Public Building Committee Meeting Minutes - 08/05/2013

Meeting date: 
Monday, August 5, 2013

                                                        PUBLIC BUILDING COMMITTEE
                                                                    August 5, 2013

Chairman Ostop called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.  in the Board of Education Conference Room in
Simsbury Town Hall.
Present:  Boardman, Dragulski, Kelly, Ostop, Patrina
Absent:   Cortes, Derr, Laureno, Salvatore
Guest:      Sawitzke

1.  Minutes  - March 4, 2013
Mr. Kelly moved acceptance as presented, Ms. Patrina seconded and the minutes were unanimously

2.  Public Audience – There was no one present.

3. Senior Center Update – old and new
Mr. Sawitzke reported that the BOS was very pleased with the PBC report.  He reported that the BOS held a forum on June 10th with multiple resident’s input, the majority of whom appeared to want the Senior Center to remain in the center of Town and that there was a lot of support for Eno.  The grant application for a parking deck was not forthcoming.  Consideration is being given to moving SCTV out of Eno Memorial Hall.  A number of the Selectmen and some of the Performing Arts people like a plan that would split activities between Eno and the Performing Arts Center.  Some of the stand- alone programs such as the exercise programs and those programs that are run by instructors, consultants and trainers that are contracted for part time could potentially be moved there.  There could also be multi-purpose rooms .  He noted several potential parking solutions.  There was also the suggestion of using a shuttle bus between areas for largely attended functions.  He explained, in detail, potential architectural and parking plans for Eno.  There was Q & A and considerable discussion, pro and con, throughout the presentation.

Mr. Sawitzke stated that the BOS and the BOF would like to save some money and thus are considering a phasing in of the Senior Center Project.

Chairman Ostop stated that there is no further PBC action to be taken at this time. 

4.  Old Busines – There was none.  Mr. Sawitzke reported that the Simsbury Farms Recreation Project is complete and that people are very pleased.

5.  New Business – There is none at this time.  Mr. Sawitzke said that the school system is considering various options but that all plans are on hold.

6.  Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Boardman, a second by
Mr. Kelly and a unanimous agreement.

Mary Lou Patrina