Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

                                                     PUBLIC BUILDING COMMITTEE

                                                            September 2, 2014

Chairman Ostop called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Board of Education Conference Room

In Simsbury Town Hall.

Present – Boardman, Cortes, Derr, Dragulski, Kelly, Laureno, Ostop, Patrina, Salvatore

Absent  -  no one

Guests  -  Cook, LaClair, Shea

1,  Minutes – August 11, 2014

Mr. Salvatore moved, Mr. Kelly seconded, to approve the minutes of August 11, 2014 as presented and the motion carried unanimously.

2.  Public Audience – There was no one present.

3.  Senior Center

Mr. Shea reported that the State of Connecticut DOT property (west side of Iron Horse Blvd between Mall Way and Phelps Street) has an AT&T line covering the site and a sanitary sewer line.  Further study will be done to determine how much of the site is actually needed and then to approach the DOT regarding purchase of a portion of the acreage for a decreased price (an offer to the Town of $800,000 is on the table.)  He has also talked to Tom Arcari relative to preparing a concept plan for the site.

Mr. Shea reported that the Drake Hill Road site (between Iron Horse Blvd. and the treatment plant) has a regulatory issue.  There are 26 acres and the plan would be to use three or four for the Senior Center. Mr. Shea reported that he has had a discussion with Fuss & O’Neill to develop a scope of work, do additional investigation in terms of environmental and regulatory work needed. If the site is determined to be a viable area Mr. Shea will have Quisenberry Arcari do a concept that could be presented to a regulatory agency such as the Corps. of Engineers and/or the DEP. 

Mr. Shea will report further on the two sites at the next PBC meeting.

4.  Board of Education Projects

The two projects are Henry James Memorial School Renovation – Main Office Security and

Interior Hallway Improvements for an estimated budget of $572,326.00 and Squadron Line School Main Office Relocation and Renovation Project for an estimated budget of $574,264.00

Following the interview meetings, the Committee had voted to follow up on the firms of Jacunksi Humes Architects, LLC re Squadron Line School and Henry James Memorial School, Kaestle Boos Architects, Inc. re Henry James Memorial School and Phase Zero Design for Squadron Line School and Henry James Memorial School.  Chairman Ostop reported on his contacts with the Contractors submitted by the three firms.

Mr. Laureno moved, Mr. Kelly seconded, to hire Kaestle Boos Architects LLC, for the Henry James Memorial School Renovation – Main Office Security and Interior Hallway Improvements Project.  Following discussion the motion carried with Ms. Patrina voting in opposition.

PBC                                                               - 2 -                                                              09/02/2014

Mr. Kelly moved, Mr. Derr seconded, to authorize Chairman Ostop, Mr. LaClair and Mr. Shea to negotiate the fee for the Project and the motion carried unanimously.

Following discussion re the Squadron Line School Main Office Relocation and Renovation Project,

Ms. Patrina moved, Mr. Derr seconded, to hire Jacunski Humes Architects, LLC for this Project and to authorize Chairman Ostop, Mr. LaClair and Mr. Shea to negotiate the fee for the Project.  The motion carried unanimously.

5. Old Business – There was none.

6.  New Business – There was none.

7.  Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Derr, a second by Mr. Salvatore and a unanimously favorable vote.

Mary Lou Patrina
