Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, April 6, 2015

Public Building Committee
April 6, 2015

Subject to approval

Chairman Ostop called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Board of Education Conference Room
In Simsbury Town Hall.

Present – Boatdman, Cortes, Derr, Dragulski, Kelly,  Laureno, Ostop, Salvatore,
Absent -   Patrina
Guests  -  Shea, LaClair, Cook


1.  Minutes  - March 2, 2015

Mr. Kelly moved, Mr. Salvatore seconded, and there was a unanimous vote to accept the Minutes of
March 2, 2015 as presented.

2.  Public Audience – There was no one present.

3.  BOS Liaison Report – Cheryl  Cook

Ms. Cook reported that the BOS accepted the Senior Center Project and requested an update be given at every BOS meeting, including presenters for the various aspects of the planning and requested a timeline be developed. The BOS originally anticipated having the Senior Center for the November ballot however, if that is not possible, a referendum can be held at any time.

Ms. Cook reported that there was a good turnout for the public hearing on the Hudson property with mostly positive input and multiple ideas presented for use of the property.

4.  Senior Center Update

Mr. Shea referred to the information given by Ms. Cook and added that he had met with the Performing Arts Center Board and it seemed receptive to some potential use of the property for senior activities.

5. Squadron Line School Project

Mr. LaClair reported that there will be a walk-through tomorrow, Tuesday, April 7, 2015 with bids requested by April 15, 2015.

Mr. Derr moved, Mr. Boardman seconded, to approve for payment Invoice #15066, dated March 16, 2015, from Jacunski  Humes , Architects, LLC for the amount of $1,190.  The motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Ostop read a letter from Chief Kowalski indicating some recommendations for the project.  Mr. LaClair reported that they have been incorporated into the project.

6.  Henry James School Project

Mr. LaClair reported that there will be a walk-through on Thursday, April 9, 2015 with bids due

 April 20, 2015

Mr. Salvatore moved, Mr. Laureno seconded, to approve for payment Invoice #4 from Kaestle Boos Architects, Inc. dated March 26, 2015 for the amount of $1,786.40.  The motion carried unanimously.

7.  Old Business – There was none.

PBC                                                                       - 2 -                                                            04/06.2015

8.  New Business

There was discussion re interviewing firms for an Owner’s Representative.

 Mr. Derr moved, Mr. Kelly seconded, to interview firms at the next PBC meeting date on Monday,

May 4, 2015,in the BOE Conference Room in Simsbury Town Hall commencing at 6:00 p.m.  The firms to be interviewed are SLAM Construction Services, Donnelly Construction Services LLC and Strong Design Associates, Architects.  Interviews will be scheduled at half hour intervals.  The meeting will continue following the interviews. The motion carried unanimously.

9.  Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Derr, a second by

Mr. Boardman and a unanimously favorable vote.

John Salvatore
Secretary pro tem