WPCA Minutes 10/08/2015

Meeting date: 
Thursday, October 8, 2015



OCTOBER 8, 2015

“Subject to Vote of Approval”

1.         CALL TO ORDER

Chairman Philip Richardson called the regular meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority to order at 7:33 p.m. in the Simsbury Water Pollution Control Facility Conference Room, 36 Drake Hill Road, Simsbury. The following members were present:  Loren Shoemaker, Michael Park, Tom Hickey and Ed Kelly.  Also present were Anthony Piazza, Superintendent, Tom Roy, Director of Public Works, Alison Sturgeon, Clerk, as well as other interested parties.

2.         SAFETY BRIEF – Chairman Richardson stated that the fall season is upon us and it will be getting dark earlier.  Please wear reflectors on clothing as well as light colored clothes.  He stated that safety measures should be taken when using equipment for yard/leaf clean-up.  There was an article in the newspaper regarding a man who died while working with a wood chipper.  


Mr. Richardson stated that the Maple Court Homeowners Association (MCHO) had been receiving a 20% discount on their annual usage fee for many years.  The WPCA decided to stop this discount this next fiscal year moving forward.   Interest cards were sent out to all 14 homeowners served by this system.  He stated that if this sewer upgrade is approved by the WPCA, the Town could then accept the new sewers, which would alleviate the MCHO from having to maintain this system.  Mr. Richardson stated that this project would assess each homeowner at an equal cost.

Mr. Roy stated that, if approved, this would be a better layout of the sewer than what currently exists.  The sewer would go from West Street to Maple Court with 2-3 branches off the main line.  He stated that the MCHO will need to issue easements because these are private streets; the Town will not be able to move forward without these easements.  Also, as part of this project, the Public Works will be repaving this street.  Mr. Piazza stated that the cost is estimated to be approximately $150,000 based on a quick preliminary design.  He stated that some interest cards have been sent back by the homeowners.  If more interest cards are not returned, Alison will contact the MCHO to better understand their interest in this project.

Mr. Richardson stated that the WPCA will continue this discussion at the next meeting.


Mr. Richardson stated that 4 interest cards were sent out and they received 3 “interested” responses and 1 “not interested response.  The fifth property that would be part of this project is a vacant lot.  Mr. Piazza stated that the one homeowner who is not interested (331 Bushy Hill Road) could be eliminated from this project and eventually tie in with Wildwood Drive extension in the future.

Mr. Shoemaker made a motion to set a public hearing date for November 12, 2015 for a possible sewer extension project for 318-326 Bushy Hill Road.  Mr. Hickey seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Mr. Roy stated that the Town went out to bid for Russell Lane; bids came back favorably.  He stated that they were waiting on two homeowners to grant easements through their property who had concerns.  Out of the five homes in this project, the easements were needed by every other property.  Mr. Roy stated that the project could continue and serve 3 out of the 5 homes closest to the cul-de-sac.  He stated that if the other homeowner does not give the Town the easement, the Town would need to talk to the other 2 homeowners and let them know that the cost of the project will still be divided equally among the five potential customers.  Mr. Sawitzke has, again, recently met with the two homeowners regarding easements.  One of the homeowners was agreeable to give the easement if the assessment could be deferred until the time of hookup and not due when the house was sold. 

Mr. Richardson questioned if there were any failing septic systems in this area.  Mr. Piazza stated that there is not currently a critical need to extend this sewer at this time.   

There was a short discussion by the Authority regarding deferring the assessments of the two homeowners who may agree to give easements to the Town.  The Authority members expressed the importance of making sure each of these homeowners knew that it would primarily be up to their bank as to when their assessment would need to be paid off, even if the Town agrees to different terms.  Mr. Shoemaker recommended that Rich Sawitzke have more discussions with the two residents to make sure they are fully aware of everything involved with granting the easements and deferring their assessment. 

There was a consensus among the Authority that this project would only move forward if all of the homeowners were in agreement since there was not a critical need at this time. 

Mr. Roy stated that there will be a meeting with Hesketh Engineering regarding using a third party design firm for the Andrew Drive project. 

Mr. Roy stated that the Board of Finance has looked into the WPCA budget and reserve fund and would like to see a presentation on this issue at their meeting on October 20th.  The presentation will state that after reviewing the Capital Plan against the Reserves the WPCA budgets are right where industry experts state the reserve fund should be and that they are being managed in the most professional way.  Mr. Roy will be preparing the Powerpoint presentation for this meeting.


Mr. Piazza stated that all permit requirements were met for September.  He stated that a phosphorous analyzer has been installed and will have a factory startup in the month of October.  The second bar screen and rag conditioner submittals were approved with a scheduled delivery of December 6th.

Regarding the Farmington River bank stabilization, Mr. Piazza stated that they have applied for a Town Wetlands permit and will continue to work with WMC Engineering to finalize all permit requirements.

Mr. Piazza stated that, on average, energy use at the plant is down 1000kwhr / day.  Also, Northeast Communications is completing the SCADA and controls upgrade of the Longview pump station, which is estimated to be completed by December 2015.  He stated that they have completed a renumbering of all manholes and established 10 drainage basins for the collection system.  Staff is currently cleaning Section 2 and completed video inspection of the Tariffville section of the system.

Mr. Piazza stated that there is currently a temporary person assigned to fill the position of Engineering Inspector.  Also, the job description for Alison is currently being rewritten to upgrade the position from 35 hours to 40 hours per week.


The Authority members reviewed a letter to Sunlight Construction regarding the sewer capacity review for Cambridge Crossing on Hoskins Road.  Mr. Piazza stated that the sewer capacity is available for what is being proposed. 


Regarding 292 Bushy Hill Road, Mr. Richardson stated that the minutes from the September meeting reported that the homeowner should not be assessed again since the assessment had already been paid. Since that meeting, it was clarified to the WPCA that the assessment for 292 Bushy Hill Road was not previously paid.   

Dr. Park made a motion to approve the September 10, 2015 minutes as written.  Mr. Hickey seconded the motion, which was approved.  Mr. Kelly abstained.

9.         ADJOURN

Mr. Shoemaker made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m.  Dr. Park seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Philip Richardson, Chairman