Aging & Disability Commission - Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 17, 2023


Via Zoom and recorded

Regular Meeting January 17, 2023 – 7:00 pm


January 17, 2023



Jan Beatty, Vic Bible, Cheryl Cook, Anne Erickson Sandee Fleet, Deb Glass, Mike Jennings, Shannon Leary, Kate Robbins, Jen Seiderer, Diana Yeisley, Susan Ray (library liaison), and Kathleen Marschall (Senior Center Coordinator)


Amber Abbuhl (BOS liaison), Robin Batchelder, and Terry Henault

CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Yeisley, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. She advised of the following commission member changes: Joanne Cohen’s term has expired.Three openings are currently available (2 alternates and 1 member).



None received.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES – Regular Meeting of November 15, 2022

Mr. Bible moved to accept the minutes without correction; Ms. Fleet seconded and the motion passed.

BOARD OF SELECTMEN (BOS) LIAISON REPORT: Ms. Abbuhl was absent but Ms. Yeisley shared her report. She noted that, after the public hearing December 12 about revising the Town Code to allow the use of bicycles and non-motorized scooters on sidewalks, the revision is being reconsidered.Ms. Cook spoke at the meeting to suggest considering limited use of bicycles on sidewalks within a certain distance of schools. Ms. Yeisley thanked the commission members for providing their responses. Ms. Abbuhl also noted that the BOS drafted an ordinance to ban the retail sale of marijuana for 18 months; a public hearing on the ordinance will be held February 13 at 6 pm.


Ms. Marschall highlighted programs with the library that are coming up: On Sunday, January 22 at 2:00 the Caribbean Vibe Steel Drum Band will present a concert.  On the 23rd at 5:30 there will be a program on the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s.  On February 5, an indoor tailgate party for UConn women’s basketball game begins at 11:30. On February 15, a Memory Café will be hosted by the Senior Center in the Program Room of the library from 1:00 – 1:45p.m. To share memories and stories at a social gathering, RSVP by February 13. The AARP tax aid program starts February 16 and runs through mid-April; call Senior Center to make an appointment.


Fashion Show – 2023: Tabled for next meeting in Ms. Batchelder’s absence.

Souper Thursday: Ms. Yeisley noted that $70 remains in the budget.  Mr. LaMontagne has said that the Granby/Simsbury Rotary Club would be glad to donate and will advise after their board meeting.

Sensory Friendly Santa Event: Ms. Yeisley noted that the event on December 12 was well attended with every time slot taken. She thanked the commission members who helped.

Spring Movie Event: Ms. Yeisley suggested a sensory friendly movie in April at the library.  Ms. Ray suggested a weekend day event; it is tentatively scheduled for April 23, Sunday, at 2:00 in the Program Room. Ms. Ray will offer a list of possible movies to consider.


Age Friendly Community Update and Survey: Ms. Beatty noted that a working group meeting to begin analyzing data and making plans for focus groups will take place later this month. Mr. Jennings suggested that he would like to be involved in future work group meetings.

Affordable Housing Update: Ms. Cook noted that the first and second educational programs of the DEI Council Housing Sub-Committee are completed.  Starting next week there will be half-hour segments on SCTV about affordable housing issues. Stakeholder meetings around town are almost completed. In May (date to be determined) there will be a community forum to explore affordable housing issues.

Disability Employment Resource List: Ms. Ray provided an example showing that not everyone with disabilities can fill out online applications. Ms. Yeisley noted that the issue might be brought to the attention of the Chamber of Commerce, Main Street partnership, and potentially Rotary Club.

Spring Presentation/Seminar: Mr. Bible noted that he hopes to get all members of the working group to meet within the next weeks to discuss further.


Other:  Ms. Seiderer asked whether Food Pantry plans for any requests for food sensitivities. Ms. Cook noted that gluten-free food is available.

Other: Ms. Leary noted that on March 17-19 the Favarh Players are putting on Aladdin at Kingswood-Oxford School.

Other: Ms. Beatty noted that the Planning Commission issued a survey available on the Simsbury Town website about the Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) and is looking for public response. A public hearing will be held Monday, January 30, 2023.


Mr. Bible  moved to adjourn the meeting and Ms. Erickson seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 pm.

Next meeting:  February 21, 2023 at 7 pm via Zoom.

Submitted by

Jan Beatty
