02/22/2023 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Wednesday, February 22, 2023, at 7:00 P.M.
Public Hearing was web-based on Zoom

I. CALL TO ORDER – Chair Antonio called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M.


Present: Laura Barkowski, Code Compliance Officer; Chair, Steven Antonio; Lawrence Boardman, Mark Freeman, JoAnn Hogan, Ram Kaza, and Joshua Michelson.

Absent: Ali Rice, Sharon Thomas, and Stacey Walczak.


1. Public Hearings

Application #23-01 Jill Griffiths & David Keller, Owners/Applicant, for a  20-foot variance from the required 40-foot side-yard setback, pursuant to the Simsbury Zoning Regulations Sections 3.9 for the construction of an 800 sq. ft. inground pool on the property located at 122 Great Pond Road (Assessor’s Map E07, Block 301, Lot 013). Zone R-80.

• Mr. Keller stated that their intention is to improve the value, appearance, and use of their property.
• The installation of the pool is planned to blend in naturally with attractive and discreet hardscape fencing and landscaping and would have a retractable cover and fencing.
• Because the proposed plan would put one side of the pool on hill, a two-foot-tall retaining wall would be built that would fall below the grade.
• To the left of the proposed pool area the well falls back into that area and the well lines go below the deck. The water lines and electrical lines go from under the deck to the existing shed.
• On the North and Southwest areas of the property there is not enough room due to where the septic tank and leaching fields fall.
• On the South/Southeast wooded area and intersection-facing corner, which abuts Laurel Lane and Great Pond Road, is the lowest lying land area and is most often wet due to storm runoff water from the uphill properties.
• Commissioner Hogan stated that there are not two variances for front yard setbacks, but one side yard setback. Also, support from neighbors would be helpful.
• Commissioner Michelson stated that a smaller variance would make it easier to grant.
• Chair Antonio encouraged Mr. Keller to come back after exploring other options with alternate septic areas, electricity line placement, and deck reconstruction to minimize the variance.

MOTION: Chair Antonio made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hogan, to table Application #23-01 Jill Griffiths & David Keller, Owners/Applicant, for a  20-foot variance from the required 40-foot side-yard setback, pursuant to the Simsbury Zoning Regulations Sections 3.9 for the construction of an 800 sq. ft. inground pool on the property located at 122 Great Pond Road (Assessor’s Map E07, Block 301, Lot 013). Zone R-80 until the next Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on March 22, 2023. The motion carried unanimously. (6-0-0).


Chair Antonio reminded the Board that they are required to complete four hours of continuing education annually, and that UCONN’s seminar is still available online.


January 25, 2023

MOTION: Commissioner Hogan made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Michelson, to approve the January 25, 2023, Regular Meeting Minutes as written. The motion carried Unanimously. Commissioner Freeman abstained. (5-0-1).


MOTION: Commissioner Hogan made a motion, seconded by Chair Antonio, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried unanimously. (6-0-0).

Chair Antonio adjourned the meeting at 7:48 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Amanda Blaze
Commission Clerk