Clean Energy Task Force Regular Meeting April 7, 2014-Approved

Meeting date: 
Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by Commissioner Valentin in Room 107 of Simsbury Town Hall, with the following members present:  Jim Ray, Melissa Valentin, Claudia Szerakowski, Bob Beinstein and Susan Van Kleef.


The draft minutes from the March 3rd meeting were reviewed by all.  Commissioner Van Kleef made a motion to approve the minutes as written.  Commissioner Szerakowski seconded the motion.  All voted in favor.

Commissioner Valentin opened the floor for public audience.

Mr. Mark Scully, who is the lead community representative and Solar Ambassador for Simsbury’s Solarize CT effort, was not able to attend, but his wife, Ms. Ieke Scully attended in his behalf.  Mr. Scully had just forwarded a draft announcement for the Solarize Simsbury launch event to be held on April 29th at Eno Hall.  This was reviewed by the committee to provide comments back to Mr. Scully.  An obvious error was noted in the ending date for the Solarize Simsbury program but also some recommended changes were made to the basic language of the announcement.  These comments were written on a copy of the draft announcement and provided to Ms. Scully.  Commissioners Ray and Van Kleef had attended the March 31st Solar Ambassadors meeting at the Simsbury Library where general publicity/events were discussed along with the involvement of Solar Ambassadors.  All those present at this meeting volunteered to help promote the event including such support as pictures/quotes related to their home solar installation, attendance at events, open houses, and workshops - including one dedicated to the financial aspects of a solar installation.  The selected solar provider for Simsbury, C-TEC Solar was present and will be helping in all aspects of the promotion.  The State of Connecticut Solarize Program marketing firm, SmartPower, also was present and will be putting together press releases for the Simsbury Solarize program. Mr. Scully had asked CETF previously to provide a volunteer as a media point of contact for Smart Power and Commissioner Valentin had agreed to handle that role.  Commissioner Valentin has now tendered her resignation immediately effective after this meeting due to her husband’s job move to Colorado.  As such, it was discussed as how to now handle this media effort in her absence.  Ms. Scully indicated that she was working with a person, Ms. Cindie Cagenello, with the Simsbury Historical Society to handle their publicity on a task basis at $20 per hour.  After further discussion, it was agreed that CETF would handle the distribution of the flyers about town promoting the April 29th launch event, but would need someone familiar with the media to handle the press releases.  Commissioner Beinstein made a motion for Ms. Scully to offer Ms. Cagenello the task of handling the media distribution for promoting the April 29th launch event at a rate of $20 per hour not to exceed $200.  Commissioner Szerakowski seconded the motion.  All voted in favor.  It was also requested that Ms. Scully set up a meeting between Ms. Cagenello and Mr. Scully to discuss the overall needs for media support throughout the program and have Ms. Cagenello provide a fixed price proposal for consideration by the CETF for funding.

No additional topics were discussed and Commissioner Valentin closed the Public Audience.

Commissioner Van Kleef and Mr. Tom Roy, Simsbury Director of Public Works, met with Mr. Burke LaClair, Simsbury Board of Education Business Manager in regard to the Simsbury Board of Education support for the new State of Connecticut Energy Pledge.  This was considered an initial meeting with providing Mr. LaClair information about the pledge and what it means to the schools.  Mr. LaClair asked for some specific information in regard to schools which was subsequently provided.  Mr. Roy is continuing to discuss with Mr. LaClair and Mr. Matt Curtis, Superintendent of Simsbury Schools to answer any further questions.  Once an agreement with the BOE is reached for their support, the Energy Pledge will be presented to the Board of Selectmen for approval.

This topic was discussed during the Public Audience.  As an action from the last meeting, Commissioner Van Kleef coordinated a letter from the CETF to the Board of Selectmen in favor of the budget item for the shared solar site investigation.  This line item has subsequently been included in the Simsbury budget that will be voted on by the public.  The State of Connecticut legislature has not approved the use of shared solar, but is still working toward a pilot program to initiate the effort.      

- Green Business Challenge – The Green Business Challenge had been discussed at the last meeting with an initial effort to be done this year with Simsbury restaurants.  Criteria for restaurants has been found on-line from other community energy related efforts and will be used to tailor a set of criteria to be used in Simsbury.  Commissioner Szerakowski will continue with this effort to put together a plan for review by CETF.  It was discussed that the basis of the criteria would be the effort of the individual restaurants with the CETF role to review/support only.  The program is not intended to be one of certification/compliance, but directed toward raising the awareness of energy and for educational purposes.  It had been previously agreed that the best means to implement the program would be during the summer months when an intern could be hired to handle the individual contacts.  The hiring of the intern would be through the town working with Mr. Tom Roy.  Commissioner Beinstein made a motion to pay an intern $10 per hour with a total cost for the summer period not to exceed $3,000.  Commissioner Szerakowski seconded the motion.  All voted in favor.  Commissioner Beinstein will work with Mr. Roy to initiate the effort for hiring an intern.  A general discussion had been held previously in regard to the recognition that would be used where various plaques and other recognition items had been determined to be too expensive.  It was agreed that a simple certificate would be used that would utilize the Green Business Challenge logo design that had been developed previously.  Commissioner Ray indicated that he could handle the certificates.

- Support of School Initiatives – Commissioner Valentin had sent information to the Simsbury High School Environmental Club representatives indicating that CETF would support their efforts financially for their idea of reusable lunch boxes.  Ms. Kelly McAlpine indicated that the club was planning to hold a competition in the Middle School for the design of a reusable lunch bag.  Ms. McAlpine had been requested that to attend this meeting to further explain their plans and participate in a discussion, but was unable to due to a school conflict.  After discussion at this meeting, it was agreed to request that Ms. McAlpine provide a time period when this competition is to be done and if next Fall, who would be the contact person.  It was also requested that the club consider an activity also at the high school that would evaluate the supply chain and the overall carbon footprint for producing the lunch bags.  Finally, the club will be requested to have a representative come to the next CETF meeting to discuss this further.

With Commissioner Valentin’s resignation, it was agreed to support Mr. Scully’s nomination to fill her position.  Commissioner Van Kleef will follow up with Mr. Al Needham of the Democratic Party in this regard.

It was unanimously agreed that CETF proclaim that Commissioner Valentin’s service to CETF was outstanding and her energy, enthusiasm and dedication to Simsbury has been an inspiration to all of the CETF members.  CETF wishes Commissioner Valentin best wishes and expects that Colorado will now benefit from her continued volunteer efforts.

The next scheduled meeting is May 5th.     

Commissioner Van Kleef motioned to adjourn the meeting at approximately 8:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Szerakowski and unanimously approved.