Simsbury Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council


Simsbury is a town that welcomes, celebrates, and takes action to support diversity and inclusion among current and future community members.


Launched in September 2019, the Simsbury Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council (formerly known as the Simsbury SPIRIT Council) represents the community at large and serves as Diversity Champions to help Simsbury become more inclusive – fostering awareness, action, and a community where all voices are welcome and each and every individual can live, work, learn, and play in a safe environment with meaningful and healthy relationships.

In response to concerns about race relations, the Board of Education and the Community for Care co-sponsored a Diversity Forum in May 2019. The Department of Justice (DOJ) Community Relations Service (CRS) was chosen as the facilitator. Over 100 Simsbury stakeholders participated in the DOJ SPIRIT process (Site Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together) to identify issues, prioritize and develop solutions.

In September 2019 the Simsbury Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council was launched by the DOJ to move this work forward. The Council’s mission is to represent the community at large and serve as Diversity Champions to help Simsbury become more inclusive – fostering awareness, action, and a community where all voices are welcome and each and every individual can live, work, learn, and play in a safe environment with meaningful and healthy relationships. The DEI Council meets monthly and is working on several initiatives.

