for $40 during these two days.  This event will be held again this year and SMSP has invited the Chamber to join in.  This event will be held on November 27th and 28th. 


Commissioner Barnet also discussed the following events:

•             A new event called the Passport to Fun.  Participants pick up a Passport at the participating business and visit eight of those businesses during the two day event and they will be entered to win an overnight stay at the 1820 House, dinner for three at Metro-Bis and a Pendant from Sarah Burns. 


4.            Vote on 2016 Meeting Calendar


Commissioner George made a motion to approve the 2016 Meeting Calendar.  Commissioner Raphael seconded the motion.   All were in favor and the motion passed



5.            Update from First Selectman’s office on projects


Mr. Thomas Cooke updated Commission members on the projects in the First Selectman’s office.  He noted that James Rabbitt is the new hire for the Director of Planning and discussed his background. 


Mr. Cooke stated that they have met with Big Y and noted that they are currently withholding their capital, for the time, to see what happens in Massachusetts with additional acquisitions. 


Mr. Cooke stated that the Business Development Committee met on the tax abatement for Chestnut Hill and they recommended an abatement up to $300,000 based on the preservation of the mansion.  He noted that the recommendation has gone to the Board of Selectmen and they have accepted this.  Mr. Cooke noted that the Chestnut Hill owners have suggested a little more abatement amount and this is being looked into.  Mr. Cooke stated that Town Counsel is working on a contract that will have numerous requirements included to be sure the proper preservation easements are in place.


Mr. Cooke did not have any new updates for the Town website at this time.  He noted that pictures are still coming in for the photo contest. 


Commissioner Balboni questioned how individuals are appointed to the Sewer Commission.  Mr. Cooke explained that they are appointed by the Board of Selectmen and discussed the process.  He also explained the allocations and how this is currently being reviewed.



6.            EDC Task Force Final Report/Recommendations Presentation


Commissioner Barnett updated members in Nancy Haase absence.  She noted that the Task Force is coming to the end of their responsibilities and thanked all involved.  Commissioner Barnett noted that the Task Force is making a presentation to the Board of Selectmen on November 23rd at 7:00.  She requested members of the EDC attend this meeting to support the recommendations that all three groups of the Task Force have recommended. 


Commission Barnett noted that one of the recommendations is that the EDC form subcommittees to continue the implementation of the recommendations in each of the sub-groups.  Ms. Barnett noted that members will be receiving a copy of the report before the Board of Selectmen meeting on November 23rd. 


Mr. Cooke noted that the Charter Revision Commission discussed the combination of Planning and Zoning, which is one of the recommendations from the Process group. 


7.            Discussion of Subcommittee Formation to continue Task Force Recommendations


Commissioner Barnett opened up discussion for the recommendation of the Task Force to have the members of the EDC form three subcommittees.  She noted that the three groups are marketing, process and programs and each of these subcommittees are putting forth recommendations because the Task Force, as of December 1st, is no longer a group.  She stated that it comes back to the EDC as a commission to implement and continue to move forward these recommended changes in each of the subcommittees. 


Commission members discussed the subcommittee’s responsibilities, who they would report to and what recommendations are being presented to the Board of Selectmen.


Commissioner Barnett suggested reviewing this report at the Special Meeting of the EDC. 


                Commissioner Devivo made a motion to have a Special Meeting to review the Economic

Development Task Force recommendations in advance of the Board of Selectmen meeting for consideration.  Commissioner George seconded the motion.


Commission members discussed the special meeting and the report that will be presented to the Board of Selectmen.


Commissioner George made an amendment to the motion to have the Special Meeting on November 20th.  Commissioner Raphael seconded the motion.   All were in favor and the motions passed.



8.            Discussion of EDC special meeting to discuss budget requests


This will be discussed at the meeting in December.  Commissioner George discussed the December meeting and noted its importance as this is where issues are discussed that may be important and require budgetary decisions in January and February. 



9.            Old/New Business


Commissioner Devivo asked if the Economic Development, being moved to the First Selectman’s office, will be voted at the November 23rd meeting.  Commissioner Barnett clarified that it is only a recommendation and it was a Process Group recommendation.  She noted that this will be presented to the Board of Selectmen at their next meeting.


Commissioner Barnett congratulated Commissioner George and the Chamber on their Chile Spooktacular event and its success. 


Commissioner Balboni asked if there were any new updates on The Hartford property.  Mr. Cooke stated that the Town has not heard anything back with regard to finalization with their closing.  He believes it should happen soon.


Commissioner Balboni also asked if there has been anything from the Governor regarding GE.  Mr. Cooke stated he does not know. 



10.          Adjournment


Commissioner Raphael made a motion for approval for adjournment at 8:30 a.m.  Commissioner George seconded the motion.   All were in favor and the motion passed.