02/28/2022 Zoning Commission Minutes - SPECIAL MEETING

Meeting date: 
Monday, February 28, 2022

Subject to Approval




The public hearing was web-based on Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/2574297243

Meeting ID: 257 429 7243


I.          CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.


  1. Appointment of Alternates: Jackie Battos


Present: David Ryan, Kevin Gray, Diane Madigan, Bruce Elliott, Anne Erickson, Laura Barkowski, Jackie Battos


Absent: Melissa Osborne, Donna Beinstein, Amber Abbuhl



  1. Accessory Dwelling Unit Resolution to Public Act 21-29


Ms. Madigan made a motion to move the Accessory Dwelling Unit Resolution to the Board of Selectmen with the accompanying documents including the memo prepared by Town staff and the Commission dated February 28th, 2022. Ms. Battos seconded.


MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)


  1. Appointments to Design Review Board
    1. Appointment of Khamla Vorasane (12/06/2021 – 12/06/2025)
    2. Reappointment of Steven Antonio (12/06/2021 – 12/06/2025)


Mr. Elliott noted that bio information should be provided to the Commission for future candidates to allow for better review of their backgrounds. Ms. Barkowski added she would provide the Commission with the available information. Chairman Ryan proposed the Commission should make a motion to reappoint Steven Antonio as they are familiar with his history on the Commission and table the appointment of Khamla Vorasane until the next meeting due to the lack of background information. Mr. Gray made a motion to reappointment Steven Antonio to the Design Review Board for a term of 12/06/2021 to 12/06/2025. Ms. Madigan seconded.


MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)


The Commission tabled the appointment of Khamla Vorasane until the next meeting.




Mr. Gray stated that home occupation signs should be limited to a lower limit. The Commission discussed the sizing limitations in the current zoning regulations. Chairman Ryan stated the Commission should remove the entire section in the draft document and supplement them with Section 9.1 of the current regulations. Chairman Ryan stated the temporary sign posting length limit in Section 9.8b of the table should be standardized to 60 days. Chairman Ryan noted that Section 9.8e “municipal notification” should be removed. Chairman Ryan continued, stating Section 9.8e should be reworded to include “temporary signs that are except from standard permit requirements must have the date of erection written in indelible ink in the lower right-hand corner of the sign. Chairman Ryan noted in Section 9.10b, “rewired information” should be changed to “required information”. Ms. Madigan noted that in Section 10, “from time to time” should be replaced with “by the fee schedule”. The Commission requested Section 9.10c.4 on signage being allowed on separate properties be researched by Ms. Barkowski. Ms. Barkowski stated she would look into the historic decision for the Red Stone Pub allowance. Ms. Madigan noted that in Section 9.13, “time from time” should be replaced with “by the fee schedule”. Chairman Ryan noted that the Commission should remove Section 9.5-f.-e. Ms. Barkowski stated she would get the Town Attorney’s advice on the sizing regulations for signage, specifically to allow 2/sqft or 3/sqft.




Ms. Battos made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. gray seconded.


MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)


Chairman Ryan adjourned the meeting at 8:36pm.



Respectfully Submitted,


Joseph Hollis, Acting Clerk