Simsbury Honored with Sustainable CT Silver Certification

The Town of Simsbury has achieved certification as a Sustainable CT community.  The Town met high standards in a broad range of sustainability accomplishments to qualify for the Silver certification, which is the highest level of attainment.  Sustainable CT, a statewide initiative that inspires and supports communities in becoming more efficient, resilient, and inclusive, announced its 2019 certified communities this week.  “Congratulations to our 2019 certified Sustainable CT communities,” said Lynn Stoddard, Executive Director of the Institute for Sustainable Energy at Eastern Connecticut State University, which administers the program.  “We are inspired by your leadership and eager to share your accomplishments in building efficient, thriving, and resilient communities.”

In its application for the Sustainable CT certification, Simsbury demonstrated significant achievement in several sustainable impact areas such as inclusive community building, thriving local economies, vibrant and creative culture, renewable energy, clean transportation and well-stewarded land and natural resources.  “This certification is a tremendous recognition of the work that our community has done to promote sustainability, resiliency, and inclusivity,” said Cheri Calnan, Chair of the Simsbury Sustainability Team. Mike Paine, Board of Selectmen member and liaison to the Clean Energy Task Force, concurred. “We are grateful to our Sustainability Team for documenting all of our sustainability efforts to-date and for their efforts in completing the application.” First Selectman Eric Wellman added, “This honor reflects all of the hard work that has already gone into making Simsbury a sustainable community, and I look forward to continuing these efforts moving forward.”

Sustainable CT is an action-oriented, voluntary certification program that focuses on a wide range of efforts that communities can take to improve their overall sustainability.  The Simsbury Board of Selectmen created its Sustainability Team in February 2019, with members representing the Clean Energy Task Force, Economic Development Commission, Planning Commission, Open Space Committee, Recycling Committee, Board of Education, and the Culture, Parks and Recreation Commission. Tom Roy, Director of Public Works, provides staff support to the Sustainability Team and serves as the Town’s municipal contact person for Sustainable CT.  For more information on this program, contact the Department of Public Works at (860) 658-3222.