Community For Care - Minutes 5-17-2017

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Community for Care

 Meeting Minutes

May 17, 2017

Call to Order at 5:45pm.

Cheryl Cook, Selectman and Co-Chair of the Community for Care Committee called the meeting to order at 5:45pm on Wednesday, May 17, 2017.  The meeting was held in the 2nd floor meeting room at Eno Hall.  Also in attendance were Pastor Woody Eddins, Co-Chair of the Community for Care Committee, Sue Homrok-Lemke, Assistant Superintendent; Mickey Lecours-Beck, Director of Social Services, Richard Holden, Sally Reiger,  Tom Steen,  Becky Rosenthal, Judy Sturgis.

Pledge of Allegiance was not recited.

Public Audience: There was no comment from members of the public present.

New Business:

The Committee discussed the potential content for upcoming Community for Care Programs.  Many suggestions were put forward and the Committee formed a consensus around producing an SCTV program related to the “13 Reasons Why” program and other social media trends popular with adolescents.

Mr. Steen updated the Committee on activities and programs available through the CT Suicide Prevention Counsel. Several suggestions were debated by the Committee.

The Committee discussed possible content for programing in the fall.

The Committee feedback from the Harlem Rockets Program at Simsbury High School.

 Adjournment: Ms. Rosenthal made a motion to Adjourn at 6:25pm.  Mr. Eddins seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cheryl Cook, Co-Chair