WPCA Minutes 2/19/2014 - Special Mtg

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 19, 2014



FEBRUARY 19 2014

1.         CALL TO ORDER

Chairman Richardson called the special meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Simsbury Water Pollution Control Facility Conference Room, 36 Drake Hill Road, Simsbury. The following members were present:  Michael Park, Thomas Hickey and Ed Kelly.  Also present were Tony Piazza, WPC Superintendent, Richard Sawitzke, Town Engineer, Tom Roy, Director of Public Works, Alison Sturgeon, Clerk as well as other interested parties.

2.         SAFETY BRIEF – Mr. Richardson gave a safety brief noting the exits in case of an emergency.  He also gave safety tips regarding ice on the roads and in parking lots.

Mr. Richardson welcomed Thomas Hickey to the Authority.


Mr. Richardson stated that this public hearing is a continuation from last month.  The Authority will take additional public comment at this meeting.

Mr. Edwards, 12 Buttonwood Drive, stated that the neighbors involved have met and they have agreed to have percolation tests done on each of their four properties in order to see if there is an urgency for connecting to the sewer.  He stated that his septic is original to when his house was built in 1968.

Mr. Biamonte, 15 Buttonwood Drive, stated that the homeowners would like the Authority to defer their decision until all pertinent information has been received.

Mr. Sawitzke stated that Buttonwood Drive is currently included in the next 2-year funding cycle request in May 2014.  Mr. Richardson stated that, after all data is collected and if the homeowners want to go forward, a letter stating that, preferably, all four homeowners are in favor of the extension would be needed.  Another public hearing would also be needed at that time.

Mr. Edwards stated that although Jill Prentiss is not present at this meeting, she would like to know what the highest cost estimate would be in case ledge rock is found.  Mr. Sawitzke stated that more test holes would be dug prior to the start of the project, if approved.  The project would not go forward if costs increased significantly because of ledge rock.

Mr. Biamonte questioned what size pipe and trench would be used from the street to the house.  Mr. Sawitzke stated that each homeowner can pick the route the pipe takes, within reason, from the street to the house.  The trenches are dug by a small excavator or backhoe, making an approximately 8’ swath.

Dr. Park made a motion to close the public hearing.  Mr. Hickey seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

Mr. Kelly made a motion to close the process of reviewing the proposal for extending sanitary sewers on Buttonwood Drive, Simsbury and not approve this extension.  Dr. Park seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Bryan Robik stated that he is requesting that Dorset Crossing apartments, with an FCC totaling $521,337, be financed over a ten year period.  A letter requesting this financing was submitted to the Authority.  Mr. Robik also stated that he has made several changes to the Developer’s Agreement regarding inspection and permit fees as well as the calculations of the FCC.  Mr. Roy stated that the Developer’s Agreement should not be changed since it is a document which refers to other documents. 

Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the ten (10) year financing for Dorset Crossing apartments as requested by Bryan Robik, Eastpointe, LLC, as well as authorizing the Chairman of the Water Pollution Control Authority or a designee to sign the Developer’s Agreement for this project when ready.  Mr. Hickey seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Mr. Piazza stated that in 2006, the State of Connecticut mandated that automatic grease recovery units or an outside tank be installed in restaurants by 2011.  He stated that approximately 75% of the restaurants in Simsbury have complied.  The Simsbury’s Town Code does give the Town the authority to fine any violators.  Mr. Piazza distributed a draft citation warning that could be given out to violators, not necessarily to collect the fee, but to give them time to come into compliance.  Another draft citation regarding illegal discharge to the sewer of any ground water, which could be from sump pumps, roof drains, etc. was also distributed to the Authority.  This citation, again, would not be a way to fine the homeowner, but it would be a way to get a problem corrected.

Mr. Richardson stated that he would like the Town Attorney to review these draft citations before a decision is made as to whether they should be issued to apparent violators.  He also asked that after legal review the issue be discussed again at a future meeting when more Authority members are present.

6.         FY 14/15 BUDGET – DISCUSSION

Mr. Piazza stated that all of the budget increases are due to healthcare, insurance, pension and step increases.  Other than these, the budget will be staying the same or decreasing; overall the budget will go up 2.7%.  He stated that last year’s income earnings were overestimated by $257,000.  The Authority agreed with Mr. Piazza’s recommendation that sewer rates remain unchanged for FY 14/15.  The budget allows for approximately $350,000 to be added to the Reserve Fund; the Fund’s current total is $4.1 million.

Regarding Capital Projects, Mr. Piazza stated that they would like to replace the influent grinders and screens.  He has received an estimate of $520,000 to replace both inline grinders with mechanical bar screens and two rag conditioners.

Regarding the Long View Pump Station, the Town owns Lot #42 at the bottom of the hill where the current force main ends.  Instead of running the existing force main up the rest of the hill to connect the Town garage, he is proposing to move the pump station.  If the pump station is installed at the bottom of the hill it could accommodate the rest of the development in the future.  Although this will be an upfront cost, it will benefit everyone in the long term and some of the costs could be recovered when hookups occur.  Mr. Sawitzke stated that the portion of the pump station costs not allocated to the Town could be deferred and allocated to properties that have not yet hooked up if they eventually connect. 

Mr. Richardson wanted to ensure that the reason for the extension is clear with the Authority; specifically whether it is to connect the garage, in which case he believes the Town should bear the entire cost, or if it is also desired to enable future connections on Long View Drive.  If the former, he believes the funds would be more appropriate in coming from the Public Works and not the WPCA.  Mr. Roy stated that they will be providing the same length of pipe.  Public Works would pay for the pipe from the proposed location of the pump station to the current location.

Mr. Richardson stated his opinion that in either case the extension would need to go to a public hearing.  Mr. Sawitzke stated that a public hearing would need to be held.

Mr. Richardson stated his concern that this sewer extension, which may be capable of serving 8 homes on Long View Drive and also the Town garage, be treated in a manner consistent with other extension projects, although he recognized that there are unique aspects.  He expressed some concern over the administrative issues involved with deferred assessments.  He stated that this should be discussed again at a future meeting when the other Authority members are present.  Mr. Sawitzke stated that he would look at some of the differential costs as to what pump replacement and controls might be required in any event (with or without an extension).  Those costs would normally be costs that the WPCA would bear.

Mr. Piazza stated that there were plans this year to extend the garage at the plant, which has been postponed based on the possibility for a phosphorous chemical building.

Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the FY 14/15 Operating Budget.  Dr. Park seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Mr. Sawitzke stated that the lines have satisfactorily passed the air test and visual inspection; he recommends that these sewers be accepted into Simsbury’s system.

Dr. Park made a motion to accept Dorset Crossing Drive / Casterbridge Crossing into Simsbury’s sanitary sewer system.  Mr. Kelly seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.



Mr. Sawitzke stated that these sewers will not need to be accepted; they need to be approved by the WPCA. The Town does not maintain these sewers.

Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the private sewers for Carson Way Phase I and Mill Pond Townhouses. Mr. Hickey seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


Mr. Sawitzke stated that there is interest for sewer extensions on Flintlock Ridge and Musket Trail. Inquiry cards will be sent out once cost estimates are complete.


Mr. Piazza stated that all permit requirements were met for the month of January 2014. He stated that the Tunxis Pump Station replacement continues to be at the punch list stage. A formal letter will be sent out stating that this project needs to be finished or the bond will be pulled. Regarding the Wolcott Pump Station, the generator will be tested. The SCADA programming is scheduled for February 24. The contractor expects to be completed prior to the end of April 2014.

Mr. Piazza stated that Erik Matthews took the Class I operator exam and is waiting for the results. The DOT has postponed his CDL driving test twice due to weather related issues.


The Authority reviewed letters regarding the change of use for PetValue at 530R Bushy Hill Road; FCC at Westminster School; and a letter, dated 2003 which was sent out to homeowners stating that Ensign Bickford will be responsible to maintain their sewer lines.


The January 9, 2014 minutes were tabled until the next meeting.

13.       ADJOURN

Dr. Park made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:25p.m. Mr. Hickey seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.



Philip Richardson, Chairman