Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, August 11, 2014

                                                     PUBLIC BUILDING COMMITTEE

                                                                 August 11, 2014         

Chairman Ostop called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. in the Board of Education Conference Room

In Simsbury Town Hall.

Present – Boardman, Derr, Dragulski, Kelly, Laureno, Ostop, Patrina, Salvatore

Absent  -   Cortes

Guests  -   LaClair, Shea, Lamontagne, LeCours Beck, Marschall, Orenstein

1.  Minutes -  June 2, 2014

Mr. Kelly moved, Mr. Laureno seconded, to approve the minutes of June 2, 2014 as presented and the motion passed unanimously.

2.  Public Audience – There was none.

3.  Senior Center Update

Mr. Shea spoke to the comprehensive memo he had distributed to each member regarding potential sites for a Senior Center. 

Mr. Shea provided information and recommendations re 5 sites considered:  Site #1 - 36 Drake Hill Road (Northeast Corner of Drake Hill Road and Iron Horse Boulevard),  Site #2 -  State of Connecticut Department of Transportation Property (west side of Iron Horse Boulevard between Mall Way and Phelps Street),  Site #3 - 894 Hopmeadow Street (Herlihy Property)/880 Hopmeadow Street (Vincent Funeral Home),  Site #4  - 22 Iron Horse Boulevard (performing Art Center Site and adjacent site to the south),  Site #5 -754 Hopmeadow Street (Existing Eno Memorial/Senior Center).

Mr. Shea recommended that Sites #1 and #2 be studied further to determine if it is feasible to develop those sites for the Senior Center.  The study would also determine any additional project costs associated with regulatory issues, land costs and/or utility relocation required for the project.

There was Q and A and discussion. Mr. LaClair stated that specific future plans for Central School have not yet been determined at this time

Mr. Derr submitted the idea of potentially having valet parking available.  Mickey LeCours Beck will look into the potential costs of hiring a person for valet parking.

Mr. Derr moved, Mr. Boardman seconded, to authorize Chairman Ostop and Town Engineer, Mr. Jeff Shea to solicit a firm to do a feasibility study and site evaluation on the two recommended sites. 

The motion carried unanimously.

4.  Squadron Line School Main Office Relocation and Renovation Project

Mr. LaClair had provided all members with a copy of the Request for Qualification/Proposals-Architectural Services, the responding firms and their submissions.

Chairman Ostop spoke to the State requirements for reimbursement, one of which is the requirement to interview no less than four firms.  There was discussion.

PBC                                                             - 2 -                                                                                              8/11/2014

Mr. Salvatore moved, Mr. Dragulski seconded, to interview for the Squadron Line School Project the firms of Friar Associates, ID3A, LLC, Jacunski Humes Architects, LLC and Phase Zero Design and the motion carried unanimously.

5.  Henry James Memorial School Renovation Project

Mr. LaClair had provided all members with a copy of the Request For Qualifications/Proposals-Architectural Services, responding firms and their submissions.

Following discussion, Mr. Derr moved,  Mr. Salvatore seconded, to interview  for the Henry James Memorial School Project the firms of Friar Associates, ID3A, LLC, Jacunski Humes Architects, LLC,

Kaestle Boos Associates, Inc. and Phase Zero Design and the motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Dragulski moved, Mr. Laureno seconded,  to interview firms for the two proposals on Wednesday, August 27 and Thursday, August 28, 2014 and for the interviews to commence at 7:00 p.m..  The motion carried unanimously.

6.  Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Dragulski, a second by Mr. Kelly and a unanimously favorable vote.

Mary Lou Patrina, secretary