Meeting Minutes

Public Building Committee
Meeting date: 
Monday, November 3, 2014

Public Building Committee

Regular Meeting

November 3, 2014

“Subject to Approval”  

Chairman Ostop called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Board of Education Conference Room in Simsbury Town Hall.

Present:  Boardman, Cortes, Dragulski, Kelly, Laureno, Ostop, Patrina, Salvatore

Absent:   Derr

Guests:    LaClair, Shea, Cook


1.  Minutes – October 6, 2014

Chairman Ostop noted that Mr. Shea’s name should be added to that of Chairman Ostop and Mr. LaClair in the successful negotiations of reducing the Kaestle Boos submitted fee of $55,000.00 to $46,000.00 for the Squadron Line project. 

Mr.Kelly moved, Mr. Cortes seconded, to accept the minutes as amended and the motion carried unanimously.

2.  Public Audience – There was no one present

3.  Report of Board of Selectman Liaison Cheryl Cook

Ms. Cook commenced reporting on actions taken by the Board of Selectmen.  Chairman Ostop stated that her report should include only information pertaining to Board of Selectmen actions taken re Public Building Committee projects.  There was no further report.

4.  Senior Center Update

Mr. Shea reported on the two sites that the PBC had requested further study.  He distributed copies of a map indicating the location of the property designated as Concept Plan B (off of Iron Horse Blvd between Wilcox Street and Mall Way).  He informed of the complexities of obtaining this site which may involve potential legislation change. There was Q&A and discussion.  Mr. Shea distributed copies of a wetlands topographical sketch as preliminary information for a potential second site. Environmental impact studies are currently being done on the site.  A detailed map will be available in the next week or so.  Chairman Ostop expressed concern re the need to move the project forward and to have a timeline developed.  There was discussion re the BOS request for two sites and the budgetary factors pertaining to that.  Mr. Shea noted that the Iron Horse Blvd. site requires relocation of a sanitary sewer line which would be costly. There was discussion re potential sites, costs and potential impact factors on the area and the community.

Mr. Kelly moved, Mr. Cortes seconded, to recommend further study solely on the Concept Plan B proposal to the Board of Selectmen and the motion carried unanimously.                      

5.  Henry James School Project

Mr. LaClair reported that the State has approved to proceed on both of the school projects and each has been assigned an official project number.

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Mr. Monroe of Kaestle Boos presented and spoke to the project plans as developed thus far.

He reported on the task of evaluation of the project for relocation of the administrative office and reclamation of that space, corridor work and abatement, the need for ceiling work in the existing

building and the development of a new configuration of the lockers.  The staff of Kaestle Boos has met with the principal, vice principal, administrators, main administrative office members and has

developed a revised administrative office plan that addresses important visual sites and controlled entrances. He then addressed the entire plan in detail answering questions posed throughout the presentation.

Mr. LaClair stated that this is the initial phase of what originally had been a much larger project that Kaestle Boos had previously estimated. He has requested Kaestle Boos to give an updated concept for the six year capital plan, to look into the roughly 50% fire suppression and to give some detailed recommendations for standardizations as the work proceeds.  Mr. LaClair is preparing an estimated timeline and setting up review meetings with the State.

6. Squadron Line Project

Mr. Jacunski reported that he was presenting updated plans from those shown previously.  He stated that on Oct. 29th he met with the staff at the school following which he did field reviews of existing conditions including mechanical, electrical and plumbing.  He anticipates having approval of the schematic design phase this week (the principal has been on medical leave the past two weeks impacting the approval time).  On Monday he is meeting with his access control consultant. The consultant for interior finishes has begun work.  Mr. Jacunski anticipates meeting with the staff in the next couple of weeks.  He is looking into hazmat issues re environmental issues. He will be meeting with the Building Official and the Fire Marshal by the end of the week.  He anticipates having plans and specifications complete for the review process by the end of the year.  He does not foresee a meeting with the state being required. Thus far he feels the project is on schedule.  He explained the changes made in the plans and answered security questions from committee members.  He expects to have a budget estimate by the end of the week. He anticipates having a final approvals review in January and hopefully go out to bid with the schedule in the middle of February.

7.  Old Business - There was none.

8.  New Business – There was none.

9.  Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Laureno, a second by

Mr. Cortes and a unanimously favorable vote.


Mary Lou Patrina
