Board of Selectmen Special Meeting - 03/14/2013 Budget Workshop

Meeting date: 
Thursday, March 14, 2013

BOARD OF SELECTMEN - BUDGET WORKSHOP Small Program Room – Simsbury Public Library Special Meeting – Thursday, March 14, 2013 – 6:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
The Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order at 6:09PM on Thursday, March 14, 2013. The meeting was held in the Small Program Room of the Simsbury Public Library located at 725 Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury, CT.  In attendance was Mary Glassman, First Selectmen as well as the following Board of Selectmen members; Lisa Heavner, Moira Wertheimer, Nancy Haase, Sean Askham and Shannon Knall. Others in attendance included; Sean Kimball; Deputy Director of Administrative Services, Mary Ann Harris; Director of Finance, Hiram Peck; Town Planner, Chief Ingvertsen; Chief of Police, Tom Roy; Director of Public Works and Sue Bullock; Head Librarian.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Everyone stood for the pledge of allegiance.
3. Public Audience
There was no public audience.
4. Review of Board of Selectmen Budget and CIP and CNR accounts for possible action and referral to the Board of Finance
Ms. Glassman said the Board of Selectmen must present the budget to the Board of Finance by March 27, 2013.  She then thanked the staff for presenting their budgets and being flexible in order to keep the numbers within the requested guidelines set by the Board of Finance. Ms. Harris handed out a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) cash flow review and summary, pursuant to the request of the Board.  Ms. Glassman noted that this, as proposed, does meet the 7% guideline set by the Board of Finance. Ms. Glassman then reviewed the CNR account changes including; putting back in the truck for Parks & Recreation ($32,500), The Pinchot Tree Area Paving was added back ($10,000), and to accommodate that, the Tree Work ($40,000) and Road Project ($22,500) were eliminated. Ms. Glassman noted this is still all a draft and up for discussion.
Ms. Mary Ann Harris outlined the budget adjustments pursuant to the request of the Board of Selectmen. She mentioned this equates to a .66% increase, not including the additional pension costs. When adding pension back into the equation, Ms. Harris said, the increase is 1.72%.
The budget was reviewed on a line-item basis. When on the topic of Facilities & Programs, Ms. Harris said Leaf Collection was added back to the budget ($15,000 added to bring to a total of $65,000) and tree work was reduced, which Ms. Glassman said, was a policy decision by the Board. The topics of tree work and open space maintenance was discussed further. Road-side tree work funds were discussed and Mr. Roy said it was determined they need to be much more aggressive in terms of tree removal, which are impacting sight-lines and have become a safety issues. He said he originally proposed $40,000 for road-side trees. Mr. Roy said if this is not funded, any trees within 12' of the roadway, which are the Town’s responsibility, will not be able to be taken care of.  The topics of tree work and open space maintenance was discussed again. Ms. Glassman said they took those funds and added them back into the Road & Drainage Supplies in the amount of $40,000 which would bring the total for Road Improvements to $455,000. Ms. Harris said the Open Space Tree Work is now at a total of $25,000.
Ms. Harris reviewed the Library line items and a discrepancy was found, corrected and agreed upon. When Ms. Glassman asked if there were any additional changes to the library line items, there were none.
When discussing the Public Works line items, Ms. Haase suggested funding $45,000 into the tree work. Ms. Glassman asked Mr. Roy there was anything from the Public Works budget that could be moved from operating expenses to CNR, then this issue was discussed further.
When on the subject of Police expenses, Chief Ingvertsen said he has been working with Board of Education, since the tragedy at Sandy Hook, regarding hiring another School Resource Officer. Because they were refused on an initial grant, Chief Ingvertsen recommends hiring a School Resource Officer (SRO) using a fund distribution ratio of 50/50 school/town which would allow the resource officer to float between Henry James and the elementary schools. Chief said they will still try for the grants, but for a third resource officer who would then just rotate through the elementary schools. Ms. Glassman said they wouldn't need the full amount right away, as the position will not begin until September, per the Chief’s recommendation.  Chief Ingvertsen said he would need to add back $15,000 in order to add a second SRO. Ms. Harris reviewed the numbers with that addition and the resulting budget increase. The source for those funds was discussed.
Ms. Harris showed the resulting numbers after making the proposed changes. The numbers were adjusted in a variety of different configurations, adjusting different accounts, and these options were discussed.
Ms. Wertheimer brought up the topic of the scheduled increase of Aquarion’s rates, which Ms. Harris said that won't affect us until May 2014, with regards to the pool, because the rates won't go into effect until fall of 2013, after the summer season. Different suggestions were made in terms of adding back and taking away from individual line items and Ms. Harris put the numbers into the excel sheet in order to see the resulting budget increase from those suggestions.
Ms. Glassman summarized the major changes proposed tonight as follows; the addition of a Security Resource Officer, add back additional funding to Road and Drainage, keep Tree Work funding, and add back some funding for a consultant to help address concerns/planning related to The Hartford. The Board of Finance guidelines were discussed in relation to where the Selectmen’s budget currently stands. The Board of Finance guidelines were discussed by the Board members.  Ms. Glassman said they want to accommodate the needs of the departments while not increasing taxes, which is a difficult balancing act.  Ms. Heavner asked how the current increase will translate to the individual taxpayer in a specific dollar amount. Ms. Harris said she can get that for her after tonight.
Ms. Glassman moved on to the CIP spreadsheet and began by reviewing the changes including; moving the West Mt. Road Area Sewer Construction project out to 2019 and the Police Station Renovation/Addition was moved out one year to 2020.
At this point, Ms. Glassman opened it up to questions regarding the CIP. Ms. Haase asked about the Senior Center project money in the amount of $204,000. This number was discussed, although Mr. Sawitzke was not present at the meeting to provide details. There were no additional questions at this point. Ms. Glassman said Ethel Walker Phase III is an obligation and therefore needs to stay on the schedule. It was noted that the Tariffville Greenway project was moved out and is dependent on grants, so that number may change. Ms. Glassman brought up the issue of the Club House Expansion, Apple Barn Renovations and the Rink Upgrade as placeholders in order to ensure funding in the future. It was said that the Emergency Generator does need to be funded, as it was pushed out last year.  Ms. Glassman noted that the Truck Wash item is necessary; it is just a question of timing. She then went through each of the items on the CIP list. The funding source of the West Mt. Road Sewer Construction was then discussed.
The Cash Flow Analysis was then reviewed and then Ms. Glassman opened the floor up for questions from the Board of Selectmen Members.
The idea of bonding now for projects that we know Simsbury is obligated for in the future was discussed (i.e. District Network Infrastructure) since the rates are so favorable right now. The idea of reducing the Charrette Infrastructure to an amount that will still allow Mr. Peck to be awarded the grant was raised. This idea was discussed by Mr. Peck, Mr. Roy and the Board members. Ms. Haase referenced the importance of the parking garage to local businesses and said she would not like to see the funding reduced. It was suggested that Mr. Sawitzke should be part of this conversation.  The practice of using future projects as placeholders was then discussed. Ms. Glassman said department heads are bringing projects up that they see coming down the pike in order to ensure future funding and appropriate preparation. Ms. Glassman suggested the Board have Mr. Sawitzke present for a discussion on some of these slated projects.
It was decided the numbers needed to be cleaned up and thoroughly reviewed. It was also agreed upon that the Board of Education should be at the next meeting in order to confirm their numbers.
Ms. Glassman said she would go over her list of questions with Mr. Sawitzke prior to the next meeting.
5. Adjourn
Ms. Heavner made a motion to adjourn the March 14, 2013 Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen at 9:04PM. The motion was seconded by Mr. Askham and was unanimously approved.
Respectfully submitted, Mary A. Glassman, First Selectman