Simsbury Planning Commission Initiates Update for Plan of Conservation and Development

The Town of Simsbury Planning Commission wants to hear from residents, business owners, and other stakeholders as it begins the work of updating the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD). The POCD is the policy document for guiding land use decisions in the community. It sets goals, objectives, and implementation priorities for the physical, economic, and environmental future of the community.

A survey has been prepared to gather opinions and sentiments on select topics including housing affordability, quality of life, economic development, infrastructure, and open space.

“A sense of the community is critical when developing local priorities for land use decision-making. Hearing from residents is an important part of the process,” said Planning Commission Chair Erin Levitt-Smith.

The survey is available on the Town website or accessible via the following link:

This process is a five-year review of the POCD which was adopted in 2017. The Planning Commission acts as the lead agency with the help of Planning Department Staff. The Commission selected the author of the 2017 POCD, Planimetrics, of Simsbury CT, to facilitate the update process.

During this yearlong project, other community outreach is planned, including stakeholder meetings, public forums, and workshops.

Paper copies of the survey are available at the Planning Department in Town Hall, at 933 Hopmeadow St., Simsbury CT 06070 and can be returned to this same address. The survey is open until January 1, 2023.

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