Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, December 1, 2014

Public Building Committee

Regular Meeting

December 1, 2014

Subject to approval

Chairman Ostop called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Board of Education Conference Room

In Simsbury Town Hall.

Present:  Boardman, Cortes, Derr, Dragulski, Kelly, Ostop, Patrina, Salvatore

Absent:   Laureno, excused

Guests:   LaClair, Sawitzke, Cook, Haase, Paine

1.  Minutes – November 3, 2014

Mr. Kelly moved, Mr. Salvatore seconded, to approve the minutes as presented and the motion carried


2.  Public Audience – There was none.

3.  Report – BOS liaison Cheryl  Cook

Ms. Cook reported that at the BOS meeting of Nov. 10, 2014 the Board gave authorization to begin discussions with the State on the DOT property including exploring the relationship with the Town and the DEPD and how that would affect the purchase of the  property and explore (1) a public/private partnership for a building (2) the distributive activities model between Eno and another site (3) tax increment financing and (4) consider issuing an RFP for a private developer to consider. The DEP has a pilot program for a public/private project process which should be explored re the site.  Once all the information is garnered there is a potential to have a limited combined committee of two BOS, two BOF and two Public Building Committee members to study the information and make recommendations.  Ms. Cook stated that there was lengthy public audience participation on the senior center.

4.  Senior Center Update

The project is essentially covered in the BOS liaison report.  Chairman Ostop noted that the PBC is awaiting direction from the BOS and responses from the State DOT.  He noted that it is his understanding that it would be considerably more expensive if the project goes public ownership/private developer.  He spoke to several options re the project and there was discussion. 

Mr. Sawitzke said that Mr. Shea will be providing environmental  impact studies.

5. Henry James School Project

Mr. LaClair reported that the design has remained essentially the same as presented last month.

He anticipates that the hazardous waste testing will commence in the next few days.

6.  Squadron Line School Project

Mr. LaClair reported that he has not yet received the hazardous waste test results.  He has written to the State re the next steps to be taken in the process which is the completion of the PCB testing for both schools which he anticipates will result in a referral back to the local process.

PBC                                                             Page 2                                                            12.01.2014

7.  Meeting Schedule – 2015

Following discussion Mr. Derr moved, Mr. Cortes seconded, to continue meeting on the first Monday of the month in 2015 with the exceptions of Sept. and Dec. when the there is a holiday. On those two months the meeting will be held on Wed.  The motion carried unanimously.

8.  Old Business – There was none.

9.  New Business – There was none.

10.  Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Cortes, a second by

Mr. Boardman and a unanimously favorable vote.

Mary Lou Patrina
