Regular Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, October 5, 2015

Public Building Committee

Regular Meeting Minutes

October 5, 2015

Subject to Approval

Chairman Ostop called the regular meeting of the Public Building Committee to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 5, 2015 in the Board of Education Conference Room located at 933 Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury, CT.

Present – Boardman, Cortes, Derr, Kelly, Ostop, Patrina, Salvatore

Absent – Dragulski, Laureno

Guests – Cook, LaClair, Shea, Monroe, Jacunski, Hopper

Senior/Community Center

Chairman Ostop updated Committee members on the status of the Senior/Community Center and reminded that they have hired Northeast Collaborative Architects for this project.  He noted that this will be first on the agenda for every meeting and that the public is invited to attend and/or comment.  The representative from Northeast Collaborative Architects discussed the phases of the project and the steps involved. 

Chairman Ostop noted that the Board of Selectmen has added two additional sites now being considered for the Senior/Community Center.  The two sites are the old Andy’s market, which has 28,000 square feet, and the Chestnut Hill Mansion (old Webster Bank) with 18,000 square feet.  The Northeast Collaborative Architects have been authorized to review these buildings and report their findings back to the Board of Selectmen. 

Mr. Boardman moved, Mr. Cortes seconded, for a five minute recess.  The motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Ostop opened the Public Audience.

 Public Audience – There was no one present.

 Minutes – September 9, 2015

Mr. Derr moved, Mr. Salvatore seconded, to approve the September 9, 2015 minutes.  The motion carried unanimously.


 Board of Selectmen Liaison Report – Cheryl Cook

Ms. Cook noted that the Board of Selectmen is focused on the Senior/Community Center and stated that they have a responsibility to the tax payers to look at these additional sites.  Ms. Cooke also noted the new Fire Hydrant Maintenance Proposed Ordinance for public and private property owners in Town. 


 Henry James School Project

Mr. LaClair and Mr. Monroe, Kaestle Boos, referred to handouts provided to committee members on PCO #16 and PCO #23 and explained these additions.

Mr. Kelly moved, Mr. Boardman seconded, to approve PCO #16 dated October 2, 2015 from Kaestle Boos Associates for the amount of $555.96 for Removal of caulking under window frames during asbestos abatement.  The motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Patrina moved, Mr. Salvatore seconded, to approve PCO #23 dated October 2, 2015 from Kaestle Boos Associates for the amount of $234.74 for Removal of Changes to flooring tile pattern.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Monroe and Mr. LaClair discussed the locker installation and what still needs to be done including the filler panels that need to be installed.


 Squadron Line School Project

Mr. LaClair and Mr. Jacunski discussed the punch list for Squadron Line School Project and the quality of the work completed on this list.  Mr. Jacunski noted that the canopy will be delivered on October 20, 2015 with installation to start on October 24, 2015. 

Mr. Cortes moved, Mr. Derr seconded, to approve from Enfield Builders, Inc. dated September 15, 2015 for the amount of $163,944.35 for General Contracting payment.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Cortes moved, Mr. Kelly seconded, to approve PCO #19 dated October 5, 2015 from Enfield Builders for the amount of $2,491.00 for Exterior Wall Finish, Rooms 108, 115 and 116.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Cortes moved, Mr. Derr seconded, to approve PCO #20 dated October 5, 2015 from Enfield Builders for the amount of $3,936.00 for Exterior Wall Finish, Rooms 104 and 117.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Kelly moved, Mr. Boardman seconded, to approve Invoice No. 15250 dated September 17, 2015 from Jacunski Humes Architects, LLC for the amount of $952.00 for Professional Services Rendered to Date.  The motion carried unanimously.


Central School Partial Roof Replacement

Mr. LaClair distributed RFQ to committee members for the Central School Partial Roof Replacement project.  He noted that they received four responses and discussed the next steps with committee members. 

Mr. Derr moved, Mr. Salvatore seconded, to authorize Chairman Ostop to contact and negotiate with Jacunski-Humes Architects, as well as Silver Petrucelli, to negotiate terms and fees for Central School Partial Roof Replacement.  The motion carried unanimously.


 Senior Center Update
Chairman Ostop noted that this was discussed earlier in the meeting


Simsbury Farms Warming Shelter

Mr. LaClair discussed the Simsbury Farms Warming Shelter revised summary budget with committee members. 

Mr. Hopper, Fletcher Thompson Architecture, discussed the construction for the Simsbury Farms Warming Shelter including the possibility of a required sprinkler system due to building code requirements.  Mr. Hopper explained the building code requirement and noted that he is waiting to hear back from the Fire Marshall on this issue.

Mr. Cortes moved, Mr. Salvatore seconded, to approve Invoice No. 25831 dated September 30, 2015 from Fletcher Thompson Architecture Engineering Interiors for the amount of $9,000.00 for CT15250 Simsbury Ice Rink Shelter.  The motion carried unanimously.

 Simsbury Farms Pool Improvements

Mr. Shea noted that he just received an updated report and that additional information is needed on his report before he can present to the Public Building Committee and discussed some options considered.

 Simsbury Farms Tennis Court Improvements

Mr. Shea distributed a summary and a final design surface proposal to committee members for the Simsbury Farms Tennis Court Improvements.  Mr. Shea noted that this project will most likely be started in the spring of 2016.

Mr. Kelly moved, Mr. Derr seconded, to approve the Revised Reconstruction of Tennis Courts dated September 8, 2015 from Milone & MacBroom in the amount of $6,500 for Final design and Bid Documents and Construction-Phase Services.  The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Derr moved, Mr. Cortes seconded, to approve Invoice No. 73058 from Milone & MacBroom for the amount of $11,800.00 for Professional Services for the Period August 1, 2015 to August 31, 2015.The motion carried unanimously.

 Old Business
No items discussed at this meeting.

New Business
Mr. Derr discussed the washout on the playground at Simsbury Farms and wanted to know who is responsible for maintenance.  Mr. Shea stated that Mr. Toner department is responsible and he will notify them.


Mr. Salvatore moved an 8:30 adjournment.  Mr. Cortes seconded and the motion carried unanimously.