04/06/2023 Historic District Commission Minutes - DRAFT

Meeting date: 
Thursday, April 6, 2023

Subject to approval
Town of Simsbury, Connecticut
Regular Meeting – Thursday, April 6, 2023, at 7:00 P.M.
Main Meeting Room, Town Hall
933 Hopmeadow Street
Simsbury, CT 06070

I. CALL TO ORDER – Ms. Barkowski called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M.


Present: Code Compliance Officer, Laura Barkowski; Chad Alfeld, Patricia Hyypa, Elaine Lang, and Erin Leavitt-Smith.

Absent: Chair, Heather Goetz; Vice Chair, Dianne Mead; Mark Nyquist and Ieke Scully.

Appointment of Alternates

Commissioner Alfeld was seated as a regular member.


Application #23-01 of Tammey Moore, Owner for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install a 120-gallon propane tank with screening, 42 feet of cattle fencing, a new porch railing and spindles, and a 120 sq. ft. concrete paver walkway on the property located at 96 East Weatogue Street (Assessor’s Map H12, Block 109, Lot 030), Zone R-15.

• Mr. Moore stated that they would like to put larger rocks in their concrete paver walkway, which is situated on the side of the house and is only visible driving north.
• Mrs. Moore stated that the cattle fencing, porch railing, and spindles were all installed upon their arrival, December 2022, without obtaining a Certificate of Appropriateness.
• Mr. Moore stated that they would like to make the center of the porch railing into a gate that replicates the gate on the front of the property.
• Ms. Barkowski stated that the propane tank must be 15 feet from the side yard setback. Mr. Moore stated that the propane tank will be put into the back yard and will have screening around it.

MOTION: Commissioner Lang made a motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness, seconded by Commissioner Hyypa, for Application #23-01 of Tammey Moore, Owner for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install a 120-gallon propane tank with screening, 42 feet of cattle fencing, a new porch railing and spindles, and a 120 sq. ft. concrete paver walkway on the property located at 96 East Weatogue Street (Assessor’s Map H12, Block 109, Lot 030), Zone R-15. This approval is valid for one year. In granting the Certificate of Appropriateness the Commission finds that the applicant has demonstrated compliance to the zoning guidelines within the Handbook for the East Weatogue Historic District. The motion carried unanimously. (4-0-0).


Certificate of Appropriateness Expiration Discussion

Tabled until next meeting.

V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – November 3, 2022, Regular Meeting

Tabled until next meeting.


Commissioner Alfeld made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Lang, for adjournment. The motion carried unanimously. (4-0-0).

Commissioner Alfeld adjourned the meeting at 7:25 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Amanda Blaze
Commission Clerk