Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, February 4, 2013

                                                                 PUBLIC BUILDING COMMITTEE
                                                                           February 4, 2013

Chairman Ostop called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in Room 103 in Simsbury Town Hall.
Present: Boardman, Cortes, Derr, Dragulski, Kelly, Laureno, Ostop, Patrina, Salvatore
Absent:  None, all were present
Guests:  Sawitzke, Arcari, Haase

1.  Minutes – January 7, 2013
Mr. Kelly moved, Mr. Boardman seconded, to approve the minutes of January 7, 2013 as presented and the motion carried unanimously.

2.  Public Audience
Mr. Mark Orenstein, of the Aging and Disabilities Commission, did not speak at this time but participated during the course of the meeting.

4.  Eno Memorial Hall/Senior Center
The Committee unanimously agreed to address this item at this time, awaiting the return of
Mr. Sawitzke from another meeting, to address agenda item #3 Simsbury Farms Main Building.
Mr. Arcari, presented his Programming Study for the Simsbury Senior Center for renovations at Eno Memorial Hall. He displayed site and floor plans and Probable Estimate of Project Cost.  There was Q and A throughout the entire presentation, with PBC members and others present expressing concerns and making recommendations. A major concern was raised re the parking.  The Probable Estimate of Project Cost included Hard Costs – Construction – Square Foot Estimates and Soft Costs – Fees & Contingency - The Total Estimated Project Cost presented is $7,898,500.00. 
Mr. Arcari then presented his Programming Study for the Simsbury Senior Center site at Bushy Hill Road/Stratton Brook with a new building.  There was Q and A during the presentation. The Total Estimated Project Cost including the Hard Costs of Construction - Square Foot Estimates and Soft Costs – Fees & Contingency - is $6,559,000.00

Mr. Arcari emphasized that these initial proposed plans are NOT for an extravagant “taj mahal” senior center!

Mr. Sawitzke spoke to the potential of the Performing Arts Center site and said that it is still available for discussion and noted some of the positive issues.  He has heard considerable support for that location as there is a desire to have the senior center remain in the center of Town.  It was noted that the plans presented for the building for the Bushy Hill/Stratton Brook site could be used at this or other potential sites that may be available.

Following the presentations there was committee discussion re the BOS charge to the PBC on this project and the appropriate manner in which to proceed.  There was consensus to draft a report and present to the full committee next month.  Chairman Ostop, Mr. Derr, Mr. Kelly and Mr. Sawitzke will draft the report.

PBC                                                                  - 2 -                                                               02/04/2013

Ms. Patrina moved, Mr. Kelly seconded, to approve for payment Invoice number 5795, dated 12/31/2012 from Quisenberry Arcari Architects, LLC for Project 1121 Simsbury Senior Center – Needs Assessment for the amount of $2,812.50.  The motion carried unanimously.

3.  Simsbury Farms Main Building
Mr. Sawitzke reported that the project is essentially complete.  There is one pump remaining to be  addressed.

Mr. Salvatore moved, Ms. Patrina seconded, to approve for payment the invoice, for the Period to November 30, 2012 from Millennium Builders, Inc. for the amount of $114,065.69.  The motion carried unanimously.

5.  Old Business –There was none.

6.  New Business - There was none.

7.  Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. on a motion by Ms. Patrina, a second by Mr. Kelly and a unanimously favorable vote.

Mary Lou Patrina