WPCA Minutes 10/09/2014

Meeting date: 
Thursday, October 9, 2014



OCTOBER 9, 2014

1.         CALL TO ORDER

Chairman Richardson called the regular meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Simsbury Water Pollution Control Facility Conference Room, 36 Drake Hill Road, Simsbury. The following members were present:  Michael Park, Jay Sheehan, Thomas Hickey, Loren Shoemaker and Ed Kelly.  Also present were Tony Piazza, WPC Superintendent, Tom Roy, Director of Public Works, as well as other interested parties.

2.         SAFETY BRIEF – Mr. Richardson gave a safety brief noting that the roads will be slippery as the leaves start to fall. 

3.         Environmental Systems Corporation – Energy Audit

Mr. Piazza introduced Chris Hart of ESC.  Mr. Hart distributed handouts to the Authority members.  He stated that they have also been working with Tighe & Bond, as well as with JK Energy Solutions in terms of this energy audit.

Mr. Hart made a presentation to the Authority members during which he discussed:  Energize Connecticut – energy opportunities program; Simsbury treatment facility in terms of the energy usage summary and energy efficiency measures; financing options; and a summary of the project financials. 

Mr. Hart stated that they are recommending the following for the treatment facility:  HVAC Energy Controls; Odor Control Scrubber and Makeup Air Units (MAU) Controls and VFDs; Add VFDs and Reprogram (4) 15HP Anoxic Zone Mixers; and Lighting.  He stated that although the lighting does not have a payback until year 41, there are maintenance savings as well as correcting safety issues. 

Mr. Hart stated that the total investment for all four measures would be $226,000 before incentives.  He stated that the comprehensive incentive is expected to be approximately $98,000.  Although Connecticut Natural Gas has not yet committed to their portion, approximately $30,000 of that incentive, ESC continues to work with them to speed up their commitment.  Connecticut Light & Power has already committed approximately $68,000.  The net amount required after all incentives, assuming CNG will commit their portion, would be $28,316.60 with 48 monthly payments being $2,083.33.

Mr. Hart stated that the Town of Simsbury is eligible for 0% financing to implement these recommended measures.  There is a maximum of $100,000 per meter.  In response to a question by Mr. Roy, he stated that there is a cap per entity, although it is uncertain if the Town as a whole is an entity or if the Board of Education would be a separate entity.  He will be looking into this issue. 

Mr. Roy stated that upgrading the facility, at this point, would be a benefit.  He feels that taking

the net amount out of Reserves makes sense, although the WPCA needs to decide whether or not to include the lighting.  Mr. Piazza stated that he would recommend not including the lighting and replacing them on an as-needed basis.  Mr. Shoemaker questioned if the lighting issues were in regards to efficiency or to safety.  Mr. Piazza stated both are issues; more efficiency as well as some safety.  Mr. Sheehan asked that Mr. Piazza prioritize the most critical areas of safety. 

Mr. Hart stated that he will draft a contract for the WPCA to review.  Mr. Roy stated that he will review the procurement process with the Town Attorney and provide his response in a memo and email it to the WPCA.  The Authority can discuss this at the next meeting, which would hopefully put the Authority in a position to approve or not approve this process.  Mr. Richardson asked Mr. Roy to also look at the analysis behind this as well as give them his professional assessment. 


A letter was received by the homeowner stating that the septic is currently failing at 78 Seminary Road.  The WPCA did approve an extension in 2013 for 79-94 Seminary Road.  Mr. Piazza suggested that if consideration is given to 78 Seminary, that the WPCA extend consideration to several additional houses on that road.

In response to a memo from Mr. Sawitzke, dated September 29, 2014, noting the potential for deferred assessments, Mr. Richardson stated that it has been WPCA practice to provide deferred assessments only under special circumstances and that he did not see such circumstances in this case.  The WPCA discussed the practice of deferring assessments and agreed that based on the current information for Seminary Road, deferred assessments were not appropriate. 

Mr. Piazza stated that, based on the layout of the land, the sewer could extend to at least four more lots, possibly up to the intersection.  Mr. Richardson suggested sending out interest cards to homeowners as well as having a public hearing.  The Authority members agreed. 


Mr. Piazza stated that Landworks requested to participate in the FCC Financing Program back in 2013.  At that time, since this was the first request, the WPCA decided to have the Town Attorney review the letter.  This issue never came back to the Authority.  Mr. Piazza stated that a motion to approve or deny this financing request is needed.

Mr. Sheehan made a motion to approve the ten-year FCC financing for Mill Commons Apartments.  Mr. Shoemaker seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Mr. Roy stated that Russell Lane continues to be in the design phase and they continue to wait on the sizing of the pump facility out of the DPW yard at Long View.  He stated that they are also waiting on the agreement for Murphy’s Turn.  Mr. Richardson stated that a Developer’s Agreement will need to be submitted.


Mr. Piazza stated that all permit requirements were met for September.  Preventative

maintenance was completed and the secondary clarifier was put back online; one oxidation ditch remains off-line during low flow conditions.  He stated that submittals for the mechanically cleaned bar screen and screenings conditioners have been received.  A delivery date of January 2015 is anticipated.

Regarding the Farmington river bank stabilization, Mr. Piazza stated that the mussel study was done for the construction area; they are currently waiting for the State DEEP to give recommended action. 

Regarding the north interceptor flow assessment, AECOM is in the process of incorporating the review comments for the north main interceptor report and the Wastewater flow and load update to finalize the report.  Also, a letter has been drafted and sent to terminate the contract with Connecticut Carpentry.  Mr. Piazza stated that Schultz Construction continues to work on punch list items.  Some minor electrical issues and SCADA data logging are what remains. 

Mr. Piazza stated that the truck driver position was approved by the Town’s personnel subcommittee and council.  This job is currently being advertised.


There was no correspondence to discuss.


Dr. Parks made a motion to approve the September 11, 2014 minutes as written.  Mr. Hickey seconded the motion, which was approved.  Mr. Shoemaker abstained.

10.       ADJOURN

Dr. Parks made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m.  Mr. Sheehan seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.



Philip Richardson, Chairman