Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 1, 2015

Public Building Committee
June 1, 2015

Subject to approval

Chairman Ostop called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Board of Education Conference Room in Simsbury Town Hall.

Present – Cortes, Dragulski, Laureno , Ostop, Patrina, Salvatore

Absent  -  Boardman, Derr, Kelly

Guests  -   Shea, LaClair, Toner, Jacunski, Solywoda, Monroe, Khericha

1.  Minutes  - April 6,2015, April 27,2015

Mr. Laureno moved, Mr. Cortes seconded, to accept the minutes of April 6 as presented and the motion carried unanimously.

The April 27 2015 meeting minutes were corrected to include Mr. Kelly’s second to Mr. Salvatore’s motion to end the executive session for the Squadron Line School Project.

The minutes were also corrected to include Mr. Dragulski’s second to Mr. Salvatore’s motion to reject the low bidder, Diversity Construction, based upon incomplete bid submission and to go with the second bidder W.J. Mountford Co.

Mr. Salvatore moved, Mr. Dragulski seconded, to accept the minutes as corrected and the motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Ostop reported that the scheduled May 11, 2015 special meeting did not have a quorum so there no motions made and no actions taken.

2.  Public Audience – there was no one present.

3.  Squadron Line School

Mr. Jacunski  reported that the shop drawings are in progress.  There is a construction meeting tomorrow.  He noted a potential abatement problem and the need to get the license from Hartford Abatement.

Mr. LaClair stated that he would like to get abatement started at both Squadron Line and Henry James schools simultaneously.  Wednesday is the first potential date that that can occur.

Mr. Cortes moved, Ms. Patrina seconded, to approve for payment Invoice 15091 from Jacunski  Humes Architects, LLC, dated April 16, 2015 for the amount of $2,142.00.  The motion carried unanimously.

Henry James School Project

Mr. Monroe and Mr. Khericha stated that they had no project questions.  The proposed schedule is satisfactory.  They had a meeting with the contractor last week and also had a good kick off meeting with the abatement people.  Mr. LaClair spoke to the locker issue.  The lockers have been ordered minus 25 lockers originally scheduled.  He has requested a credit of $2,200 which will be put into the project budget.  Plans are for the small repair area to be done by Town staff.  Discussion was held by Chairman Ostop regarding lighting replacement grant program by Town staff members.  The new lighting will be taken care of by the awarded contractor and not the Town staff per Burke LaClair and the architect team.

PBC                                                        - 2 -                                                                     06/01/2015

Mr. Salvatore moved, Mr. Cortes approve CO#1 for the increased amount of $30,744.00

to the W.J. Mountford Company for the Henry James Memorial School Administrative  Offices.  The motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Patrina moved, Mr. Salvatore seconded, to approve for payment Invoice No. 5, dated April 27, 2015, from Kaestle Boos, Associates, Inc for the amount of $4,047.87 and the motion carried unanimously.

5. Senior Center Update

Mr. Shea reported that the Architect Committee has chosen five firms to be considered.  A public meeting will be scheduled the latter part of June to recommend questions to ask the architects. A third group will be looking at the determined program and work with the architect.

6. Old Business – There was none.

7.  New Business

Mr.Toner spoke to the Capital Improvement Program for Simsbury Farms that has been allocated for a while.  It includes the pools, the outside warming shed construction and seating, the tennis court repair and fencing,   In preparation for this being assigned to the PBC and the seasonal aspect, the Committee recommended to Mr. Toner that the PBC address the program by having three PBC subcommittees: the pool with Mr. Laureno and Mr. Salvatore, the warming shed with Ms. Patrina, Mr. Kelly and Mr. Derr, and the tennis courts with Mr. Cortes and Mr. Dragulski.  It was agreed that the chairman would have access and be a member of each of the three subcommittees.

8.  Adjourn

Mr. Salvatore moved, Mr. Cortes seconded and there was a unanimous vote to adjourn at 7:40 p.m.

Mary Lou Patrina, Secretary