Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, March 2, 2015

Public Building Committee
March 2, 2015
Subject to approval


Chairman Ostop called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Board of Education Conference Room
in Simsbury Town Hall.

Present  - Boardman, Cortes, Derr, Ostop, Patrina, Salvatore

Absent -   Dragulski, Kelly, Laureno,

Guests  -   LaClair, Shea


1.  Minutes – February 11, 2015 (corrected date from the agenda)

The first paragraph of The Squadron Line School Project should be corrected to state in both places

that the PCT meeting with the State is scheduled for March 3, 2015.

Mr. Salvatore moved, Mr. Boardman seconded, and the corrected minutes were unanimously approved.

2.  Public Audience – There was no one present.

3.  BOS Liaison Report – Ms. Cook had notified Chairman Ostop that she would be unable to attend.

4.  Senior Center Update

Mr. Shea reported on his presentation of two options to the BOS.  He spoke to the Eno Memorial site noting that the square footage has been pared down about 5,000/6,000 sq.ft..  With a 17,000 sq. ft. addition/facility the total project cost would be reduced.  With the addition of a parking deck, the cost of this proposal would be 7.2 million.  He stated that the cost of a Center on the DOT site would be approximately the same if the property is free.  The Performing Arts Center/Simsbury Meadows area development is also being considered more in depth.  There was Q&A and discussion.

The PBC will now wait for further direction from the BOS.

5.  Henry James School Project      

Based on the overall budget estimates for this project there would not be an adequate contingency at $46,776  to address the hazardous materials remediation that has been determined to date by Eagle Environmental, the company that has performed pre-renovation testing.  Mr. LaClair reported that the BOF approved a $200,000 additional funding request on 2/24/2105 needed to address this issue. He distributed and addressed the revised budget figures for the Main Office Security/Hallway Project which includes the additional funding.  His next month’s report will include payments to the architect and the hazardous materials consultant. 

Mr. LaClair informed that he has an electronic plan access for the two school projects that he will email to members tomorrow.  The first of two meetings with the State commences tomorrow.  The first will be on Squadron Line and the second on Henry James.  There is no new information on the school projects other than determining the extent of the hazardous waste at Henry James.

Mr. Salvatore moved, Ms. Patrina seconded, to approve for payment Invoice #3, dated

February 26, 2015, from Kaestle Boos Architects, Inc. for the amount of $8,280.00 for Henry James Memorial School Main Office Sec./Hallway.  The motion carried unanimously.

PBC                                                                 - 2 -                                                               3/2/2015

6.  Squadron Line School Project

Mr. LaClair reported that as a result of a second round of substrate testing there is no need to change the allowance in the original cost estimate.  He distributed copies of the budget breakdown.

He anticipates perhaps being able to turn back from this budget the same amount that was added to the Henry James budget.

Mr. Derr moved, Mr. Salvatore seconded, to approve for payment Invoice #15034, dated February 16, 2015, from Jacunski Humes Architects, LLC for the amount of $4,760 for Main Office Relocation and Alterations Squadron Line School.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Boardman moved, Mr. Cortes seconded, to approve for payment Invoice #R1503, dated

February 13, 2015, from Jacunski Humes, Architects, LLC for the amount of $177.23 for Main Office Relocation and Alterations Squadron Line School.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Salvatore moved, Mr. Boardman seconded, to approve for payment Invoice # R150l, dated

February 5, 2015, from Jacunski Humes, Architects, LLC for the amount of $221.03, for reimbursable expenses for Main Office Relocation and Alterations Squadron Line School.  The motion carried unanimously.

7.  Old Business – There was none.

8.  New Business

Mr. LaClair and Mr. Shea reported that they are planning to use an owner’s representative to work with Mr. Sawitzke on the school projects. They estimate approximately 24 hours a week would cover both school projects.

Mr. Derr moved, Mr. Cortes seconded, to authorize Mr. Shea and Mr. LaClair to prepare Request For Proposals for the next meeting.  The motion carried unanimously.

9.  Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Derr, a second by Ms. Patrina and a unanimously favorable vote.

Mary Lou Patrina, secretary