Board of Selectmen Regular Meeting Minutes February 24 2014 - Approved

Meeting date: 
Monday, February 24, 2014




The Regular Meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices.  Present were: First Selectman Mary Glassman; Board members Sean Askham, Cheryl Cook, Nancy Haase, Lisa Heavner, and Michael Paine.  Other in attendance included Gerry Toner, Tom Cooke and other interested parties.


Everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.


Joan Coe, 26 Whitcomb Drive, said she sat in on a meeting of all groups that need to obtain required gathering permits.  She said the volunteers are clueless of the requirements needed for this process.  There was discussion from the Health District about what is required for proper food preparation, etc.  Ms. Coe feels the Health District should be reimbursed for their time on this issue.  Issues need to be discussed further on all events held in Simsbury.

Ms. Coe asked about the marijuana facility being approved in Simsbury.  She said this facility will be placed near the High School.  She showed an article that showed security guards with assault weapons in clear site.  Is this what we want?

She feels that The Hartford building should be made into a mental health facility for those who need help in Town.

Ms. Coe wants the Board to reject the fee schedule for the golf course.

Ms. Coe asked why the ball was in Big Y’s court now.  She has spoken to other people about this issue and would like to know what is going on.

Barbara Dolinski, 56 Library Lane, spoke about the Aquarion issue.  She’d like other communities around Simsbury to share info.  She has done a lot of research on this issue and her objectives are to share statues, dockets, etc. with the Board, PURA, and other government officials on this issue.  She said Aquarion didn’t make the water, but they are selling it back to us for a great price.

Ms. Dolinski encouraged the Board to share information with other communities as appropriate.  She is not able to share information as a private citizen because of confidentiality.

Ms. Dolinski spoke about Docket 080116 to make standard disclosure of information of all executive compensations.   Aquarion filed a restraining order so no one will know how many millions they are getting back in rebates.  She will try to bring the Board more information as often as she can.  She is asking for help with lobbying this issue to the Legislature.

Diane Nash, 5 Merrywood, said she agreed that individuals need to take charge to help the First Selectman to speak up on issues.

She spoke about the naming policy votes at the February 12th meeting.  She wrote a letter to each Selectmen of her interpretation of what happened at that meeting.  She read her letter to them. She said the only way to stop the process is to vote against the nominee.  She asked if the nominee was sent an apology for rejecting this.   She feels there either needs to be a moratorium on this policy or suggestions on how to have a naming policy that is easier to follow with parameters being set.

Robert Kalechman, 971 Hopmeadow Street, was upset as the front door was evidentially locked when he arrived and they were unable to get in.  They were given a hard time when they went to the Police Department to come upstairs.   Ms. Glassman apologized for this and said she will investigate what happened.  She said other people had no problems coming in.

Mr. Kalechman also spoke about the Naming Policy.  He feels this Naming Policy is all about politics and this needs to stop.

Mr. Kalechman also feels the marijuana facility is all about politics.  He feels there should have been a public hearing on this issue.  Now, the people are suffering the aftermath with no recourse.  He feels the Zoning Commission is out of control and they need more direction from the Board even though they are elected officials.  She wants to be notified of other meetings on this drainage issue.

Sue Benarcyk, 119 E. Weatogue, spoke again about land use and the drainage issue on her street.  She also feels the Zoning Commission is out of control and wants this and other issues taken care of.


Ms. Glassman said on February 13th the Governor declared a state of emergency to address a growing salt shortage in our State.   He said the unusually high number of winter weather has depleted salt supplies in our state, and many towns have exhausted their salt and overtime budgets.

Ms. Glassman said Public Works Director Tom Roy and his staff have made the necessary arrangements to ensure that we do not run out of salt and can keep the streets safe.  While overtime budgets are exhausted, we currently have salt on hand for another storm, if necessary, with more on the way.  There is also a stock pile of sand available.    She thanked the Public Works Department for their excellent work during an extremely challenging winter.

Ms. Glassman invited everyone to attend An Evening with Author B.A. Shapiro at the Simsbury Public Library on March 13th at 7:00 p.m.  She said Ms. Shapiro’s latest novel, The Art Forger, was inspired by an actual crime in March 1990 where 500 million dollars worth of art was stolen from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.  The art was never recovered, making this the largest art heist in history.  You can register on line at, at the reference desk at the Library, or by calling 860-658-7663.

Ms. Glassman said the Simsbury Social Services Dept. is partnering with FoodShare to offer Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) eligibility screening and application assistance.  Unfortunately, 46% of Simsbury residents who are eligible for SNAP have not yet applied.  Hopefully more Simsbury residents will apply for and receive the food assistance they need by having FoodShare volunteers available here.

Residents can apply for SNAP at Eno Memorial Hall on the second and fourth Fridays of the month from 9 - 12 noon.  Please call the Social Services Dept. at 860-658-3283 for further information.

Ms. Glassman said Gateway Planning held a meeting on February 18th to discuss The Hartford property status.   Final comments are due on February 28th in order to be considered for inclusion in the final code.  There is more information on under the Planning and Land Use page.

The final code will be finished in the first week in March and submitted to the Land Use Commission to begin the statutorily required referrals, public hearing and adoption process.


a) Approve a proclamation marking April 2014 as Fair Housing Month

Ms. Heavner read the following proclamation:

           WHEREAS, the year 2014 marks the 46th Anniversary of the passage of the Federal Fair Housing Act; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended; and

WHEREAS, this law guarantees that housing throughout the United States should be made available to all citizens without regard to race, color, religion, sex, family status, disability or national origin; and

WHEREAS, equality of opportunity for all is a fundamental policy of this nation, state and city, and

WHEREAS, barriers which diminish the rights and limit the options of any citizen will ultimately diminish the rights of all citizens; and

WHEREAS, the cooperation, commitment and support of all residents of the Town of Simsbury is necessary to removing barriers to the enjoyment of living where one chooses within one’s means.

NOW, THEREFORE, I MARY A. GLASSMAN, FIRST SELECTMAN of the Town of Simsbury do hereby Proclaim the month of April 2014 as
And request and encourage every citizen and business of our community to support and endorse Fair Housing; to reaffirm their commitment to Fair Housing for all, and wholeheartedly recognize these rights and responsibilities throughout the year.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have placed my seal and sign the great seal of the Town of Simsbury.

Dated the 24th day of February, 2014

b) Approve Tax Refunds

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve tax refunds in the amount of $633.08 as requested and approved by the Tax Collector.  Ms. Cook seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

c) Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Guidelines

No motion was made on this issue.

d) Review and discuss waiver of $750 fee for Sunshine Kids Event at Eno Hall

Ms. Haase made a motion to waive the $750 rental fee for the Sunshine Kids Event at Eno Hall on Saturday, May 17th from 6-10 p.m.  Ms. Cook seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

e) Approve 2014 fee schedules for the Simsbury Farms Golf Course and Aquatic Facilities

Mr. Askham made a motion to table the fees discussion until further consideration is made.  Mr. Paine seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

f) Approve Six (6) Month Moratorium of Simsbury Board of Selectmen Naming Rights Policy

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve a six month moratorium of Simsbury Board of Selectmen Naming Rights Policy.  Ms. Cook seconded the motion.   After discussion, this motion was amended by Mr. Askham to approve a three month moratorium of the Simsbury Board of Selectmen Naming Rights Policy.  Ms. Cook seconded this motion.  Five members were in favor with one member opposed, therefore, the motion passed.


a) Appoint Joseph Mancini as Director of Finance/Treasurer

Ms. Heavner made a motion to approve the appointment of Joseph Mancini to the position of Director of Finance/ Treasurer subject to satisfaction of conditional terms of appointment.  Mr. Askham seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

b) Appoint Simsbury Farms Sub-Committee Members
            (2) members from Board of Selectmen
            (2) members from Board of Finance
            (2) members from Culture, Parks and Recreation

Ms. Cook made a motion to appoint Sean Askham and Mike Paine from the Board of Selectmen; David Bush and Gerry Wetjen from Culture, Parks and Recreation; and Peter Askham and Nick Mason from the Board of Finance to the Simsbury Farms Sub-Committee to address the future operation of the Simsbury Farms Special Revenue Fund and set a date for an initial meeting.  Ms. Haase seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

c) Appoint Community for Care Members

There was no action taken at this time.

d) Accept the resignation of Denise Alfeld from the Historic District Commission effective February 24, 2014

Ms. Heavner made a motion to accept the resignation of Denise Alfeld from the Historic District Commission effective February 24, 2014.  Ms. Haase seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.


a) Secretary of the State Notification of Number of Electors and Number of Polling Places

Ms. Glassman gave the Board a copy of the form she filed with the Secretary of the State providing the number of electors and the number of polling places in Simsbury as required by the General Statutes, Section 9-238.


a) Special Meeting of February 12, 2014

Mr. Askham made a motion to approve the Special Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2014 with corrections.  Mr. Paine seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion passed.


1.  Personnel - no report at this time.
2.  Finance - no report at this time.
3.  Welfare - no report at this time.
4.  Public Safety - no report at this time.
5.  Board of Education - Ms. Heavner said the Senior Citizen Basketball Night was successful and everyone had a great time.   She also noted that Simsbury High School is playing against Farmington tonight - “Go Team!”


a) Review of Attorney-Client Privileged Communications from counsel concerning excess contributions to the Town of Simsbury Police Retirement Income Plan and Retirement Plan Sub-Committee’s recommendations

b) Review of analysis of responses to RFP seeking a single vendor for consolidated health care administration for the Town of Simsbury and the Simsbury Board of Education

Mr. Askham made a motion to enter into executive session at 8:20 p.m. for the purpose of: a) reviewing an attorney-client privileged communication from the Town’s pension counsel concerning excess contributions made by former employees into the Town of Simsbury Police Retirement Income Plan and the Retirement Plan Sub-Committee’s recommendations concerning this issue; and b) reviewing an analysis of responses to the Town of Simsbury’s RFP seeking a single vendor for consolidated health care administration for the Town of Simsbury and the Simsbury Board of Education.  Town Counsel Robert M. DeCrescenzo and Director of Administrative Services Thomas Cooke were present for the Executive Session.  Mr. DeCrescenzo left the Executive Session at 8:45 p.m. at the conclusion of the Board of Selectmen’s review of the pension matter.  The Executive Session continued to consideration of the health care administration matter.

Mr. Askham made a motion to come out of Executive Session at 9:00 p.m. and Mr. Paine seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Askham made a motion to authorize the First Selectmen to enter into a contract with CIGNA for the purpose of consolidating the Town of Simsbury and Simsbury Board of Education health care plans under one provider, subject to review and approval of any such contract by Town Counsel.  Mr. Paine seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Mr. Askham made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:01 p.m. and Ms. Haase seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted

Kathi Radocchio