Meeting Minutes - 12/10/2012

Meeting date: 
Monday, December 10, 2012

                                                    PUBLIC BUILDING COMMITTEE

                                                            December 10, 2012

Chairman Ostop called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Board of Education Conference Room in Simsbury Town Hall.

Present – Cortes, Derr, Dragulski, Kelly, Laureno, Ostop, Patrina, Salvatore
Absent -   Boardman
Guests -    Sawitzke

1.  Minutes of October 9, 2012 (the Nov. meeting had been cancelled).

Mr. Salvatore moved, Mr. Laureno seconded, to accept the minutes of Oct. 9, 2012 as presented and the motion carried unanimously.

2.  Public Audience

Mr. Don Zaylor, of 1 West Street, inquired as to the results of a questionnaire re preferences for a senior center site that was distributed at a previous open presentation.

3.  Simsbury Farms Main Building

Mr. Sawitzke reported that the project is substantially complete. He distributed his Monthly Cost Control Report, Report No. 12 for October 2012.

Mr. Derr moved, Ms. Patrina seconded to accept for payment Application No. 9 from Millennium Builders Inc. for the period to November 30, 2012 for the amount of $16,790.09 and the motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Laureno moved, Mr. Kelly seconded, to approve for payment Invoice No: 0019650, dated

Oct. 19, 2012, from Fletcher Thompson for the amount of $1,880.00 and the motion carried unanimously.  The bill is the final bill from the architect.

Mr. Sawitzke reported that the building is being used a lot and getting favorable comments.  Millennium Builders has been excellent in their paperwork, is up to date on wage forms, the change order process is completed and the project is basically down to the final retainage.  Mr. Sawitzke is now waiting for release of surety from the bond company and expects to close out the project next month.

Mr. Derr recommended that a letter be sent to Millenium re their fine work.

Chairman Ostop noted that a check for $5,831 has been received from CL&P for the project lighting energy efficiency.

The architect has the close out documents for review.

4.  Eno Memorial Hall Needs Assessment/Senior Center

Chairman Ostop noted that there had been several open meetings for public input.  Mr. Sawitzke reported on the results from the questionnaire distributed at a presentation given at Eno following a Wednesday lunch.  The tabulation is as follows: 1 vote to do nothing, 9 votes for Eno, 9 votes for the Bushy Hill/Stratton Brook location, 6 ½ votes for the Performing Arts Center location and 5 ½ votes for anywhere in the center of town.  Mr. Sawitzke noted that all of the sites have trade-offs.  The concept plan was devised to show an attractive layout and to reasonably accommodate all of the programs and square footages.  He spoke in detail of the plusses and minuses on each of the sites and there was

PBC                                                        - 2 -                                                                       12/10/2012

Q and A and discussion.  Some important basic issues noted are traffic, parking, intergenerational use issue, necessary permits and using potential revenue producing land of the town.

Ms. Patrina moved, Mr. Kelly seconded, to have the architect proceed with studies, engineering, cost estimates and schematic costs on Eno Memorial Hall, the Bushy Hill/Stratton Brook site and the Performing Arts Center site with the caveat for the latter that Mr. Sawitzke will first seek guidance from the Performing Arts Center Board and will determine what permits may be required before proceeding on that site.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Sawitzke noted that the senior center is currently in a holding position on the CIP for 2016/2017.  He would like to have the programming moved to 2014/2015.  There was further discussion re senior center uses/needs etc.  Mr. Arcari will be requested to attend the next PBC meeting.

5.  Old Business – there was none.

6.  New Business

Mr. Salvatore moved, Mr. Derr seconded, to return to scheduling PBC meetings on the first Monday of the month and to authorize the clerk to adjust the schedule for holidays.  The motion carried unanimously.

7.  Adjourn – Mr. Kelly moved, Mr. Derr seconded and there was a unanimous vote for an 8:15 p.m. adjournment.

Mary Lou Patrina
