Police Commission

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Police Commission

Special Meeting

January 29, 2014



1.         Call to Order


The Special Meeting of the Police Commission was called to order at 3:38 P.M. in

the Police Department Training Room of the Simsbury Town Offices.  Present were Chairman Brendan Walsh, Commissioner Michael Long, Commissioner Edward Cosgrove, Commissioner Carl Eisenmann, Commissioner James Fleming, Chief Peter Ingvertsen, Captain Nicholas Boulter and Lieutenant Fred Sifodaskalakis.


2.         Pledge of Allegiance


3.        Items for Discussion and Possible Action


Chief Ingvertsen presented the Commissioners with an overview of the Department’s current FY14 budget and what is being proposed for the FY15 budget.


The Commissioners asked a number of general questions regarding personnel costs, how funds are designated to cover negotiated increases and if the current budget is sufficient from an operating standpoint.  The Chief provided clarification to the Commission regarding their general questions.


Commissioner Long commented that the comparison of area Police Departments was very compelling and clearly illustrated that Simsbury is staffed appropriately.


Commissioner Fleming asked what the Town’s procedure was in regard to Capitol Non-Recurring (CNR) requests.  The Chief indicated that there was no restriction on how many CNR’s could be requested.  He went on to explain that there is a review process and there is no assumption that all requested CNR’s will be approved.


Commissioner Long made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Fleming and passed unanimously to approve as presented the Police Department FY15 budget of $4,254,154. and Capitol Non-Recurring requests totaling $268,760.


4.         Ajournment


Commissioner Long made motion to adjourn at 4:10 P.M. Commissioner Cosgrove seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.


Respectfully submitted,





Brendan Walsh, Chairman

