Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Public Building Committee

September 9, 2015

Subject to approval


Chairman Ostop called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in Room 103 in Simsbury Town Hall.

Present – Cortes, Dragulski, Kelly, Laureno, Ostop, Patrina,

Absent  -  Boardman,  Derr, Salvatore (excused)

Guests -    LaClair, Shea, Casiono, Arigoni, Fortuna, Hopper, Jacunski,


1.  Minutes – August 3, 2015

Chairman Ostop requested a check of spelling of a word.

Mr. Kelly moved, Ms. Patrina seconded, to accept the minutes and the motion carried unanimously.

2.  Public Audience  - There was no one present.

3.  BOS Liaison Report – Ms. Cook  – Ms. Cook was unable to attend due to a conflicting meeting.

4. Henry James School Project

Mr. LaClair explained each of the items on the PCO List that had been distributed to the members prior to the meeting.

Mr. Cortes moved, Ms. Patrina seconded, to approve PCO #11 (Revision #1) dated 8/6/2015, from      W.J. Mountford Co. for the amount of $2,164.88 for Primer @ corridors for Glazed Block.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Kelly moved, Ms. Patrina seconded, to approve PCO #12, dated August 5, 2014, from

W.J. Mountford Co. for the amount of $412.65 to Repaint Painted Frames - Color Change.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Laureno moved, Mr. Cortes seconded, to approve PCO #13, dated August 6, 2015, from

W.J. Mountford Co. for a credit in the amount of $780.00 for deleted panel signage per PR 006.  The motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Patrina moved, Mr. Kelly seconded, to approve PCO #14, dated August 7, 2015, from

W.J. Mountford Co. for the amount of $540.00 for Additional Crack Repair.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Kelly moved, Ms. Patrina seconded, to approve PCO #15, dated August 13, 2015, from

W.J. Mountford Co. for the amount of $11,471.25 for data costs.  The motion carried unanimously.

Following discussion Ms. Patrina moved, Mr. Cortes seconded, to reject, for more information, PCO #16, dated August 14, 2015, from W.J. Mountford Co. for the amount of $555.96 for Caulking Under Window Frames. The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Kelly moved, Mr. Cortes seconded, to approve PCO #17, dated August 14, 2015, from

W.J. Mountford Co. for the amount of $681.17 for Vermiculite Exploration & Testing in CMU Block.

The motion carried unanimously.

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Mr. Cortes moved, Mr. Laureno seconded, to approve PCO #18, dated August 14, 2015, from

W.J. Mountford Co. for the amount of $495.00 for Tile under Wall in Lobby.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Laureno moved, Mr. Dragulski seconded, to approve PCO #19, dated August 19, 2015, from

W.J. Mountford Co. for the amount of $537.42 to Remove Glue Dabs on Ceiling per request of the Fire Marshal.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Cortes moved, Mr. Dragulski seconded, to approve PCO #20, dated August 20, 2015 from

W.J. Mountford Co. for the amount of $1,254.62 to Raise Wires in Corridor Ceiling per request of the Fire Marshal.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Kelly moved, Ms. Patrina seconded, to approve PCO #21, dated August 20, 2015, from

W.J. Mountford Co. for the amount of $845.46 to Relocate Wiring in Wall Behind Lockers.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Kelly moved, Ms. Patrina seconded, to approve PCO #22, dated August 24, 2015, from

W.J. Mountford Co. for the amount of $554.40 to Paint Window Sills in Offices.  The motion carried unanimously. 

Mr. LaClair stated that the project is within budget at this time.

Ms. Patrina moved, Mr. Cortes seconded, to approve Application No.3 for the Period To 8/25/2015 from W.J. Mountford Co. for the amount of $290,353.00. The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Kelly moved, Ms. Patrina seconded, to approve Invoice #9, dated August 28, 2015, from

Kaestle Boos Associates, Inc. for the amount of $3,067.28.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. LaClair reported that everything was in place, except the lockers, and the start of school went smoothly.  He has been informed that there will be a further delay in delivery of the lockers, which had been scheduled for Sept. 19, 2015.

5.  Squadron Line School Project 

Mr. Cortes moved, Mr. Dragulski seconded, to accept PCO #12, for a credit of $5,327.00 for  Door hardware, dated August 3, 2015 from Enfield Builders Inc.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Laureno moved, Mr. Cortes seconded, to approve PCO #14R, dated August 11, 2015, from Enfield Builders Inc. for the amount of $3,513.00 for Electrical Changes per CES Inc, Bulletin #3.

The motion carried unanimous.                                         

Mr. Dragulski moved, Mr. Cortes seconded, to approve PCO #15, dated July 28, 2015, from Enfield Builders Inc. for the amount of $3,038.00 for Electrical changes per CES, Inc. Bulletin #4.  The motion carried unanimously.

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Mr. Kelly moved, Ms. Patrina seconded, to approve PCO #17, dated August 4, 2015, from Enfield Builders Inc. for the amount of $3,212.00 to Revise Mailbox Casework finish to match furniture finish.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. LaClair explained the status of the project reporting that the one remaining item is the canopy in front.  There are no other scope of work proposals pending so he is hoping to have a $27,000 amount to turn back.  They will begin soon to address the punch list items.

Ms. Patrina moved, Mr. Laureno seconded, to approve Application No. 3 for the Period To

07/16/15 – 8/15/15 from Enfield Builders, Inc. for the amount of $239,002.90.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Kelly moved, Mr. Laureno seconded, to approve Invoice N0 15212, dated August 17, 2015, from Jacunski Humes Architects, LLC for the amount of $1,904.00 for the Balance on Total Basic Compensation.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Jacunski thanked the school principals for their cooperation on the project.

6.  Central School Partial Roof Replacement

Due to the current multi-school and Town projects, there has not been enough time to issue an RFP.   It is anticipated that it will be issued this week.  There was discussion regarding the potential use of solar power either by panels on the roof or panels on the ground.  The project will be on next month’s  agenda.

7. Senior Center Update

The Town Senior Center Committee has selected Northeast Collaborative Architects to design a Senior Community Center in the Simsbury Meadows at the Performing Arts Center site.  The First Selectmen has authorized the PBC to address this project (Ed Lamont, Mickey Lecours Beck and Gerry Toner are to be liaisons) to determine the location on the site, the scope of the building and the cost to prepare a proposal to present to the BOS for a vote.  The Town has hired a Program Manager who has talked to several people and will follow up when he comes back in Town and will also meet with the architect.  The PBC is only doing the conception.  There was discussion.  Mr. Cortes felt strongly that everyone should be told specifically who is responsible for what and to whom.  The PBC members are the ones who will vote on the conception.

Following discussion, Mr. Kelly moved, Mr. Cortes seconded, to commence in October having the Senior Center as the number one item on the PBC agenda each month, public audience second and to move the meeting location to the Simsbury Library meeting room for availability to the public, for transparency and filming.  The motion carried unanimously.

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8.  Simsbury Farms Rink Warming Center

Mr. Hopper presented and explained the plans being developed.  Mr. Hopper stated that Messrs. Shea, Sawitzke, Toner, Casiano, Eno and Hopper all participated at the sight in developing the plans.  There was Q & A and discussion throughout the detailed presentation.  The advantages and disadvantages of various plans and scenarios were discussed.

Mr. Kelly moved to resolve the issue by having the new facility at the end of the building near the golf course as designated in plan A2-1.  Mr. Cortes seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

9.  Simsbury Farms Pool Improvements

Chairman Ostop reported on the negotiations with TLB Architects for an initial contract total of $37,300.00 covering hydraulic analyses, systems review, physical testing, design and presentations.

Mr. Cortes moved, Ms. Patrina seconded, to approve the contract with TLB Architects for the amount of $37,300.00 for Simsbury Farms pool improvements.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Fortuna of TLB Architecture reported on their assessments thus far of each of the 4 pools, (designated as lap pool, training pool, diving pool and wading pool) and the options to address problem areas in each.  There was Q&A throughout the presentation.  Chairman Ostop requested Mr. Fortuna to return with budget figures for all of their proposals taking into consideration weather and operating expenses and to present a list of priorities for the work.

10.  Simsbury Farms Tennis Court Improvements

Mr. Kelly moved, Ms. Patrina seconded, to approve $18,100.00 for Phase One for a geotechnical core boring program for three of the four sites and a survey of both Simsbury Farms and Tariffville. The motion carried unanimously.  Mr. Arigoni reported that they have done  corings at both Simsbury Farms and Tariffville and have  put together TD and costs for both. 

Mr. Arigoni, of Milone & MacBroom, Inc. reported on the findings of the geotechnical report on Simsbury Farms tennis courts and Tariffville tennis courts. He provided an abbreviated plan set for Tariffville with the process broken out and the costs of construction and contingency.  Tariffville came in at $119,000.00 without the contingency, $131,000.00 with the contingency at a low figure.  Simsbury Farms is double the size.  The figure for this is $251,000.00 with contingency.  He explained some options for the scope of the project such as sidewalk, railings and staircase work. Mr. Arigoni reported in depth on findings thus far at the tennis courts.

There was discussion re issuance of bid documents, whether to go out as one project or two separate projects and the calendar days remaining for the work this year.

Following discussion, In order to expedite the Tennis Court Project, Ms. Patrina moved, Mr. Kelly seconded, to authorize the PBC tennis court subcommittee to approve the drawings to go out to bid as soon as prepared by Mr. Arigoni. The motion carried unanimously.

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11.  Old Business – There was none.

12.  New Business

There was discussion about the Simsbury Farms budget, amount of money allocated, source, individual project monies and timing.

Mr. Cortes moved, Mr. Dragulski seconded, to request Mr. Toner to redue his budget and present allocations for the specific Simsbury Farms projects.


Mr. Dragulski moved a 10.00 p.m. adjournment. Mr. Cortes seconded and the motion carried unanimously.                                                         

Mary Lou Patrina, secretary.