Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013

Present: Marianne O’Neil, Gail Ryan, Joy Himmelfarb, Lydia Chiappetti, Diane Madigan, Anne Erickson, and Charmaine Glew. Susan Bullock, Director, Jenna Mayotte, Business Resource Center Coordinator and Eileen Sickinger, Recording Secretary.
Prior to the start of the meeting Jenna Mayotte, new Business Resource Center Coordinator, was introduced to the Board and welcomed by all. At 7:05 P.M. Mrs. O’Neil, Chair, called the meeting to order.
Minutes of February 11, 2013 Meeting:  Mrs. Glew moved the minutes be accepted with correction that Ms. Himmelfarb seconded the motion regarding the multi-year schedule. Second: Ms. Himmelfarb. The minutes were accepted as corrected.
Public Audience: George Boissard, Friends Liaison
Communications: The advertisement for the Library Director’s position in The Harford Courant was reviewed. A program on NPR and a recent Op-Ed article related to libraries were discussed.
Friends: Mr. Boissard reported that Friends membership is up and the on-going book sale continues to be going well. The Town Volunteer Expo at Eno Hall is scheduled for April 25th and while the Library will not be participating Friends will be represented.
Decorating: Mrs. Glew had rug samples for the Program Room and following review of the choices she presented she will obtain other samples before a final decision is reached.
Building: The Board of Finance has approved the purchase of panic buttons and Mrs. Bullock will follow-up on the additional lighting that was also requested.
Parking:  The signs to the additional parking at Boy Scout Hall are in and will be installed when the snow melts.
There were no reports on Landscaping or Personnel.
Chair’s Report: Mrs. O’Neil thanked Mrs. Bullock for her presentation at the recent Budget Workshop. She reviewed how the Board of Selectmen made further reductions in the Library’s proposed budget for the new fiscal year.
Director’s Report: Mrs. Bullock distributed her written report. She invited everyone to a reception for Ms. Mayotte on Wednesday, April 3rd starting at 6:30 P.M.
She thanked those able to attend the budget presentation on March 12th. The Board of Selectmen has approved an operating budget for the fiscal year 2014 of $1,445,580.
The search for a new Library Director has begun and advertisements have been place in appropriate media.
A staff meeting was held recently and staff had the opportunity to share what they are working on and their concerns. The minutes of the meeting were included in her packet.
Budget: Mrs. Bullock reviewed the Expenditures Status Report and reviewed the funds in different line items. As mentioned earlier the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2014 is $1,445,580.

Automatic Counters: People counters for the three entrances to the building (the upper level main entrance, the lower level by the Children’s Room and by the Program Room) were discussed and at the recommendation of Mr. Vance, who did the research on counters being used in area libraries, it was decided to purchase them from the Count Recorder Co. Funding would come from the Equipment/Maintenance (#54310) line item. The cost would be $579.00 each. Ms. Himmelfarb moved that the Board authorize the purchase of three automatic counters from Count Recorder Co. for $579.00 each. Second: Mrs. Glew. The motion passed unanimously.
Library Program Policy:  It is the policy of the Library that all programs are free and open to the public, but at a recent chess tournament a fee was charged for participation and done so without the knowledge of the Library staff.  In the past Friends have provided funding for chess supplies for the Simsbury Library Chess Club but it appears that this tournament, which was sponsored by a different organization (Chess and Go), did indeed charge a registration fee.  Mr. Gert Hilhorst, organizer of the event, will be invited to the April meeting to clarify any misunderstanding.
At 8:55 P.M. Mrs. Glew moved the Board go into Executive Session for an update on the Library Director Search. Second: Mrs. Erickson. So moved.
At 9:35 P.M. Mrs. Erickson moved to exit Executive Session. Second: Mrs. Glew. So moved and at 9:37 P.M. Mrs. Madigan moved for adjournment.

Diane Madigan, Secretary