Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes 07/22/2020

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, July 22, 2020



ROLL CALL: Present – Chairman K. Martin, Commissioners J. Hogan, J. Michelson, M. Freeman, and Alternate A. Rice. A quorum was established. S. Antonio was appointed Secretary. Alternate Rice was seated.
Absent - Commissioners S. Thomas, S. Walczak, , S. Antonio

Application #20-07 Mark and Ieke Scully, 690 Hopmeadow Street, variance to Section 2.3.1.D.1. Installation solar car ports with in the front yard setback.

Mr. and Mrs. Scully stated that in the time they have owned and restored the building they have strived to increase the energy efficiency and lower the carbon foot print of the property. Solar has been part of that overall plan. They looked a various options. They cannot put the panels on the roof due to the historic nature and recognition of the building and if they were located in the front they would obscure the view of the building from the road so that left the parking lot option. The will put up two carport solar arrays and due to the best location for high efficiency one carport would project into the front yard setback. So they were before the board to ask for the relief to project into the front yard. The commission went through the steps of possible alternatives and hardships and decided to move into deliberation after several questions.

Motion: J. Hogan motioned to accept and approve the application, A. Rice seconded the motion, the commission voted unanimously to approve (5,0,0)

Application #20-08 Scott Woessner 2 Grant Estate Drive, variance to Section 3.10 I. Installation of a pool in the front yard.

Mr. Woessner stated he and the town had been working together to try and accommodate a pool on his property and after some time it was found that his only feasible option was to put it in what is considered a front yard under the regulations but which is the rear of his home. He is within his building line setback but due to being a corner lot his “typical” back yard is considered a front yard. Tom Hazel from the town stated that there was a extremely small slice of property that would follow the rules of the regulations but it was to small for a pool and it would be right up against the neighbor. Mr. Hazel conceded that this option would be the most practical.

Motion: J. Hogan made a motion to accept and approve the application, A. Rice seconded the motion, the commission voted unanimously to approve (5,0,0)


Appointment of an interim secretary: J. Hogan made a motion to appoint S. Antonio as the interim secretary until the official elections in December. A. Rice seconded. The commission voted unanimously to approve (5,0,0)

Minutes: J. Hogan made a motion to approve the June 24, 2020 minutes as presented M. Freeman seconded the motion, the commission voted unanimously to approve (5,0,0)

ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner J. Hogan made a motion to adjourn at 7:50 PM, A. Rice seconded. The commission voted unanimously to approve (5,0,0)