Aging & Disability Commission - Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Via Google Meet to Facebook Live

Regular Meeting June 15, 2021 – 7:00 pm


JUNE 15, 2021



Jan Beatty, Cheryl Cook, Anne Erickson, Sandee Fleet, Terry Henault (designated as regular member from alternate for this meeting), Mike Jennings, Erin Leavitt-Smith, Kate Robbins, Diana Yeisley, Susan Ray (Library), and Kathleen Marschall (Senior Center Coordinator)


Robin Batchelder, Vic Bible, Joanne Cohen, Deborah Glass, Shannon Knall, and Wendy Mackstutis (Board of Selectmen Liaison)

CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Yeisley, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm.



No public comments received.

Presentation from Marlene Lieberman of Creative Spirit, a nonprofit based in New York City, founded in 2017. It is a non-profit organization devoted to creating integrated employment opportunities for individuals with intellectual disabilities. The company is working with Voya Financial in Windsor, which is looking for call center employees; they work to encourage employers to hire individuals with intellectual disabilities.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES – Regular Meeting of May 18, 2021

Ms. Cook moved to accept the minutes and Ms. Erickson seconded to approve the minute meetings. Minutes were unanimously accepted with no changes.


Ms. Yeisley read a report from the absent Ms. Mackstutis: The BOS has begun work to distribute the $7.5 million coming to the town as a result of the American Rescue Plan Act and federal funding; they are establishing a committee to consider how best to use the money that is earmarked for COVID-19 relief. The town has received the $400,000 grant toward the purchase of Meadowood.  She noted there will be a flag-raising ceremony at Town Hall on June 16 to celebrate Pride Month and a June 26th picnic held by the Simsbury LGBTQ community.  Finally she noted that the Flower Bridge will be dedicated at 10 AM on June 26th as presented by the 350th Anniversary Committee.  She thanked Ms. Cook for her commitment to that committee.


Ms. Marschall reported that Eno Memorial Hall re-opened to the public June 1st.  The Social Services Department is now seeing clients in person. An ice cream social held last Thursday served 40 people outside. Meals continue to be Grab and Go and the center will offer some outdoor meals soon. Masks are still required inside the building. Starting in July, people will be able to come into the building and shop on Cheese Day. There will be an intergenerational event outside Eno where you can meet and interact with goats from Healing Hoofbeats of CT on June 29th from 1-3 pm, with a sensory-friendly hour from 3-4. 


  • Age Friendly Community Update: Ms. Yeisley noted that Ms. Beatty is applying for access to the AARP portal for Age-Friendly Communities as a designated representative of the commission.The next step is the community survey, and Ms. Beatty and Mr. Bible will discuss the survey that Newington sent out and report to commission in the fall.
  • Service Outreach: Ms. Robbins noted that the information on Social Services available was sent out in the Senior Center Newsletter.
  • Affordable Housing Update: Ms. Cook noted that the Spirit Council has a subcommittee on affordable housing and has assigned themselves reading material.She noted that Melissa Green starts next week at the Housing Authority and has experience with a much larger complex than currently exists in Simsbury.
  • Facebook Page Update: Ms. Yeisley noted an official page is now published and asked that commissioners share it. Ms. Ray announced the page through the library.
  • Brochure Update: Ms. Yeisley noted that it will be put on the commission’s Facebook page rather than being printed.
  • Policies and Procedures: Ms. Yeisley noted that these are with the Board of Selectmen for review.
  • Picnic in July: Ms. Yeisley noted that the town has approved the picnic for July 17th at the skating rink at Simsbury Farms from 6-8 pm.Food details and entertainment are being worked out by Ms. Yeisley. Ms. Marschall is looking for tables and chairs.
  • Multi-Town Commission on Aging: Ms. Henault has no update; the group will be meeting June 22 and will report at the September meeting.


  • Loan Locker Ribbon Cutting: Ms. Yeisley noted that many commissioners attended, who were all pleased to cheer Alan Needham and Jean Miles for their hard work in establishing and running it. Mr. Jennings noted how vitally important it is to have medical equipment available for loan.
  • AARP Presentation on Smart Living – Fall 2021: Ms. Yeisley will talk with Mr. Bible this summer about proposing this topic for the fall seminar.


There being no further business, a request to adjourn the meeting was made by Ms. Cook and seconded by Mr. Jennings.. The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 pm.

Next meeting:  September 21, 2021 at 7 pm via Google Meet or in person if approved. (A decision will be made by the town soon and conveyed to commission.)

Submitted by,

Jan Beatty
